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Subject: JOURN 130

II. Week Number: 2 (November 27 - )
III. Name: Charleen Pearl L. Rayos
IV. E-mail:
V. Course: AB Communications
VI. Student Number: 2014-10092
VII. Country: United Arab Emirates


Explain the importance of a Photojournalist in the media industry.

Photojournalists are the people who contribute pictures in the development of photographic essays and
interpretative picture stories. Their role in the industry is important because they are highly trained to
capture the highlights and important factors from the events. The saying a picture is worth a thousand
words is true especially for photojournalists. They convey the truth through their photographs and they
help the readers get the feeling of what it is like to be in the story. A photojournalist is needed in the
media industry because his images are capable of summarizing the article in one picture. Photographs
are important because they supplement, enhance, and extend the text by highlighting and pressing
upon the readers important points. Lastly, photojournalists are essential to the media industry because
pictures attract more readers.


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