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azo17 tesa cuba - Facebook Search 317 OFWs in Middle East gel assessment from TESDA TESA - FRIDAY.MAY 25,2017 @ May 25, 2017 - A total of 317 overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) in completed their onsite competency assessment under the Technica’ Development Authority (TESDA) held in various countries in that r ‘The Middle East consists of the countries located east of the Medite India. They are Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Jordan, Iraq, Iran, # Yemen, Oman, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, ] In that region, 252 OFWs received certificates of completion after t held in Riyadh, Al Khobar, Abu Dhabi, Dubai and Jeddah where it certification rate. Some of the qualifications given assessment were courses such as C ‘NC Il; Technical Drafting NC I[; Visual Graphic Design NC III; Eve Food and Beverage Services NC IT; Caregiving NC IT and Massage T ‘The Onsite Assessment Program (OAP) of TESDA kicked off in Riy April 28-0, 2017.Then it proceeded to Abu Dhabi where the same hip iiwww: acebock comincestesda/317-ofws-n-midal-ast-get-assessment-rom-tesda4A4as337764968) w azo17 tesda dba - Facaoook Search Jeddah on May 5-6; Jeddah, May 4-8; and the in Dubai, May 12-13 Records showed that 76 OFWs from Riyadh and Al Khobar took pa them received certificates, giving 92.11 pereent certification rate. In Jeddah, 112 out of 130 passed the assessment (86.91 percent cert 39 from Abu Dhabi passed (69.23 percent certification rate) and 43 (59.7 percent) from Dubai. Apart from the onsite assessment of OFWs in the Middle East, repr met officials and conducted inspection in areas which applied for p acereditation as the agency’s assessment center. TESDA Director General, Secretary Guiling “Gene” Mamondiong s: determine if the OFWs possess the competencies required in a pref “The program seeks to support the goal of bringing the Filipino ov skilled, low paying and oppressive service work, and assist them t better paying and decent work” said Mamondi Uke Comment Share You and 37 others DBS wr2 2 comment hips iiwww: facebock comMncestesda/317-cws-n-midale-ast-ge-assessmont-rom-tesda A4a5337264968) 22

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