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Dear: Professor Lesly

I want to take this time to thank you, for opening my eyes. Prior to attending your college

course I had no idea as where I was heading with my education. During the time I was in your

class I realized there are professors that still care for their students and believe in the importance

of connecting with their students on an emotional and professional level.

You opened my eyes to the fact I was not the only person who had been stuck in

community college for many years because of math. When you told the class your life story and

how you became a college professor, it inspired me. I was able to picture myself follow in your

footsteps. You made me believe in myself. Without you knowing, you inspired me to become a

college professor.

Most importantly you inspired me to become a professor who cares for their students.

You showed me the importance of acknowledging the strengths and weaknesses of every student;

but not letting their weakness define them. You showed how important it is for students to share

about their day even as an adult. I learned that a good professor does not only cares how the

student is doing in their class but cares how their doing in their education.

The last thing I would like to tell you is that I am part of Pacific Oaks. Its everything you

told me it was going to be. Even though it is a lot of work, I have learned a lot in these past few

months. You are an amazing professor, and I was blessed to be in your class. You inspired me to

continue my education and follow the path that I felt was right for me.

Sincerely, Ximena Lopez

P.S. I still have the sea shell you gave us the last day of class.

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