Konsep Dasar Termodinamika

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Tugas Kasus Kelas Hukum dan Etika Bisnis

Pertemuan 2 :
a. Unocal in Burma (MN I)
b. Traidos Bank and Roches Drug Trials in China (MN II)
Pertemuan 3 :
a. The GM Bailout (MN II)
b. Accolade Versus Sega (MN I)
Pertemuan 4 :
a. Intels Rebates and Other Ways it Helped Customers (MN I)
b. Archer Daniels Midlands and the Friendly Competitors (MN II)
Pertemuan 5 :
a. The Ok Tedi Copper Mine (MN I)
b. Gas or Grouse? (MN II)
Pertemuan 6 :
a. Becton Dickinson and Needle Sticks (MN II)
b. Reducing Debts at Credit Solutions of America (MN I)
Pertemuan 7 :
a. Wal-Marts Women (MN I)
b. Should Kroger Pay Now for What a Ralphs Employee Did in the Past? (MN II)

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