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TAC ie SONG IAI ey ada INSDALES’ PTY. LTD., MUSIC PUBLISHERS, Melbou: 4 ree err er Paper rr yr ier ny The International Rag by IRVING BERLIN ‘Moderato ‘What did you In eve-ty Pill ready = = = s Se = aS eS fo A omen - i - you A-mer- 1- ca Jand A mer - i - ca Most eve ry band =A omer. ica. = Copyri vopsrighs, MCMNILL,ty Waterton, Horlin a Snyder Co, a, NOMI, by Watersoa, Berlin BSaydar Ga. sruational Copyright Seoured renee Pan ay na Wis got ex = di - ell nd ym stat - ed somo = ting Has start. ed eve - ry bo - dy dane - ing dai ~ nas tions jump - ing all a - round — Youve got a lot to Prane-ing gai - ly all a - round ‘Theres syn -co- pa - tion = 4 an-ewer for in the air— = =e) The world is rag- time ora 2 from shore to shore — Bac hap - py, snap py chap-py aries “Ih a bear Ea ‘The Teteraatioual Rag -4 Sree Pare _g_cHORUS ig ni So has Franceand Ger-man- y_— Allhands are danc-ing to a rag-ged-y mel-o-dy Full of o-rig-i-nal-i-ty ate i The folks who Mane te ‘The Internstional Rag -4 See = 2 ie === 5 == ae iG SS Se Dues and Lords and Russian Czars men who own their mot-or ears ‘Throw up their shoul-ders to that rag-ged-y = mel-o-dy T- tal ian ope-ra. sing -ers have learned 0 Ful of o-rig-i - mal-i-ty sap their fin - gers ‘Tho worldgoosround to the sound of the Tu-ter~ has tion-al Rag. z eo a erage ee 2S ae Ee fg eg 5 =e ss = £ § ; ‘Pho International Rag -4

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