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Ethnic differences are usually brought in different languages, so there is an unknown

term partner and there is also the same but have different meanings. If the two do not understand
each other and cannot communicate well, then misunderstandings will occur.

In a harmonious relationship and mutual need, pleasant communication will happen by

itself. Both husband and wife have always wanted to share stories about experiences, thoughts,
and feelings to their partner

The most influential communications in marriage is when undergoing daily life, which is how
both partners for each other, opening up to the partner, how to be emotionally as comforting
when one has a problem, how to respond when a couple do the less favored, and so on.


Every person has its own rhythm in a relationship. For some people it is easier to adjust
to changes and new cultural elements in a relationship, whereas for other this may take a little
longer. Be patient with your partner. Give your partner time and opportunity to adjust to changes.
And accept it if your partner cant get used to certain habits. Dont try to rush things because that
causes your partner to feel pressurized. It may cause your partner to walk on egg shells and thats
not what you want. If you think your partner is worth it, then patience should not be a problem at

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