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1.The Mississippi is longer than the Thames. (long)

2 This hotel is more comfortable than the other one. (comfortable)

3 I think this shop is better than that one. (good)

4.Danny is taller than Leo. (tall)

4 This restaurant is more expensive than the other one. (expensive)

5 Simon is older than Mark. (old)

6 I think Scotland is more beautiful than England. (beautiful)

7 My brother is younger than I am. (young)

8 I like this school because it is bigger than the other one. (big)

9 Accommodation here is more expensive than in my country. (expensive)

10 The weather here is colder than at home. (cold)

11 I think you are taller than your father now. (tall)

12 His homework was worse than mine. (bad)

13 This film is more interesting than the one you wanted to see. (interesting)

14 The journey is longer than I thought. (long)

15 This lesson is more difficult than the last one. (difficult)

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