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Around the year 200 AD, in the jungles of southern Mexico, the Maya arrived, settled between the
Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea, where ancient temples with architectural style, buildings,
aqueducts, walls, defensive moats, deposits Rainwater, ball games, steam baths, tombs, isolated
arches and astronomical observatories.

In addition to land territory, the Maya inhabited islands, such as the island sanctuary dedicated to
the Mayan goddess of love, medicine, moon and fertility called Ixcha, so the Spaniards christened
Isla Mujeres.


Cultural heritage and love for the environment await you in the best family theme
park: Xcaret eco-archaeological Park.

Located on the seashore near Cancun in the Riviera Maya, Xcaret has attractions
for everyone. Enjoy a traditional Fiesta Charra and the Mayan Ball Game, or if you
are a nature lover visit the Jaguar Island and our colorful Butterfly Pavillion.

You can also enjoy the Caribbean Sea! Take a snorkeling tour, swim
in underground rivers and have fun with the Dolphin Swim.

Entrada $1831.50

Buffet $500

Preferential rates for Quintana Roo residents (Showing ID)


Sources of the sixteenth century designate the site as "Zam",

which in maya means "morning" or "dawn." The name of Tulum,
is relatively recent, and is translated like "wall" or "palizada", in
allusion to the wall that is conserved here.
The archaeological site of Tulum is located in one of the most
beautiful beaches of the Riviera Maya.
General admission: $ 70

Guide not included


A trip to Chichen Itza is a must, at Yucatans grandest archaeological site the

famous El Castillo Pyramid alone is worth the trek, it is one of the new seven
wonders of the world. Take your time with the rest of this ancient Mayan city
with fantastic ruins and reliefs at every turn, including many temples and the
Juego de Pelota.

How to get

By plane, depending on the date, round trip from $ 3000

By bus, round trip from $ 2000

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