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Marking the Cycle of Life in Japan


by Tomoko Uehira

In Japan, school ends in March and starts in April. As a marking point to start this new phase of
life, Japanese people celebrate a childs graduation from and entrance to school. At the beginning of
April, some present or gift of money is sent or given by a grandparent, an uncle, an aunt, or a close
relative to the child, who has just entered school to celebrate his or her growth. This custom is called
Nyugaku iwai in Japanese. The most popular items are stationery, book coupons, or commercial
coupons, the price of which ranges from 3,000 yen to 30,000 yen depending on the childs age. The
entrance of a child to elementary school and university are the biggest occasions. Grandparents usually
buy a new desk or a new red satchel for their grandchild, who has entered elementary school, or give a
lot of gift money to the grandchild, who has started a university life. In addition, family members celebrate
these occasions by having a party or eating out.
Graduates fresh from university start working at the companies on April 1st. We also celebrate
these young relatives entrance to the company by giving them some gift money or practical things, such
as a necktie, a bag, a fountain pen, a watch, and so on to help them prepare for their new company life. It
is called Shuskoku iwai in Japanese.

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