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ELORZA Providence Public School District

Mayor Office of the Superintendent
797 Westminster Street
CHRISTOPHER N. MAHER Providence, Rhode Island 02903
Superintendent tel. 401.456.9211
fax 401. 456.9252

June 30, 2017

30 de junio de 2017

Dear Kizirian Families,

As you may have seen in the news, Providence Police arrested a Kizirian teacher this past week. The
Kizirian school community and Providence Public School District at large share your concern about
this development. The safety of our students is always our top priority.

Please be reassured that, per safety protocol, the district immediately removed the teacher from the
school and placed him on administrative leave the same day that allegations came to light. The district has
also been actively cooperating with the police on its investigation.

I understand that many of you may wish to discuss this situation further. Please feel free to reach out to
Jason Menard, director of operation and student support services, at 456-9250.

Estimadas Familias de Kizirian,

Como quizs usted ya vio en las noticias, la Polica de Providence arrest a un maestro de Kizirian la
semana pasada. Toda la comunidad escolar de Kizirian y el Distrito de las Escuelas Pblicas de
Providence comparten su inquietud sobre este acontecimiento. La seguridad de nuestros estudiantes es
siempre nuestra ms alta prioridad.

Puede estar seguro que, conforme a los protocolos de seguridad, el distrito inmediatamente retir a este
maestro de la escuela y fue suspendido el mismo da que salieron a relucir las alegaciones. El distrito
tambin ha estado cooperando activamente con la polica en su investigacin.

Entiendo que muchos de ustedes quizs desean hablar ms sobre esta situacin. Por favor no dude en
contactar a Jason Menard, director de operaciones y servicios de apoyo al estudiante al 456-9250.


Christopher N. Maher

An Equal Opportunity Employer. The Providence School Department does not discriminate on the basis of race, age, sex, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity
or expression, national origin, color, disability or veteran status. Vision: The Providence Public School District will be a national leader in educating urban youth.
Mission: The Providence Public School District will prepare all students to succeed in the nations colleges and universities, and in their chosen professions.

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