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Article title: Some of the top political science journals are biased against women.

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Date Published: May 30th, 2017
Authors: Dawn Teele and Kathleen Thelen
Publication: The Washington Post

Summary: The authors of this article begin by framing the question: Is there gender bias among
top political science journals? Using statistics of the top political science journals over the past
15 years, they conclude that yes, there is a gender bias. They cite statistics that show the large
minority that women are in this field. After coming to this conclusion, they then ask Why is
there a gender bias in political science journals? They explore two possible explanations - how
scholars collaborate and the research methods used. The authors are unable to definitively
determine the cause of this disparity, but claim that looking forward, diversity must be
represented amongst the top political science journals, and believe that this is not an issue to be

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