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I'm confusing about ARP refresh

Samuel Wang 3 posts since Dec 11, 2012

I'm confusing about ARP refresh Dec 5, 2013 7:17 PM
Here is problem.
My local device have an arp table of an IP address, mac-address is aaaa.aaaa.aaaa. And local device
IP address is
If I receive a Gratuitous-arp about IP address, mac-address is bbbb.bbbb.bbbb, I will refresh my ARP-
table of, right?
But, If I receive a normal ARP request of, but sender ip is,sender mac is bbbb.bbbb.bbbb. When
I replied this ARP request,I will refresh my ARP-table of , right or wrong?

Tags: arp

Paul Stewart - CCIE Security 7,582 posts since Jul 18, 2008
Re: I'm confusing about ARP refresh Dec 5, 2013 8:00 PM
Yes. You should update your arp table when you receive an ARP. This will happen based on the source IP and
Mac in the data portion of the frame. It should be true whether it is a Gratuitous ARP, Normal Arp Request, or a
Reply to a Request that the local machine made.

Samuel Wang 3 posts since Dec 11, 2012

Re: I'm confusing about ARP refresh Dec 5, 2013 10:13 PM
in response to Paul Stewart - CCIE Security
I think device should update arp table is reasonable,but base on our tracefile.
After device received arp request and replied arp request. The arp table didn't update.

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