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Demiurge talkings

In memorial of love revival

Why? I wonder why?

The Almighty allows beloved ones gone
For blindess of religious beliefs
Pain and sorrow in our hearts
Sadness all over our spirits longing for awareness
Shed a tear such as angels weeps
Mother earth, father sun crying at their children souls
If my party yard seems to be my enemy?
You said once theres no one but the mind
So I beg now for compassion and pure love
For those who misunderstood the Masters teachings
We will stand still in the name of love Lord
Smilingly at pain, joyfully eternal souls in cosmic venture
Hatred and aversion, must become love and compassion
Let the Demiurges wisdom brighten our path
May all beings be happy, be liberated
From mental slavery and find the answer
Remind us that we are all brothers and sister
And must come together once again to be just the holy one
Oh Holy one, path to become oneness in you

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