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Yes/No Questions in the Simple future tense

When you make any question that can be answered as yes or no, then you should start it
with auxiliary verb followed by the subject and the 1st form of base verb.
Yes/No Sentences = Will/Shall + Subject + 1st form of Verb +Object?
For example
Will she work in this firm?
Will he go to the market?
Will you complete the task?
Shall we win the match tomorrow?
Will she come next month?

Wh- Questions in the Simple future tense

When you make any question that starts with wh word, then you should start it
from wh word and then add auxiliary verb, after that subject followed by the 1st form of
base verb.

Wh words are when, why, who, where, whom, how, what, how much, how many.
WH Sentences = Wh word + will/shall+ Subject + 1st form of Verb+ Object?
For example
Where will you live in England?
What will she do after this?
When will you meet the CEO of the company?
Why will he work for that hotel?
Why shall I wash your clothes?

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