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Using the following critically identify two business opportunities in each of the following
Incongruities: when there is a gap between expectation and reality
Trends: as shift in current paradigm thinking of the people in the community
Process Needs/challenges: problems of people that create a pain in the market.
a. Telecommunication
b. Education
c. Consultancy
d. Banking/Micro finance
e. Publishing
f. Manufacturing
2. Putting all your knowledge together, chose one business opportunity among from the
ones listed and that which ignite your passion and interest and develop a proposal in the
light of the following
a. Planning ( missions, vision, goals, brand name)
b. Products ( determine what goods or service you want to offer)
c. Customer ( determine your target client or population)
d. Marketing ( how your intend marketing you product or service)
e. Innovation/Creativity ( anything you want to do to make your product or service unique)
what makes your business special to other people to patronize yours
f. Resources (determine tangible and intangible resources you will need to start your
g. Financial ( total capital to start with and how you intend to raise the capital) source/
how much
h. Organizational structure ( organizational chart, the number of people you want to start
with and their responsibilities)
3. Using Michael Porters Five Factor Analysis, determine how profitable your business idea

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