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Medicine past, present and future

Since remote ages the physicians have fighted against diseases, death and aging, but through
time perspective of sickness changes everyday. It is a challenge for scientifics to develop new
technologies and discover different kind or ways of healing, this has been seen in the last
decades an important step in medicine and health sciences which is advancing in a quick way.
Our ancestors attributed and believed that diseases were consequence of a damming of gods,
possessions by devils, Hipocrates had the theory of humors a misbalance of humors resulted in
disease. Nowadays the scientific method overpasses and superates the empirics and the
mancias. Only there are few diseases curable some surgical states and some infections, the
rest of them are chronic paliable, controllable. For the next decades findings based on stem
cells, cultures of tissues, creation of organs for replacement will make that some diseases until
today incurable become curable, interventions trying to make procedures with minimum
incisions or through natural holes, by robots handled on distance by an expert surgeon.

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