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Inner Light: The Dragon Within

Inner Light
The Dragon Within

Inner Light: The Dragon Within
ISBN: 978-1-4092-6656-3
Rights Owner: Metha Metharom
Copyright: 2008 Metha Metharom
Standard Copyright License
Language: English
Country: Australia

All rights reserved.

The reproduction, transmission or utilization

of this work in whole or in part in any form by
any electronic, mechanical or other means,
now known or hereafter invented, including
xerography, photocopying and recording, or
in any information storage or retrieval system,
is forbidden without written permission.

This book is a work of fiction. The names,

characters, incidents and places are products
of the authors imagination, and are not to be
construed as real. Any resemblance to
persons living or dead is entirely coincidental.
Inner Light: The Dragon Within


Deep into the century, a

sorcerer of notable standing
created many artifacts for non-
magically aligned folks to fight
off an ancient evil. The artifacts
included amulets of a particular
type. One of which was the
Amulet of Release. The quantity
of these amulets are not known
for many were destroyed in the
war, and some were seized by the

These ancient evils were
corrupted spirits of the ancient
ones. They were once in fact
mighty dragons who grew tired
of being branded evil by their
very look and took action into
their own hands to stamp away
their threat but, it was these very
acts that led them to the path of
There are still yet many
good ancient ones that remain
but they have kept themselves
away from man.

Through long hours of

discussion, the council of the
Inner Light: The Dragon Within

wise ones decided to lock away

forever the power of the artifacts.

The stories told were long

ago but, now is now.

Chapter 1

Michael sat at the

computer staring at the screen
wondering what the hell to do.
This was the most boring night
ever, sure yesterday was boring
but this is worse, because it was
still boring. Tomorrow will
probably be the same and he will
end up suffering the never ending
chain of boredom.

It was kind of ironic for

him as he muses the fact that at
work he works predominantly
Inner Light: The Dragon Within

with computers and yet here and

now he was staring at one, when
he finally got home.

Sometimes he wishes
something would happen,
anything at all; a meteorite
maybe or even a tiny war.
Anything would do to stop the
growing madness inside of his
head. If something doesn't
happen soon he fears that he
would become delusional.

Before he knew it he had

fallen asleep, only his eyes
weren't close. Its just that his

brain seems to have shut down,
and he was operating on
automatic. He became amused at
this fact but only just.

Then it came, the

screeching of car tires in front of
his house, the sound of metal
scraping across concrete and a
loud bang, nomany loud bangs
as if guns were being fired, and
then the roaring sound of
something. Then everything
slowed down.

The wall seem to peel or

rather seem to bend unnaturally,
Inner Light: The Dragon Within

a small crack at first then metal

pierces through the wall, it was
like an action movie that he was
participating in. The car came
racing through the left side of the
wall with him still sitting where
he was.

Another second and he

would have died, he had reacted
without thinking, he leaned back
so much that the chair fell over
with his feet sticking in the air
while his desktop computer along
with half of his bed was wiped
out along with the wreckage of
the car.

This was not happening,
he had saved up so much for that
computer, and he even had to
forego eating to buy it.

Michael felt so angry at

the injustice of this but could do
nothing about it for at that point
in time the roof decided to cave
in on him.

He had never been one

for claustrophobia for the fact
that he had never been in a
closed space but, now he is and
he struggles with his all to pull
Inner Light: The Dragon Within

himself out of the wreckage of

his house, he was half swimming
half struggling, he could no
longer feel anything in his arms
but he had a fair clue that he was

A small twinkling of
light, he saw it briefly but he saw
it, he pulls himself out and stares
at the glowing full moon and
gasps. He was alright but, he
was wounded, but barely, there
were only some scrapes and
scratches but they would
definitely hurt when his adrenalin
finally decreased. But at this

moment he thanks the powers
that be that he can not feel

Then he saw them, the

headlights, the headlights of the
infernal car that wrecked his
bedroom and his parents house.
Oh boy are his parents going to
kill him when they get back from
their holiday trip. But maybe the
insurance will cover all of it
since a car, not his own, was
driven through his house.

Before he knew it he was

trudging along up to the car, so
Inner Light: The Dragon Within

angry now that he was ignorant

to everything, especially to
another car bearing down his
way and barely stopping in the
back of his ignorant self.

"Hey you, you fuckhead,

get out of the car now!!!" Not all
his life had he been so angry.
Where is he going to sleep? How
is he going to rest to go to work?
The bastards will pay.

He had trudged up to the

car door and yanked hard,
without acknowledging it, the car
door just came loose and tossed

to the side as if it was mere

Behind the car door was a

heavily wounded man, he was
bleeding heavily, and from what
Michael could see, so was
everyone in the car. Anger
turned to concern and he started
to pull them out. 'Oh my God,
what the hell?' he thinks.

"I would leave them there

if I were you," said a voice
behind his back. Michael turned
around at the cold voice to see a
Inner Light: The Dragon Within

black clad man pointing a gun at


He had wished for

excitement but, not for this, not
for this. The man waved the gun
at him as if for him to move. He
had no choice whatsoever but to
comply and then with a glaring
realization, this man was
responsible for everything. He
was responsible for the wounded,
responsible for his backyard
being dug up like it is now,
responsible for his house being
cut in half and his computer
which was completely destroyed.

Anger fed him power, anger fed
him strength and he clenched his

The man must have seen

what he was about to do, for he
suddenly brought up the gun as if
to shoot but Michael was just that
much quicker and launched
himself at the man only to be
shot straight in the chest. 'Fuck
this was bad' and then he fell
backward onto the ground.

He was looking straight

up at the moon, and his eyes
were getting blurry and his body
Inner Light: The Dragon Within

growing cold when he saw the

face smirking down at him with
that infernal gun pointed straight
at his head. "Boy, that surprises
me but you just earned yourself
one way to heaven" and he took

Then he saw the light

flashes behind him and
something launched past his head
in a blur, the smiling face was a
frown. Then a line of flame went
past his face and body as there
were more flashes of light. But
that too was fading and then

Chapter 2

Carla watches helplessly

as she sees the man take the
bullets and fell over, as the
Priestess of the Seal it was her
duty to protect and keep the
Amulets of Release from the
clawing hand of the darkness.
And now a bystander was

She had no clue as to how

they found out her where abouts
for many runes were drawn on
their bodies to dampen dousing.
But never the less they have
Inner Light: The Dragon Within

found her and her protector. It

was only the protector who was
given the usage of the amulets
for without it there was no way
they would be able to protect her
from harms way.

Some of those same

protectors had used their own
bodies to shield her from harm
when the car finally crashed and
had plowed through the house.

Everything was fine and

happy and she was talking to
Brandon just a brief moment ago
now he was dead and laying

beside herhis neck broken
from the impact that should have
killed her.

As the protector
continuously fights the dark
wizard just metres away from her
and also the body of the stranger
who had previously been
dragging them out of the
wrecked car, she could watch in

None of her protectors

were qualified to use the amulets
for they could not release their
true form. Only two in their
Inner Light: The Dragon Within

group could have done that and

that was Brandon and the other,
Ritter. Brandon was dead, his
amulet dull in her hand. He
could not use it now but perhaps
that stranger can.

The amulets were said to

give any bearer the power of
regeneration but, no matter the
regenerative ability the dead can
not be revived.

While her protectors were

fighting, she placed the amulet
around the neck of the stranger
hoping that she had made it in

time. The man, from what she
could see, had willingly tossed
himself at the dark wizard
without a second thought and
now he lay dying on the ground.

The effect was

instantaneous not even Brandon
or Ritter could have released the

The explosion of light

nearly burned her sight away as it
shot from the body of the man
and into the sky, rising up and up
and up in a wavy line forming
finally the shape of the ancient
Inner Light: The Dragon Within

one, a dragon of magnificence.

The white serpentine dragon
roared once, shaking the
surroundings while her protectors
and the dark wizard completely
stopped in their tracks.

The dragon turned

around, staring at the now
terrified group. He looked down
back into the body and plunged
into the body of the man.

She watches as the

wounds of the man had gotten
miraculously healed and the man
rose up to his feet standing firm

and glaring at the crowd of
terrified protectors and the dark
Inner Light: The Dragon Within

Chapter 3

Michael did not get it, he

was dying and now he was up on
his feet, power surging through
him with magnificent power. For
a while there he could have
sworn that he had actually
exploded from his own chest into
the sky and then plunged back
into himself again.

He took a look at them,

all were wounded but, one he
remembered had shot him in cold
blood and the rest were in the

car. He was pissed, very pissed
and he wanted to release it all,
release it all on that man.

Without realizing it he
had said it out loud "Release".
He could feel it blazing around
him, the energy simply exploded
under his feet and surrounded
him in a spherical field of blazing
light. The ground exploded
around him tearing away and
floating into the air.

Before he knew it he was

encased in an armour of white
and gold, a crown rested on his
Inner Light: The Dragon Within

head, and two white gigantic bird

like wings sprouted from his
back, and he was holding a white
and gold spear in his hand which
was blazing with incredible light.

He points at the wizard

with the spear and a beam shoots
out of it and into and through
him. The dark wizard screamed
and black smoke rose from his
mouth and some from his skin.
The dark wizard fell to the
ground not understanding of
what had truly happened but it
seems his power had gone from

With that Michael
promptly fainted.
Inner Light: The Dragon Within

Chapter 4

Rozek, angered by the

incompetence of his subordinate,
punched hard into the table in
front of him making a big hole in
it. It was incredulous that one
dark wizard could not handle the
power of one drugged up
mediocre protector and a sorry
excuse for one.

But yet it had been

reported back that Grondel failed
for his dark signature had
vanished from the Book of Pact.

This of course usually means that
they have been killed and
therefore have failed in their

He had offered Ritter the

Power of Darkness thus creating
a pact, and his signature still
remained in the book therefore
he had not tried to betray the
contract. It was he that drugged
his friend. So how could they
still defeat Grondel?

Grabbing the table with

one hand while his other
subordinates watched in fear, he
Inner Light: The Dragon Within

slammed it across the wall

sending shards of wood
fragments everywhere.

"Find her and bring the

damn priestess alive, we need her
blood to open the seal!" he yelled
at them.

Callyn a corrupted amulet

user stood up and bowed at him
and then walked gracefully out.
While his other underlings,
goblins and trolls alike quickly
rushed out as if in fear for their

Chapter 5

Carla watched over the

body of the man who had just
saved all of their lives, he
seemed to be in a comatose state
of some kind, he had made no
movement at all ever since he
had collapsed.

Her remaining protectors

had called up 000 for emergency
aid but had left the house in ruins
while taking the dark wizard's car
to continue on to their journey's
Inner Light: The Dragon Within

They are now at Farley's

Eden, a hand reared flower and
plants mega store, also the
hideaway of Farley the Wizard.
There was no doubt in her mind
at all that the man that had rescue
her had the spirit of the ancient
ones, the dragons of old and
therefore the one most worthy to
hold the power of the Amulet of
Release; an astounding find for
anyone of this age.

From what she knew and

what has been passed down to
her, dragons have left this world

to the hands of men but, for this
man to possess the power or the
spirit of the dragon could only
mean one thingthe dragons had
sent one of their own to be born
in this world in the guise of a
man to help them.

Farley standing by her

side confirmed as much, "Yup,
this boy herethere is no doubt
about itthe energy he gives off
is that of a dragon. Sure he looks
like a man but he is definitely a
Inner Light: The Dragon Within

"But why? Why would he

be here and why now?" she asks
him. Farley just shrugged and
said "I am not quite sure but,
there were these stories too that
the dragons, before deciding to
lock away forever the power of
the amulet, had volunteered to
stay behind in the world of men
to help out mankind thinking that
to just abandon them is wrong,"
he looks down at the man and
then says "Perhaps he is one of
them that had wanted to remain

She was almost elated
when she heard what Farley had
said. "So you are saying the war
could finally be tilted in our
favor with the help of this man?"
She almost jumped for joy if not
for Farley stopping her.

"Don't rush into believing

this and that," he frowned "At the
same time he could be one of the
ones that stayed behind to
destroy the world too. At the
moment we have no clue what
kind he is, lets just keep a safe
Inner Light: The Dragon Within

She got to her feet only to

find Elra's hand on her shoulder.
She turned around to meet her
friend's gaze, there was a look of
sadness in her face, then the
realization hit her and she began
to cry. Her favorite protector,
Brandon, had died to protect her
and she wept into her friend's
arm where she held her for a
while then pushed her back. Her
face still hadn't changed, then she
said "The amulets, they are
rejecting the other protectors..."

Carla could not help it

but, just fell back onto the floor,

this was bound to happen
eventually. They were just not
meant to wear it. Only a few
non-magically aligned men or
women could wear it and release
the power from within them.
But, unfortunately, as time goes
past the amulet would reject
them for they do not have the
right kind of power inside them.

She looked to Farley and

he nodded "Looks like we got no
choices then. We are just going
to have to trust in fate and trust in
what it brings." He then looked
Inner Light: The Dragon Within

back at the man who suddenly


Chapter 6

Michael woke up
thinking what the hell hit me?,
he had vaguely recalled the weird
dream where he turned into a
sorry excuse for a power ranger
and shot a beam of light at an
enemy. What the hell was that

When he opened his eyes,

he saw a face so beautiful it
made him wonder if he was in
heaven and then he saw the guy
and thought nope no one that
Inner Light: The Dragon Within

mediocre looking could make it

in heaven. So he must not be
dead. It was a weird sort of
reasoning but, he was right on
the mark.

The girl then grabbed him

and for some reason begins to
cry, oh god, he must stink, he just
realize he hadn't showered last
night. Then he remembered her
face, she was in the car and he
had tried to rescue her but then
had gotten shot for it. Then
something weird happened and
that dream happened. Please let

it be a dream, let it be a dream he
almost yelled out.

The girl sniffles and says

"My name is Carla. You are the
dragon that was sent to save us.
You are our only hope."

Crap, he thought.
Inner Light: The Dragon Within

Chapter 7 what Michael

should have said but being the
man that he is he said "Get away
from me you fucking nutjob!!!!"
and then backed away to the
farthest corner of the room.

Carla didn't know exactly

where she went wrong in her
introduction but, she had a
feeling that he was not going to
listen to reason, neither did
Farley who immediately
whacked him on the head with

his staff which suddenly

"So what are we going to

do?" she said with chagrin.

"Well I don't know about

you but, I think you came on just
a bit too strong," said Farley.

The wizard sighed and

said, "Lets just take him back
and see what he does next. I can
fix his house back to the way it
was in a matter of seconds but,
really you know how to pick
your heroes."
Inner Light: The Dragon Within

Chapter 8

"Its been 7 hours," Carla

was mumbling behind his back
with her hand grasping her waist.
He doesn't quite understand it
himself but, for some reason
magic just doesn't want to work
around this place, as if the very
air around here was a magic

"And I don't think he can

stand any more of you knocking
him unconscious either, you must
have hit him 6 times by now,"
Inner Light: The Dragon Within

she sighed. "If you hit him

anymore I think he is going to be
brain damaged."

No choice then, he had to

use it, he always hate using it
because whenever he used the
bloody amulet he would turn into
a turtle but with magnified
magic. With one word he said it,
"release", and his very body
shrunk down and his body started
to turn green and a bit scaly. He
was still on his two feet but now
he was that much smaller but still
holding the staff. Farley, the
Wizard, has now become Farley

the anthromorphic Turtle Wizard.
Why in God's name was this man
a dragon and he was a turtle it
was so unfair. But, with his
power magnified 100 fold one
quick chant was enough to put
the house back in its previous

He was never going to

live this down in the wizarding
community. And it always takes
him 2 hours plus to change back,
god damn them all, god damn
them all to hell.
Inner Light: The Dragon Within

"Errr I don't think the

house originally looked like that
Farley" she says. He gasped, as
only an anthromorphic turtle can,
without realizing it he had
converted the house into a pit
with spikes jutting out from
every which way. In his way he
had turn it into hell. He sighed
and chanted once more. The
house was luckily now back to
the way it was, or at least he
hoped so.

Chapter 9

When Michael woke up

he had a splitting headache, he
must be coming down with that
new flu, for the life of him he
couldn't remember what
happened, maybe it was some
kind of self induced amnesia
resulting from a severe trauma
state. Little did he know this was
in fact the case, he was shutting
down getting whacked in the
head six times in a row as a way
of forgetting the pain.
Inner Light: The Dragon Within

Unfortunately, the pain was still


It was the fucking

weirdest dream he ever had. He
was so glad that he was just the
mediocre Michael that everyone
knows. He looked at the clock
then jumped, it was 2:00pm, and
he starts work in 30 minutes.
How was he going to get to work
on time? It was at least half an
hour walk to where he works.
The train had already gone, what
the hell was he going to do? He
hadn't even made food yet or

prepared anything. What the

After several minutes

have passed he decided the best
thing to do was call work and tell
them he was going to be late but
as he got to the phone for some
reason the phone did not seem to
be connected. What the
fuck???!!!! In the end with only
10 minutes left he decided to run
to work.

Even if he ran full speed

the whole way the best he could
do was cut down 2 minutes, he
Inner Light: The Dragon Within

would still be late by 20 minutes

Boy was this going to look good
on his record.

When he got out of the

door he burst full speed down the
corner hanging a quick turn and
rushed madly down the streets, in
his wake he left a long line of
flame from where his feet had
touched the pavement.

This of course would be

totally out of place if not for the
front of his house already
looking like an entry way into
hell itself, poor Farley, the Turtle

Wizard had only managed to turn
the back of the house to the way
it was while the front still
remained like the looks of hell.

This visage was

surprisingly good for the visiting
mormons because for some
strange reason everyone was
mumbling about that house next
door and wanting to ascend to the
heaven above.

When he finally arrived at

the call centre, his favorite place
to work (Not!), he could smell
some kind of burning, maybe
Inner Light: The Dragon Within

there was a fire of some kind,

and he was right the smouldering
shoes had made the carpet catch
fire, then the alarms went off and
all hell broke loose.

The sprinklers were

turned on suddenly and being the
call centre that it is, with
computers and phones lying
around, water was not the best
friend of such equipment.

The computer keyboard

fried and several operators had to
be sent home or to the hospital
depending on which one was

electrocuted and which ones
were in shock from seeing
someone getting electrocuted.

All in all it was a good

day for Michael. He was paid for
a job not done and he
electrocuted several people that
were always good since he didn't
like most of them.

Taking a short trip home

on the train and being able to
relax was a welcome idea for
Michael but, when he finally got
off at his station, he found
himself inundated by a large
Inner Light: The Dragon Within

crowd, made up of news

journalists and random citizens.
Bumping around and wading
through the crowd he finally
made it in front of his house. For
a long while he stared at it, his
brain attempting to make heads
or tails of what he is seeing and
failing miserably. He looked up
at the sky with his fist punching
at the clouds as if seeking
vengeance, and he shouted "Why
me?!?" at the top of his lungs.

Chapter 10

"You should stay here

until Kaiten arrives, he is a first
class protector from the
organization," Farley says to the
girl priestess "Yes he is no
dragon spirit but he is just as
good, he is skilled in martial arts
and various forms of
assassination techniques."

"No I should move now, I

have already caused so much
trouble for you, and if I stay there
will be even more problems for
Inner Light: The Dragon Within

you," Carla says feeling so tired

from it all. Her protector was of
no use any longer except as a
meat shield now that they have
lost the power to use the amulets.
Besides they were originally
priests with no fighting skills. All
except for Brandon who was a
hired bodyguard sent by the

Elra then intervened, "No,

Farley is right you should stay
here, by leaving you would put
yourself at risk and also the Seal
and thus the world. You should
stay until at least Kaiten arrives."

With a heavy heart Carla
sighed, at least with her here she
can at least keep a closer eye on
the dragon spirit man.
Inner Light: The Dragon Within

Chapter 11

Kaiten sat in the chair,

face cool and calm not showing
any sign of emotion. He had
been trained this way since birth,
and not surprisingly, he was
awarded an Amulet of Release.
To all he was Kaiten but to the
Black Panther Ninja Clan he was
its Kage, the leader of the Black
Panther Ninja Clan, and he was
on his way to Protect Carla the
Priestess of the Seal.

The airplane from Japan
landed at Birsbane Airport and
soon Kaiten was walking out to
meet his contact. As a Ninja he
could be noticed only if he
wanted to but, at this moment, he
did not want to, so he was part of
the growing throngs.

Dazza knew, from the

picture, what Kaiten would look
like and jumped up and down
excitedly when he saw him,
waving almost frantically.

Ritter almost laughed at

the young would be protector as
Inner Light: The Dragon Within

Dazza did the job he was hoping

to do. Using Dazza to his own
means and then getting rid of
Kaiten would only be just a
matter of time.

Kaiten frown as the

young man wave at him in such a
frantic manner that he almost lost
his cool but, being the man that
he is, he decided the best course
of action was to just approach
him. As he neared Dazza,
another man appeared by his

"Hey the name is Ritter,
they sent me here to escort you
and Dazza back to the Priestess."
Ritter smile warmly, a bit too
warmly for Kaiten's liking.
Dazza was a bit confused as to
why Ritter was sent also, since
nothing was mentioned that
Ritter would come as well.

The plan was that Dazza

would meet Kaiten and take him
back to Farley's Eden via a cab.
But this was okay too.
Especially with Ritter being an
elite Protector as well, this could
only make the mission that much
Inner Light: The Dragon Within

more successful. Dazza smile at

this which makes Kaiten relax

Ritter led them to his car

pointing that Dazza should sit
next to him while Kaiten sit next
to the bag with his luggage..

The car drove out of the

car park and into the main road
but, as Dazza noticed they were
going the wrong way, in fact they
were going outside of town.
Dazza frowned at this but did not
say anything as Ritter aside from

Brandon was one of the best
Protectors around.

Dazza could only notice

that something was very wrong
when they were completely
outside of town now and there
were no cars in sight. Dazza
tried to turn around to warn
Kaiten to get out but it was too
late, his head was suddenly
smashed through the side
window knocking him out, and
causing severe head injury.

Kaiten knew from the

start that this would be a set up.
Inner Light: The Dragon Within

So he had prepared for it, with

his amulet in his hand just before
the incident happen. But, before
he could release the amulet,
Ritter went through the process

"Dark release," Ritter

mumbled under his breath and a
globe of darkness covered his
entire body, the energy was so
violent that the car exploded into
pieces. Dazza was thrown
completely out onto the road,
barely hanging onto life as blood
poured out from his body.

Kaiten had said it just in
time and released a powerful
panther spirit which jumped from
his chest and caused a shield to
form around his entire body.

When the shrapnel and

dust finally settled there were
two powerful beings confronting
each other. Kaiten, now wearing
ninja armor, holding a red and
black katana blazing with red and
black flames and Ritter, clad
completely in darkness, his face
metamorphoses into that of the
devil, spikes sticking out of his
shoulders and arms, no longer
Inner Light: The Dragon Within

that of a human but that of a


Kaiten knew that this was

not going to be an ordinary fight
and he is most likely going to get
more than scrapes and scratches
from this.

Ritter roared at him and

charged. Kaiten vanished from
where he stood and appeared
behind the back of the slower
moving Ritter. His katana in
hand he slashed diagonally
downward in a wide arc leaving
an after image behind but, to no

avail causes next to no damage
on Ritter who turned around at
him and grinned widely.

"You think you are the

only one with such tricks?" Ritter
asked before vanishing right in
front of his eyes only to appear
right behind Kaiten and grabbing
to do a reverse sup lex with such
force that the ground exploded
with a semi conscious Kaiten at
the centre of the crater.

As Ritter could feel

victory at hand, he jumped
upward and roared while spikes
Inner Light: The Dragon Within

jutted out of his elbows even

further and twisted in the air
aiming his spiked elbow at the
semi conscious Kaiten.

Dazza at that point in

time reaches consciousness and
in his last act of heroics jumps
toward the semi conscious Kaiten
and protected his body with his

The blow was too much

for Dazza, and his body gave
way and convulsed one last time
while blood spurts from his

mouth where he lay completely

Kaiten, finally regaining

composure, jumps backward
from the crater and yells "Criss
Cross Slasher," sending a black
and red cross like beam at Ritter
who took the full brunt of it. The
move had completely taken
Ritter by surprise by its
damaging hit. Blood starts to
seep from his armored skin and
involuntarily he started to turn
back into a human.
Inner Light: The Dragon Within

Kaiten, in the mean time,

had used the last of his strength
in that last desperate move and
could do no more, throwing a
smoke bomb at the ground, he
vanishes into thin air.

At the least he now

knows where to look for the
Priestess of the Seal.

Chapter 12

Carla openly cried at the

sight of the broken body of
Dazza whom Ritter had brought

"So it has come to this

then?" Farley said "Kaiten too
had defected and is now on the
run; well that just means the plan
has changed again."

Ritter grinned at this, the

damage that had been done by
Kaiten was too severe for him to
Inner Light: The Dragon Within

ignore, he can barely stand but

this will do for now. Kaiten is
branded a traitor and there is one
less pest to deal with.

Farley was taken aback

by the grin but continued on
"Carla, I think its best that you
go where that idiot is, he may not
be much right now but he can
still protect you."

Ritter raises his eyebrows

at this but does not make a move
to ask any questions which
relaxed Farley a little.

It must just be his
paranoia, Farley thought to
himself but Ritter is acting a little
suspicious may be someone
should keep a close eye on him.

"Well its time to beg my

leave," Ritter bowed with a
flourish and left the shop.
Inner Light: The Dragon Within

Chapter 13

"So there is another?"

Rozek asked aiming the question
at the corrupted and currently
wounded Protector.

"It seems that way My

Lord, it seems that way," Ritter

"Very well, you may

leave, I have much to do and plan
for." Rozek motioned with his
hand to dismiss Ritter.

Rozek hates to do this
but, with Ritter's failure to
completely destroy Kaiten, he
now has to use that arrogant
bastard Callyn.

Eyeing the intercom for a

good while he finally decides to
press the button. The secretary
chimed in "This is Elena, how
may I help you?"

"Send in Callyn," he replied.

Inner Light: The Dragon Within

Chapter 14

Carla stood in front of the

hell house and stared at it for a
bit. "Was this how it looked
before we crashed into it?"

Crap, Farley thought, he

mustn't have done it right; he
must have fixed only the back of
the house. This is going to be

Before either of the two

could do anything else, the front
door to the gate of hell opened up

with a swinging creak. "Why
look at what have we here. Isn't it
just great that my renovator has
arrived!!!!" Michael was
standing at the front door with
his hands on his waist staring
angrily at the two troublemakers.

"Errr...I can explain..."

Farley stuttered, just before he
was hauled bodily into the gate.

"Damn right you will,"

said Michael clearly very
annoyed. "Not only are my
neighbors thinking that I am
crazy they are also armed with
Inner Light: The Dragon Within

pitchforks. This happens every

time I try to chat with them," he
glared at the clearly
uncomfortable wizard. "What in
hell did you do?"

"We can explain..." said

Carla who is standing right in
front of the door.

"Oh look you brought the

weirdo with you," Michael
continued to glare at Farley. "Not
only did you ruin my house, you
also kept hitting me on the head,
you bastard, now I have a
headache to last me a lifetime."

"Now hold on..." said
another voice, this one belonging
to Elra, Carla's personal
bodyguard. "You listen for a
damn second."

"Who the hell are you and

why? He screamed at them.
This was clearly more than
enough for Elra as she rushed
inside and without a second
thought brought all the power in
her right fist and her right hook
sank Michael to the floor.

When Michael finally

came to, he was lying on his
Inner Light: The Dragon Within

chest with his arms tied behind

his back and his legs bound
together with the ropes tying his
legs and wrists together. In
effect he was hogtied.

He tried to speak but all

that came were muffled. With
shocked realization he
discovered that they had also
bound his mouth.

"Now listen," the dark

haired woman looked at him and
continued on to say, "We are not
here to cause you any harm."
Michael just looked skeptically at

her. She sighs but, continues
"From what Carla and Farley say
they believe that you are a
dragon sent to earth to save the
world from this war." Michael
did not answer as if he could
anyway but, rolled his eyes.

Elra had enough of his

rudeness and with that she
motioned to kick him in the face
where Michael just winced.
Carla, however, seeing a
potential protector about to be
hurt quickly flung herself in front
of him as if trying to protect him.
Inner Light: The Dragon Within

Michael was momentarily

surprised but shrugged it off.
Elra continues on and speaks of
something about dragons or
something as well as the war but
Michael did not truly
comprehend its nature as he had
fallen asleep at the time she
decided to speak.

Sometime during the

course of his sleep he woke up to
"Now do you understand?"
Michael did not know what to
say but just nodded, nothing
worse than torture but pure

Chapter 15

After Ritter had gone

back, Farley had contacted the
organization straight away. The
organization had decided quickly
at that point to dispatch a bounty
hunter to hunt for Kaiten.

Such a dangerous
individual should not be left to
roam wherever he pleases
especially not to bring any more
harm to the Priestess of the Seal.

The name of the hunter

was Prancing Horse, a policeman
Inner Light: The Dragon Within

from the U.S. by trade but

sometimes a bounty hunter for
the Organization. There is no
need for Farley to make contact
with him for it is likely that the
protection of the Priestess of the
Seal has been compromised.

Prancing Horse will make

his capture and return back to the
Organization with a limited
amount of casualties and the least
harm done to the community.

Farley hopes that this

news will settle down Carla who

was obviously under a huge
amount of strain.
Inner Light: The Dragon Within

Chapter 16

Rozek had just been

through a grilling of a lifetime,
the Master Kai Long was not
happy with his progress to
retrieve the amulets and other

But it seems that with

Master Kai Longs connections
he was able to find out that a
bounty hunter, under the name of
Running Horse, will be sent to
capture Kaiten, the ninja now
branded traitor.

Master Long had
apparently made a deal with one
of the higher ups of the
Organization who was not overly
fond of the Kage of the Black
Panther Clan to send Callyn as a
partner to Running Horse, where
accidents may happen and Kaiten
will be erased forever from

He had been facing the

wall but, now he turns back to
the arrogant Callyn, who merely
smirks at him "You have been
Inner Light: The Dragon Within

given the go ahead, you know

what to do."

Chapter 17

Kaiten found himself

staggering along the road,
without any form of sustenance
available to him, this was a long
hike and for him not knowing the
area, it felt like an even longer

He had been walking for

four days straight without
stopping or resting, not really
trying to gain as much time as
possible in order to keep himself
alive. This was most unfortunate
Inner Light: The Dragon Within

for he was no where near any

form of civilization. He could
feel the cramp set in and he
staggered once then collapsed.
His lips were parched and his
face red from the sunburn, not to
mention the previous wounds
from the fight with the Corrupted

He could not believe how

far he had fallen, this was just not
happening to him. How can this
place be so hot?

It was pure luck that

Allan was driving along the road

toward home, way out into the
country. Allan was the kind of
guy that would pick up any form
of injured and wounded animals
and nurse them back to health.
Luckily for Kaiten, his list
includes humans.

It was getting kind of

dark and it was very hard to see
when Allan was driving along
that dark road. There were no
lights on which would make it
extremely difficult for any one
trying to trek across this road
toward any form of civilization,
Inner Light: The Dragon Within

luckily for him he was in a four

wheel drive.
There was some kind of
lump on the side of the road; it
seems to be moving. It must
have been another almost road
kill, drivers never look where
they are going nowadays and
have no respect for nature.

He slowly decelerated his

car and parked it at the side of
the lump. He pulls out the torch
form the glove compartment and
opens the door to step out. Allan
shines his torch over the lump
and stares for a moment, it was a

human and it was wearing jeans
and a dark jacket, something
totally inappropriate to wear
during this heat, and from what
he could tell this man seemed to
be heavily wounded.

He looked at his mobile

phone and sighed, there was no
chance of getting reception
around here, the best course of
action was to take the guy home
and see what can be done for

With a heavy sigh, Allan

walks up to the unconscious man
Inner Light: The Dragon Within

and hefts him across his

shoulders. The man was heavy
and that made him reel but, he
was a farm boy and he had heft
many sacks of grain before, this
was no different only heavier
thats all.

Walking to the other side

of the door, he pushed the
wounded stranger in, buckled
him in and closed the door. He
walks around the car and re-
enters his seat, he looks again at
the stranger and buckles himself
in. He needs to get home quickly
and dress this mans wounds or

the mans life may be in even
more danger.

The car drove off a bit

faster than usual but at a safe
pace, this was no place to be
loitering around at night,
especially with someone
wounded sitting next to you.
Inner Light: The Dragon Within

Chapter 18

The road was bumpy but

from what Running Horse had
found out this was the way to
where Kaiten had disappeared
from. Sure enough there were
signs of a huge fight along the
road. A small crater lies on the
edge of the road.

Callyn stood behind him

whistling to himself, without a
care in the world. Running
Horse shrugged at this and went
back to do a search. The sun was

glaringly bright but the trail was
obvious, there were blood
everywhere, even in the crater
itself. No scent could be picked
up though as everything seemed
to have dried out but, all that is
needed is to follow the trail of

It was really odd though

that the murderer, a ninja, would
not even bother covering his
tracks unless of course he was
too injured to even consider it.
Which brought to mind if he was
as overpowering and ferocious as
they said why was he so
Inner Light: The Dragon Within

wounded? But, nevertheless, why

would he start to doubt the word
of the Organization now?

Riding in the jeep he

could see that the tracks keep
leading down the road for about
50 kilometres where it suddenly
stopped. He looked to Callyn to
see what he would do but, all he
did was whistle calmly to himself
while resting both his feet on the

He shrugged it off and

searched the area, the ninja
seemed to have fallen here,

where from the marks in the dirt
show that he was dragged
somewhere or even heft over
someone's shoulder. In any case
it seems he had been picked up
by someone.

Running Horse moved

back a bit in surprise as Callyn
finally made a move for the first

His contact stood there

for a long while then reached out
to where the rogue ninja had
fallen, his right hand searching
for something, then the a large
Inner Light: The Dragon Within

scab of blood seemed to jump

into his hand, the scab liquefied
into its watery state and began to
shift in front of his eyes.

Running Horse has never

seen a power like this before but,
continues to stare as the now
liquefied blood continues to mold
into a bloody arrow, a look of
concentration seems to overcome
Callyn and the arrow spins about
as if searching for a target. Soon
the arrow was pointing to an off
beaten track heading somewhere
into the forest lining the edge of
the road.

Callyn nods and shows
his hand to Running Horse,
where Callyn blew on the arrow
once and it lift up from his palm
and begin to float in a certain
Inner Light: The Dragon Within

Chapter 19

Kaiten lay injured but

was finally recovering because of
the help of the other man and
what seem to be his parents. He
was bound from foot to shoulder
in a heavy bandage wrap.

Surrounding him were

various animals, birds, bats and
other, some he recognized, some
he didn't. It seems he had been
rescued by a good Samaritan of
some kind.

The guy's name was
Allan, he runs an ecology tour
here showing tourists the
wonders of nature and he found
Kaiten at the side of the road
where he decided that it was best
to help him and cure his wounds.

There were no questions

asked and Kaiten did not care to
tell them any unasked answer
knowing full well if they were to
ask he could not answer anyway.
They are mere innocents who
could and should not be harmed.
Inner Light: The Dragon Within

Allan had brought in soup

and left the room, apparently he
had work to do.

Chapter 20

Allan was out weeding

when a jeep pulled up at the front
of the house. He was not fond of
strangers especially unannounced
strangers. So he walked up to
where the man was, taking along
his air rifle.

The jeep came to a halt

just in front of Allan, the car door
opened and two men jumped out.
One dressed completely in black
and the other wearing a tan
Inner Light: The Dragon Within

"Hello," the man in the

overcoat says to him, he pulls out
a piece of paper with a picture on
it. The picture shows an Asian
man on the front "We are looking
for this fellow..." But, before
Running Horse could finish his
sentence, Callyn had appeared in
front of Allan and lifted him
bodily up by the shirt "Tell me
where he is, I know he is here."

Running Horse frowns at

this but, he was partnered up
with the guy, perhaps a more

direct method was necessary

"As if I am going to tell

you!" Allan says, it was a good
thing that neither of his parents
were here, for they could be in
severe danger from what he
could sense is happening at the

"Stop!" Kaiten limped out

of the doorway, this has gone
long enough, this was not the
man's fight it was his.
Inner Light: The Dragon Within

Kaiten did not know who

they were, neither did he care, he
reached for his amulet and felt
the pain course through his body
but he pulled the amulet free
anyway, and yelled "Release!"
Once again the sphere of
darkness wrapped about him, and
a panther shot from his chest
only to retrace its step and jump
back into him. The panther
merged with him, while the
sphere contracted turning itself
into black and red ninja armor.
In his hand he held a blazing
black and red katana.

Kaiten fell into a stance
grimacing hard as the pain lanced
through several muscles. Allan
just stared, while for some reason
Callyn merely smirked.

"So what they say is

true!" Running Horse says and
mumbles "release", the effect
unlike Kaiten was instantaneous,
the man blurred out and into
existence, a wide cowboy hat sat
on his head with two guns
hanging off his belt holster.
Inner Light: The Dragon Within

Chapter 21

Callyn went back into the

jeep while the two protectors
eyed each other.

Running Horse rests his

hands on the handles of his
revolvers, rolling back and forth
on the ball of his feet, while
Kaiten watches him wearily.

Kaiten points the Katana

at Running Horse with its blade
facing upward, while standing
sideways to meet the bounty

hunter. Ordinarily he would wait
out the battle but he could feel
his strength depleting now even
though he had the amulet to help
heal his wounds.

Speaking quietly under

his breath, Kaiten says "Rush
Release", and his armor began to
glow crimson, his entire form
wavers and disappears like a

Running Horse, taken by

surprise, pulls out his guns
immediately and parries the
Inner Light: The Dragon Within

blade that appears right in front

of his face just in time.

"Hyper Slasher!" Kaiten

cried out and a crimson red arc
appeared in front of Running
Horse but the bounty hunter was
much quicker and shouted
"Double Barrel Shoot Out" and a
bullet strikes at the blade before
it could cleave him in two
sending Kaiten a bit off balance.

Running Horse dug his

heels in and mumbled "Rush"
and he gained the same speed
that Kaiten had "Six Star

Shooter" and six loud bangs were
heard, the bullets sending the
blade of the Katana back and
almost striking the ninja.

"Shadow Mist" and

Kaiten became surrounded by a
black mist covering his tracks.
Running Horse stood stock still,
his sense of smell would save
him, as Kaiten once again
appeared behind his back but he
moved too slowly and he was cut
across the back but, he already
had the fight figured out.
Inner Light: The Dragon Within

Running Horse waited

until the last moment and took
the blow but moved only so
slightly so that it would only be a
grazing blow. "Six Star Shootout
Rush" and a flurry of gunfire sent
Kaiten flying back onto the

Running Horse was

unable to finish the fight as Allan
had finally stood up and
fearlessly blocked his way with
his own body. The amulet
clanked onto the ground next to
Allan's feet.

"Please stop this, he is
already wounded he can't fight
anymore." Allan said.

"I will stop only when he,

the target, is acquired," Running
Horse said simply. Allan shook
his head not really sure what he
was getting himself into but, he
could feel his knees shaking as
he leaned down to pick up the

"I will stop you," he said

Inner Light: The Dragon Within

Not to sure of himself

but, taking up the amulet in his
hand anyway he says "Release".
A gust of wind suddenly blew
what was left of the mist away
and the trees and grass begin to
sway. A gentle wind wrapped
around his entire body and lifted
him up in the air where his form
began to blur, when everything
settles down, the air rifle in his
hand had morphed into a bow,
his entire body wrapped in a
green and yellow cloth armor and
at his back a quilt full of arrows;
his face completely hidden by a
same colored hood.

Inner Light: The Dragon Within

Chapter 22

Running Horse took a

step back not quite certain how to
handle this new threat. Allan, on
the other hand, though never
before having gone through such
transformation, the affinity
between him and the amulet's
power was so great that he seems
to know what could be done with
it already. Reaching out his right
hand he bent his knee down and
laid his palm on Kaiten's chest.
It was a slow process but the
ninja's body begin to heal.

Callyn smirks and begins
to make a move out of the jeep
but Running Horse made a
motion with his hand for Callyn
to stop what he was about to do.
Callyn just merely shrugged and
went back to sit in the car.

But the damage was

already done. Allan disappear in
a fluttering of leaves with Kaiten
still laying wounded and semi-
conscious on the ground.

Running Horse knew this

would be no ordinary fight, the
Inner Light: The Dragon Within

affinity with the amulet was so

great that he could not believe
the power he was feeling from
the new Ranger, and he knew he
was being hunted.

Allan, the man was no

longer there, but, Allan the
Ranger, his power had come to
him and now it was him. With
the word "Rush" he became
nothing more than wind in the
forest. Moving beyond the trees
at an incredible pace and
shooting never ending amounts
of arrows at his target.

The Bounty Hunter could
sense where he was but just
barely but, even then it feels as if
the Ranger was all over the
place, the arrows appear out of
nowhere, from the air, from
under the shrubs and from the
branches of the trees.

Running Horse was stuck

in the middle and firing at the
arrows barely breaking and
dodging them in time. This was
too much, so much power for one
so inexperienced yet with such
Inner Light: The Dragon Within

There must have been

thousands of arrows flying at
him, there was no way to dodge
them all but, as he closes his
eyes, the arrows vanish turning
into nothing but mere illusions,
with one of the arrows suddenly
changing into the form of Allan,
and with his right fist, swung his
right hook at Running Horse and
downed the Bounty Hunter.

Kaiten had already

awakened by this point and could
not believe what he was seeing.
Only briefly gaining the power of

the amulet had made this man
nearly unstoppable.

Running Horse stood up

still a bit dazed and looked at
him, there was no choice then but
he couldn't finish his thought

"You know you are so

slow," said Callyn as he stood
over the still wounded form of
Kaiten, a blade of blood in his
hand. "Pierce" and the blade
suddenly elongated and lanced
deep into the flesh of Kaiten who
screamed out in pain.
Inner Light: The Dragon Within

Chapter 23

"What are you doing

Callyn? We are not here to kill
him, we are here to capture him,"
Running Horse demanded but, all
to no avail as the blood blade
continued to stab into Kaiten
who continuously screamed out
in pain but could no longer move
due to the strain the fighting had
put on his body.

The Corrupted Protector

then says "You may not be here
to kill him but, I am and to kill

you too might I add," and he
begins to laugh maniacally.
Allan moved to defend Kaiten
but, Running Horses hand
stayed him, "No, I have been
used, this is my fight"

"Hyper Rush," said

Running Horse, while Callyn
stepped back with his eyes wide
open. "Shit!" and then
immediately he says, "Rel..."
unable to finish his sentence he
was immediately sent flying by a
hail of flaming bullets as
Running Horse finally did what
he was going to do to defend
Inner Light: The Dragon Within

against Allan "One Thousand

Blazing Star Shootout!!!"

All of a sudden Allan

reverted back to his normal form,
the fight had completely drained
him and made him near faint.

"Come on we have to get

out of here," said Running Horse
as he motioned to the jeep but,
before they could do anything, a
laugh rings out. "You think such
toys can hurt me? Callyn was
standing there, bleeding from
various spots, "Release," he says
and the blood spills out of him

forming an armor of blood
around him.

Knowing this was going

to be a tougher fight than he
thought, he pulled his keys out of
his pocket and tossed them to
Allan, who was semi-supporting
Kaiten helping him stand on his

"Go," Running Horse

says, Allan made a move as if to
help but, Running Horse stopped
him. "No, you are of no further
help here; you are too weak from
the fight." Allan tried to refuse
Inner Light: The Dragon Within

but, seeing the shape that Kaiten

was in, could only agree and
begin to move toward the Jeep.

Callyn suddenly said

"Rush," and blazed forward in a
trail of crimson streak. Running
Horse said "Hyper Rush," and
pulled out his guns and shouted
his final move"Blazing
Cannon," and the guns
transformed into a huge cannon
and shot a huge flaming ball of
fire at Callyn.

"Is that all you got?"

Callyn asked but, Running Horse

was able to do what he wanted,
the Jeep was on its way out of
Inner Light: The Dragon Within

Chapter 24

Kaiten sits in the jeep

going back and forth between
consciousness and
unconsciousness. He could once
again feel the amulet around his
neck once more and it was a
good thing because it was
helping him heal at a faster pace.

This was not what he

wanted, not at all but, yet this is
what it was turning out to be.

Allan drove the jeep as
best he could while fighting off
sleep so that he may reach his
destination. Michael, his best
friend, would be able to provide
lodging, a temporary one if at all.

In the meantime, Callyn

was finding it hard to believe that
he was actually losing, the hail of
bullets were inexhaustible and
his armor was finally being

The Blood Armor was

refusing to hold its form anymore
Inner Light: The Dragon Within

and he sank down bleeding away

his lifeblood.

Running Horse stood

triumphant over his opponent,
gritting his teeth, trying not to let
his enemy know that he too was
at the last drop of stamina.

He knew from the start of

the fight that if he managed to
hold out against one who used
their own blood as an armor they
would be unable to keep up. He
watched as Callyn finally lay still
and walk tiredly toward the

Callyn had never been so
humiliated but, he was not about
to die, his blood seeped back in
and his wounds began to heal.
Running Horse would pay and he
would pay dearly but, for now he
will let this go.
Inner Light: The Dragon Within

Chapter 25

Elra beat Michael on the

head, the umpteenth time, as he
failed once again in summoning
the power of the amulet. Carla
had mentioned to her what had
happened during the trip to
Farley's Eden, when Michael
suddenly exploded into a giant
sphere of light and became a
knight in shining armor with a
pair of white feathery wings, and
a long white blazing spear.

But she does not
understand why now he was
unable to call out the amulet of
release power even though he has
been saying the word "Release"
now close to one hundred times
and each time he fails she would
use Farley's Staff to whack him
on the head, to discourage him
on failing.

The house has now turned

back to look more like a house
than the hell it use to be, though
by all means it does not look the
same as it originally did. But this
was little comfort for Michael as
Inner Light: The Dragon Within

he was still continuously being

whacked across the head for
failing to transform, however, it
seems after the transformation,
some powers seem to have
emerged from his untransformed
self. For example his speed and
strength seem to have magnified
so did his constitution and
regenerative ability.

But that was a load of

good since he was still pretty
much unemployed, no they did
not fire him for that incident but,
the job is still shut, so therefore
he is just not getting paid and

therefore he was barely surviving
on microwave food.
It has been ages since he
talked to Allan, maybe it was
time to give him a ring. He
reaches for the phone then
realizes that his connection was
still dead, that damn wizard still
hasn't fixed the line yet.

Then a horn beeps at the

front of his house, making Elra
cease her continuous hitting.

"Michael!" there was a

shout from the front "Help!"
Inner Light: The Dragon Within

He rushed out of the

house quickly before Elra, Carla,
and the rest of the Protector Gang
could stop him.

Standing outside he was

surprised to see a heavily
wounded man being semi-carried
by Allan who seems extremely
exhausted and who was standing
in the front of an unfamiliar jeep.

Something had happened

to his friend to make him look
this way and what had happened
to the stranger he had no clue but
because his friend was

supporting him, he just had to

He almost went to the

strangers side when Elra
appeared, an unknown
expression on her face.

"Kaiten," she says "Stand

back Michael, that man is
dangerous," this halted Michael
in his tracks.

Elra, still with Farley's

staff in hand, quickly did a
diagonal slash with it toward
Kaiten but, a tired Allan jumped
Inner Light: The Dragon Within

in front as if to take the blow

meant for the stranger.

Michael had no idea what

was going on but rage filled him
once more, he would not see his
friend hurt. A sphere of
incredible power suddenly
exploded from where he stood,
sending both the Jeep and the
house, as well as the people,

Michael stood there

looking at the wreckage of his
house, as well as the unconscious
group of people lying far from

his feet. Kaiten and Allan in
even worst shape than before
wonder if coming here was the
right thing to do.

Michael frowned at what

seems to be the wreckage of his
house. How was he supposed to
explain this to his parents?
Inner Light: The Dragon Within

Chapter 26

When Farley finally came

to he could see Michael looking
extremely crestfallen then he saw
the house which had exploded,
he realized what had happen, as
he briefly recalls the power that
was unleashed from Michael,
only few moments before.

He, without thinking,

grabbed his staff and starts the
incantation, the shredded house
suddenly and instantaneously
rebuild, however, the effect was

too good and it had formed a
castle. What the hell was this?
First it was totally ineffective and
now it was too effective.

As he looks at Michael he
can still see somewhat of a glow
still surrounding the reluctant
protector. Allan and Kaiten were
sitting side by side. Allan seems
to be asleep but, Kaiten was
healing somewhat, due mainly to
the Amulets power.

Elra seems to be eyeing

Kaiten but, did not make a move
to injure him. Carla just stood
Inner Light: The Dragon Within

there as if totally unsure of

herself. Farley did not
understand what had happened
during the time he was out but, it
must have been important.

"They are innocent, Allan

wouldn't help anyone who was
not, he is not the sort," Michael
said. Kaiten just looks at the
man then looks at the castle and

Michael just shrugged it

off, a castle was still much better
than the entrance to hell, "You
guys should rest up, it looks like

we don't have much time"
Michael says.
Inner Light: The Dragon Within

Chapter 27

Rozek stood there

shaking from pure anger, he
couldn't even lash out at anything
anymore such as was the anger
pouring through him, two of his
best defeated or failed
continuously one after the other.
He turns to stare at Ritter who
look like he has some kind of
determination in him, while the
normally arrogant Callyn looks

Kai Long was so
unimpressed with his progress
that the Corrupted Dragon had
dispatched two other Corrupted
Protectors to assist him in the
elimination of these

The two of them just

stood there ignoring everything
he was saying for they were not
here to follow his command, as
Kai Long has made that very
clear toward them but to assist in
the completion of the task.
Inner Light: The Dragon Within

Wei Lee and Kokuryu

stood there in complete contrast
of one another. Wei Lee had
short, black hair and was dressed
in black Chinese cloth, and
Kokuryu wearing a white suit
and tie, and who had long,
blonde hair and blue eyes.

Though they physically

contrast, the same look of danger
emanates greatly from them,
enough to send shivers down
many dark wizards spines.

"Kai Long is displeased

with you all, so now I will join

the battle, we will wipe them all
out, to the very last of them, even
the women," Rozek said, while
the two that were sent just
Inner Light: The Dragon Within

Chapter 28

"Are you sure about

this?" Carla asks to Michael.

"Yeah," Michael replied

"They are gonna find us anyway,
we might as well face them head
on, besides there is no other
place to run, like you said they
can simply dowse for us anyway
so we will go to them."

"He's right," says

Running Horse who had arrived
just after the house was turned

into a castle. "Besides they have
that guy that can control blood."

Elra, sitting opposite

Kaiten, just eyed at him while
Kaiten did the same. The bus
was big but not uncomfortable.
Allan was the driver while
Michael sits just behind him.
Carla did the dowsing and
Running Horse sat beside Kaiten.

Carla watches the

necklace sway to and fro on the
map until it finally settles on one
of the business areas, Michael
frowns at the spot where the
Inner Light: The Dragon Within

necklace pointed. It was one of

the new towers for an energy
drink company. It belongs to
Rozek or some such, it was all
over the news because he was a
billionaire from Russia. By
bringing his business here, he
would have given out lots of jobs
to the community.

This could not be a worse

situation because it would mean
there will be a lot of people there,
and if a fight breaks out, a lot of
innocent people could be hurt,
but, if they do not act now, even
more people could be hurt still.

It was only a half hour
drive but, they made it, the tower
was huge and looked to be at
least twenty floors. Michael and
Allan look at each other and then
walked to the doorway where the
door automatically slid open, the
other five people just piled in
after them.

The receptionist at the

front desk looks up for a brief
moment and went back to talk on
the phone, ignoring the party
Inner Light: The Dragon Within

Michael and Allan look at

each other and decide to just
walk towards the lift.

"Sorry the lift is out of

order," said the receptionist. She
continued with a bored look on
her face, "Also please sign in
before going up." A brief and
uneasy feeling swept through the
party but, Michael just walks up
to where the receptionist was and
looked for a pen. The
receptionist eyes him up and
down, and takes out a knife and
plunges it down hard on the desk.

"Please sign in blood," she says
with a menacing voice.

The lights blink out and

the receptionist grows huge and
hair sprouts from her back and
then she became hunched over,
claws appearing from her
fingernails, and black leather
wings appear from her back.

Michael sighed and spoke

"Okay but its really going to hurt
when I take out all of yours," and
he grins too. Allan just stares
blankly, what had come over his
Inner Light: The Dragon Within

"Release!!!!" Michael
yelled, then silence, as nothing
happens. "Errr...Plan!!!"
and Michael sped off toward the
lift at an incredible rate. "The lift
does not work," she screamed
behind him as she went to tackle
him but was stopped by a hail of
gunfire from Running Horse
which caused her to lay dead in
her own pool of blood.

The alarm soon went off

and everything was chaos. Staff
members, mostly consisting of
monsters were appearing from

everywhere and from various
rooms, and also from the stairs.

A monster jumps out at

Michael, swiping its claws at him
but, he smacked it once sending
it flying into a wall, breaking
through it and out into the

Allan did not bother to

check on the status of his friend
but, did what he had just said and
ran. Kaiten and Running Horse
had achieved their transformation
and were hacking and shooting
their way toward the top of the
Inner Light: The Dragon Within

stairs while Michael and Allan

both ran for their lives and
surprisingly both were beating
Kaiten and Running Horse up the

While Allan did not have

much firepower he did have
speed and he was in fact waiting
for his friend to smack some
random monsters down the flight
of stairs.

Following after Running

Horse and Kaiten was Carla and
again backed by both Elra and
Farley. Elra now a red and gold

warrior holding a scythe was
kicking them down the stairs.
Farley on the other hand was
blasting away at them with his
magic turning them into purple
mushrooms where ever he goes.

They were now at the

fifth floor with even more
monsters guarding the floor,
surprisingly, Michael was doing
a lot of good sending various
monsters to the pavement below
as he physically tossed them out
through the glass walls.
Inner Light: The Dragon Within

"Okay whose big idea

was it to run up the stairs?" Allan
asked and Michael winces on
cue. "We must have run non-stop
for fifteen levels now with still
no sign of this Rozek, aside from
this my legs feel as if they are
about to drop off," said Allan.

"Not to mention there are

still trolls and goblins following
behind us as we go," said Kaiten
in a very non-amused manner.

As they made it up to the

nineteenth floor they now were

completely exhausted and glaring
at Michael unforgivingly.

A man in his mid-thirties

with ruddy brown hair, and with
a goatee appeared, "The name is
Rozek, nice to meet you," he said
as his eyes turn to a very
exhausted Carla and flicks his
wrist at her, and she was
suddenly flung out through the
glass wall by some unseen force.

Michael jumps, without

thinking, to follow her down her
Inner Light: The Dragon Within

Rozek grabs the amulet

around his neck and says
"Release" and a huge cloud of
darkness swept over him where it
remains as a formless mass
surrounding the man.

Allan reaches for an

amulet which was not there, only
to find Running Horse throwing
something at him, "I got a spare,
use that."

Allan once again said the

word "Release", though it still
seems strange to him, and once
again, the wind swept over him

once and then he was again
standing as a ranger.

Allan holds his bow up

and nocks an arrow at Rozek but
a man in a white suit appears also
knocking him out through a
window. Kokuryu, still not
transformed but holding his own
and continue in mid-air to
wrestle with Allan on the way

Wei Lee charged out of

the door in a black blur and kicks
at Elra, but Elra parries only to
Inner Light: The Dragon Within

have her scythe snapped in half

by the edge of the man's palm.

Callyn appears already

covered in his blood armor "Its
payback time," he says while
holding two large jars of
something. Callyn drops the jars
which break on the ground
spilling the contents everywhere
but, only for a brief time as the
contents immediately solidify
and turn into two blades of

Ritter eyed Kaiten, both
men in their transformed state
while Farley eyed off Rozek.

Rozek just stares at the

turtle and starts to laugh, "And
you expect me to take you
seriously?" he asked before he
was tossed aside by the gentle
force of the wizard.

Farley, the turtle,

continues walking forward to
where Rozek had fallen leaving
the other protectors behind to
fight their own battles.
Inner Light: The Dragon Within

Chapter 29

Running Horse has no

time for this so he releases his
ultimate form and says, "Chain
Gun Massacre" and a hail of
bullets hit Callyn full in the chest
but, the bullets were not enough
to pierce the thicker than ever
blood armor.

Callyn laughs and rushes

at the man swinging his sword in
a wide arc but, the armor made
him heavy and he was
considerably slowed down.
Grabbing Elras broken scythe

that had fallen to the ground, he
cut Callyn in half and waited for
a satisfied thud.

Elra now bereft of her

main weapon pulls out twin
katanas from her back and starts
to fight off the incredibly fast
Wei Lee. His strikes were fast
and furious, striking her pressure
point making her almost useless
as she fell silently to the ground.

Kaiten and Ritter

continue to stare at each other
both suddenly yelling "Hyper
Rush" and Kaiten yelling once
Inner Light: The Dragon Within

more "Supreme", where he

suddenly turns completely red
and slashes mercilessly at his
opponent, striking more than a
thousand times on the flesh of
Ritter. As he finally finished
"May you die a thousand deaths,"
he says finally and Ritter
exploded into a mass of blood.

Chapter 30

"Release!!!" Michael had

cried out and finally everything
around him swirled in a static of
energy, transforming him in mid-
air. He reaches out with his hand
grabbing Carla before she
plummeted to her death.

As he held her to him, he

flew back up with his mighty
wings. Back to where the room
Inner Light: The Dragon Within

Kokuryu and Allan

continue to beat each other up in
the air. Kokuryu still has yet to
transform while Allan was tiring
from the fight, unable to fight
anymore he plummeted
downward with Kokuryu still in

Farley fought hard

against Rozek but he was on his
last leg. There was just too much
difference in powers that he
could not win. With one last
incantation, a huge energy burst
exploded outward vaporising all
within its range.

Which means half of Wei
Lees body was suddenly gone
and so was Callyns who
somehow managed to stand up.
Unfortunately for Farley, that too
was his last spell; the power just
completely destroyed his body.

Rozek protected in a
barrier he just erected just barely
escaped the blast. Everything
was in ruin.

Rozek staggered out to

meet them, his power completely
Inner Light: The Dragon Within

dissipated, this failure was too

much. "No!!!" he screamed out.

Chapter 31

Finally making his way to

the top, Michael regarded the
scene, he knew Allan had gone
past him and this pissed him off
greatly. He gently let Carla go
and looked at the crazed leader of
the place just before he was
suddenly lifted out into the air by
some unseen force, destroying
the ceiling as he was dragged up.

Kai Long had watched

this fight too long, the man had
failed him too much, now to take
Inner Light: The Dragon Within

matters into his own hand as he

crush the life out of Rozek, he
felt a little satisfied. The body
dropped to the floor nothing
more than a bloody mess.

If this continued any

further he would start to look bad
in front of the group. He has to
handle this himself it seems.

He floated down into the

next room down and stared at the
carnage, most of his underlings
were dead or dying but, luckily,
it seems the little annoyance
seems to be too. All except for

one who stands there looking
defiantly at him.

Michael looks at him

straight in the eye and says "I
don't know who you are but
looking at you severely pisses me

Kai Long stares at the

only remaining resistance and
flicks his wrist which caused
Michael to be sent sliding
backward by about an inch, his
entire body glowing from the
power being released.
Inner Light: The Dragon Within

"You know your friend is

either dying or dead, there is no
longer a need for you to fight,
why do you do it?" asks Kai

"Oh shut up," and

Michael rushes at him aiming the
spear at the mans torso. Kai
Long dodges easily and flicks his
wrist at the man sending him
further this time than before.

Looking a bit annoyed,

Kai Long punches out at the air
with his left hand sending
Michael through the glass wall

this time but, Michael merely
floats in the air looking at Kai
Long and he asks "Is that all you

"Nom" Kai Long says

and launches himself at Michael
this time slashing his hand
downward like a claw. Michael
barely dodges it but he still could
feel the pain as the air just sliced
through his skin. Michael moved
even faster in the air and for
some reason the fight had now
become an airborne fight. Both
dodging and striking at each
other, nothing less than a brawl,
Inner Light: The Dragon Within

but each time they rushed at each

other they would vanish from
sight as they were so fast.

"I have had enough," Kai

Long says "Dark Dragon
Awaken," and in his place a huge
dragon appears in mid-air. He
says "Dragon Breath" and he let
out a breath of fire so huge that it
begins to wipe out buildings and
leaving only stumps. People
below were running and
screaming now that they could
see what was happening.

The fire had touched
Michael and he could barely
stand the firepower. He fell
downward, unable to fight
anymore, he was completely
exhausted fighting his way up the
floors. On his way down he
could see Allan lying there
broken on the ground. People
were milling about as he fell.
Everything had failed but, he was
reminded by everyone that had
fallen, he too could not fall. By
sheer will power alone he found
himself floating in the air once
Inner Light: The Dragon Within

He looks up at the dragon

and rushes upward to meet his
nemesis, risking his entire life
force he rushed forward like a
holy lance at the dark dragon.
The amulets within the seal
reacted suddenly to his feelings,
sending out all the energy within
them into his body. The other
amulets reacted too and he was
set aflame with holy light. Kai
Long only saw the lance coming
to him and did not have time to
dodge it. The lance pierces
through his chest and continues
out through his back. In the end
Kai Long fell downward onto the

pavement below destroying a
sum of buildings.

Michael watches on,

amazed but, now he was spent,
his entire body dissipated into
thin air as he was overloaded
with power. The now conscious
Carla watches on at the hero's
death; shedding a tear as he
finally left.
Inner Light: The Dragon Within

Chapter 32

As he dies, his soul was

sent upward into the heavens
above. In the air, he was
shapeless and without mass. In
the clouds they were there
watching him. Some of the
clouds break apart and change
into huge serpents, then there
were more of them until the
clouds were gone and only
dragons remained.

They spoke without

speaking. So, you have finally

arrived, you were lost to us and
now you are found again but, we
can not accept you nor your
friend, at which statement there
suddenly appeared a turtle.

You are too human for

your own good so to earth again
shall you be sent, in a new body
though for yours was destroyed,
and so was his.

A beam of light came

from above and struck him and
the turtle, sending them down to
the ground below. He could see
Inner Light: The Dragon Within

them gathering at the foot of the


His form began to change

and grew as he became human
once more in roughly the same
shape he was before, however,
his hair continued to grow longer
and longer, down to his waist.
He was wrapped completely in a
white golden robe and he could
hear the arrr and awwwwww
from the crowd. The turtle had
changed to Farley again, looking
slightly less mediocre and more
wise than before.

Michael just could not
help himself and said "and let
there be light" and half the crowd

He looks around and

surprisingly finds Allan still very
much alive though he looked
worse for wear. The others in
their little group were also there
while Carla came running at him
at full speed laughing and crying
at the same time. She tackled him
to the ground. Right, she is
definitely mad, he thought.
Inner Light: The Dragon Within


His parents had come

back to find the house looking
like a castle but, luckily for him,
he was at work at the time. The
call centre had no clue that he
was the cause of the fire so he
wasn't blamed.

Carla was his girlfriend

now even though he still finds
that a bit weird, her job as
Priestess of the Seal was over as
the seal was broken while all the
amulets were destroyed.

Running Horse went back
to the U.S. to find out why he
was sent here in the first place.

Allan is alive and kicking

and still continues to run his tour.

Kaiten was called back to

Japan while Elra went back with
him. It was some sort of clan

Farley of course saved the

day when he "revealed" to his
parents that the castle was a mere
illusion cause by his magic tricks
Inner Light: The Dragon Within

and with one wave the castle was

turned back into a house.

Everything is good and

boredom had finally dissipated.


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