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Avenue Q Script

Barrington Stage Company Directing Project

Olivia Ragan Director

Avenue Q is the story of several young New Yorkers, all on the cusp of
becoming real adults. Through many thwarted and failed attempts to become
productive members of society they all work towards developing a deeper
understanding of who they are in this world. From the beginning of the show, all of
the characters express how much it sucks to be me, whether that be because of
their lack of employment, lack of love, lack of respect, or lack of purpose. Each seeks
to answer lifes big question: what is my purpose? while they simultaneously
navigate the logistic challenges of being a young person living in New York City.
When these challenges present themselves, the characters teach each other that the
most important thing in life is to love and support one another. But, sometimes the
best way to show your love and support is to remind one another that life sucks and
you have to get up and keep trying your best anyway because everything in life is
only for now.

Cast: Songs:
Princeton- Courtney Stewart What Do You Do With A B.A. in English
Kate- Caitlin Crane- Moscwitz It Sucks To Be Me
Brian- Evi Mahon Purpose
Christmas Eve- Connie Bahng There Is Life Outside Your Apartment
Gary Coleman- Zina Ellis Schadenfreude
Nicky- Harley Seger For Now
Rod- Carson Robinette

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