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2003 - Myers - Routledge Critical Thinkers.

2004 - Parker - A Critical Introduction.pdf
2004 - Sharpe - A Little Piece of the Real.pdf
2005 - Boucher & Glynos & Sharpe - Traversing the Fantasy.pdf
2005 - Butler - Live Theory.pdf
2006 - Dean - Zizek's Politics.pdf
2007 - Vighi & Feldner - Beyond Foucault.pdf
2008 - Brockelman - Zizek and Heidegger.pdf
2008 - Johnston - Zizek's Ontology.pdf
2009 - Boucher - Charmed Circle of Ideology.pdf
2009 - Johnston - Badiou, Zizek, and Political Transformations.pdf
2010 - Sharpe & Boucher - Zizek and Politics.pdf
2010 - Vighi - On Zizek's Dialectics.pdf
Bratsis - Illusions of Purity in Bergeois Society.pdf
Dean - Zizek's Art as a Symptom.pdf
Hanlon - Zizek and the Postpolitical.pdf
Hart - Zizek And The Colonial Model of Religion.pdf
Lacans Use of mathematical science.pdf
Sitze - Denialism.pdf
Smith - Zizek on Deleuze and Lacan.pdf

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