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I think that means that you dont study enough

It sound like you feel judged
The footsteps might symbolize something you forget to do
My interpretation of the dreams is that something is wrong in your life


More of 90% of the citizens are worried about crime in the streets
Cruceos are interested in pollution in the air

I think is (interesting) the percent of Americans who concerned about immigration

I find (surprising) the fact that only the 40% of Americans are worried about crime rate

I think that Is (socking) how a few people are concerned about the economy

Im (fascinating) about how Americans have become increasingly concerned about drug

I find (mind boggling) the low rate of amercan womens who think that women work out
of necessary and are having a hard time


I think that the next generation will be worse than nowadays, because people have become more
and more dependent of the technology and when this technology don't work, all is chaos and
every time is more difficult to solve this kind of problems.


Im concerned about try to learn more in less time, because in this days have a specialty is very
important in my career.

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