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In this course you'll learn the highly guarded secrets of mind
readers and mentalists and how to use them to pick up
beautiful women. You'll learn how to get past any woman's
defense mechanisms and how to initiate the pick up easily.

For those of you who dont know me My name is Spencer

Michaels. For years, Ive been coaching guys around the
world on how to meet and attract women. My unorthodox
approach has been field tested over and over again. The
bottom line is THIS STUFF WORKS. I got my degree in
Psychology from a major university which taught me a lot
about human desires, but that was nothing compared to the
education I got while promoting and managing nightclubs in
New York City for 8 years. For years, I spent 5 nights a
week at the hottest nightclubs in New York City surrounded
by the most beautiful and most attitude infused women in
the world. Ive read hundreds of books on seduction, human
sexuality and psychology and combined that with what Ive
learned in my real life experience. Through years of trial and
error Ive gotten it down to a science and now I have it all
packaged for you. The following concepts and techniques will
change your life.

Mind Reading professionals have spent years and thousands

of dollars developing the secrets you'll learn in this course

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and they've made hundreds of thousands of dollars utilizing
these methods.

You'll learn the exact dialogue you can use to walk up to any
woman, transition immediately into your routine, and leave
with her phone number - or better yet... Leave with her!
Once a woman realizes that you have special mental powers
or an amazing ability to read her - rock stars, rich guys and
Brad Pitt look-alikes will have nothing on you.

Before I give you specific mind reading tricks, Im going to

teach you a quick technique that you can use to help deliver
these tricks with ease. Before approaching women, you need
to go into what I call a Movie Character Trance also known
as an MCT . The idea behind an MCT is that you want to
go into the situation as if youre the ultimate movie
character. I want you to think of all the characteristics that
you find enviable in your favorite movie characters. I want
you to envision yourself having these characteristics and
really believe you have them (I go into more detail about
the MCT in my course The Art of War For Dating which
you can get at For example you may
envision yourself having the smoothness of Tom Cruise in
Cocktail (not the weird couch jumping Tom Cruise), the
toughness of Robert Deniro or Clint Eastwood and the

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mystique of Val Kilmer in The Saint. While youre in your
MCT , youre unstoppable and invulnerable. You can say no
wrong. You can walk up to women in the protection of your
MCT and there are no consequences for your actions. If
you get rejected or not it doesnt matter. You are simply
role playing. This is a great mindset to take on before using
the following tricks. Okay so now that you have your MCT
on, lets get to the good stuff. Here are a series of mind
reading tricks you can you use to approach, disarm and
amaze any woman.


Imagine walking up to a girl at a bar and revealing her
phone number just by looking into her eyes! Do this one
correctly and shell have no idea how you knew things about
her that you have no business knowing. You can predict
without fail: Her last name, PIN number or phone number.

The Effect
You walk up to a female and say, If I can guess youre
phone number can I call you and take you out? Chances
are shell agree because shell think there is no way in hell
you could figure it out.

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You ask her to borrow a pen or pencil (or just pull out your
own), you write down a number on a piece of paper and
sure enough - youve written down her phone number!

The Details
Now before you start salivating and think youre going to
actually be able to go around figuring out her phone number
by reading her mind remember this is a trick.

Now that shes agreed to your little bet, you ask her to
borrow a pen or pencil. If she doesnt have one, just take
out your own. Tell her to look you directly in the eyes. Tell
her that through body language and visual cues youll be
able to figure out her phone number. You can say that you
are psychic if you want but shell probably think its
nonsense and then figure out that you must have used some
kind of trick. People tend to actually believe you if you throw
in stuff about body language or visual cues.

Now say, Visualize the first digit of your phone number.

Tell her told hold that number in her mind (make sure to tell
her to skip the area code). Mention that shell do something
to give away what the number is through their body
language or through her eyes. You can go into a spiel about
how people tend to give things away without knowing it. You

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can say that youve studied body language or eye-accessing
information gathering techniques for years. Pretend to write
the number down on a thick piece of paper, index card or
pad. A coaster works well at a bar as long as it has plenty of
blank white space. The less it looks like you brought props
with you the better. Now tell her to visualize the next
number, etc. Until she gets to the last number. Somewhere
in there say, Oh wow youre very easy to read. I could
probably figure out a lot of other stuff about you too
Actually I did pick up a few other things but Ill tell you
those later. Saying this gets her very curious and gets her
thinking that there may be a later that involves the both of
you. Once she gets done visualizing the last number, tell her
that you have the whole phone number. Until you get good
at the trick, you may want to just say that youll guess the
last four digits of her number. Give her back the pen/pencil
or just put it down.

Now you ask her for her phone number. She says, 555-
6428. You tell her, Theres no way I could have known
that, right? Wait for her answer and continue, Do you think
I got it right? Shell probably say no way. You turn the
paper over and sure enough you have 555-6428 written on

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HERES THE SECRET - While you were asking her Theres
no way I could have known that, right? you were secretly
writing the number down on the paper with something called
a Swami Gimmick. Its a device that looks like a small skin-
toned rubber band with a pencil tip on it. You can get this at
a magic store. However you dont need this. You can just
use a little piece of pencil lead stuffed under your fingernail.
If your nails are short, you can use a little bit of scotch tape
and tape it to your thumb to hold it in place. Remember
before when she thought you were writing down numbers?
You really werent writing anything down. You were just
moving the pencil/pen as if you were writing. So right after
she tells her the phone number, you immediately start to
write down the phone number with the piece of lead under
your nail or with the Swami Gimmick. Keep the paper/pad
close to your body and conceal the fact that youre writing
something. See the images below for the concept.

I find it works best if you do it with your thumb. This will

take some practice to get it to work properly. Once you get
good at this, itll work wonders for you. Actually, its one of

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the most useful skills Ive ever learned in my life. I can now
do it so fast and easily that people would never imagine in a
million years that I could have written something with my
one hand. Its really not that difficult. If you practice,
eventually youll be able to write with just one hand
practice, practice, practice! Now that you have her number
just take it, put it in your pocket and tell her that youll give
a call tomorrow or just keep the conversation going. If you
get really good at this, theres no reason why you cant go
home with 5 phone numbers a night.


The Effect
Walk up to a woman and tell her to pick any card and tell it
to you. You then pick up a cell phone, call a friend and your
friend is able to tell her exactly which card she picked.

The Details
Walk up to a girl or group of girls at a bar or club and tell
them that you can telepathically project thoughts through
radio waves via a cell phone. Tell her its taken you years,
but through lots of meditation its possible to get brain
waves in sync with the frequency of radio waves.
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Tell her to pick any card that exists in a standard deck of
cards (ie. The 6 of Hearts). What makes this trick great is
that you dont need to actually have a deck of cards with
you. Have her tell you which card she picked. Now tell her
that you will call a friend and through telepathy youll tell the
friend which card they chose.

The secret is to have the friend (wingman) on the other end

of the phone in on the trick. You can do this easily at a bar
or a party by having the person go into the bathroom,
outside or at the other end of the bar/club. You can do this
with a friend at home too but they must be aware that you
are going to call specifically about this. As the soon as the
friend answers they should start counting
Ace,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,Jack,Queen,King. Have them pause
about a second between each card. Lets say the person
picked the 6 of Hearts. Immediately after your friend says 6,
you say, Hello? The person will assume that your friend
just picked up the phone at that moment. This will indicate
to your friend that the card is a 6. Then you say to your
friend, Have you got the card? Then hand the phone to the
girl and your friend will tell her the card. Notice that you
said, Have you got the card? By starting the sentence with
an H, this tells your wingman that its hearts. You can use

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a different sentence to indicate whether its Hearts,
Diamonds, Spades or Clubs. For Clubs you might say, Can
you tell her the card? For Diamonds you might say, Did
you telepathically get the card? For Spades you can say,
Say the card please.

If done smoothly and quickly the girl will have no idea how
you did it. The great thing is, you can hang up and do it over
and over again. Shell never know how youre doing it! Okay
now here comes the best part of the trick. After you do it
once, tell the girl that you can project even more complex
things through the phone as well. Tell her to give you her
phone number and youll mentally project it through the
phone and you guarantee your friend will be able to pick it
up. If possible, have a pen ready so she can write it down
for you. As soon as she gives you the number, pretend
youre calling your friend (you can be putting her number in
your phone at this time). Then just say, Oh he didnt
answer but thanks for your number. Ill give you a call
tomorrow. Now start to walk away and give her a little
smirk. Dont say goodbye. Just disappear from her sight for
a little while and come back in about 5 minutes. I guarantee
that shell be all over you when you get back!

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Okay this trick is actually kinda-sorta real mind reading
or at least as close as anyone will come to real mind
reading. This one uses NLP (Neuro-Linguistic-Programming).
This is a controversial and very interesting branch of
psychology. Youll use subconscious eye-movement signals
to amaze women with this one.

The Effect
You approach a woman and tell her to think of 3 different
memories and write them down on 3 separate pieces of
paper. The first should be a memory of an old friend. The
second should be a favorite song of theirs. The third should
be a memory of a time that they were in physical pain (like
an injury).

You then tell them to throw away two of the pieces of paper
without showing you which ones they threw away (or tell her
to put the discarded ones in her pocket). Tell them to focus
on the memory that remains. You mysteriously tell them
which memory they are holding in their hand.

The Details
NLP has shown that people will look in specific directions
when accessing different kinds of memories.

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Walk up to a girl and say, You look like your minds going a
mile a minute like you have something stuck on your
mind. Something happened recently that cant get out of
your head like something involving a relationship between
you and someone else true? The best part about this is
that most women will definitely make some correlation
between what you said and something that happened
recently in the past. If she says something like, Yeah how
could you tell? Youre golden. Just go on with the rest of
the routine. If she says, nope, you just say, Thats odd - I
have a natural gift of reading peoples auras. I can usually
just feel when someone has something heavy on their
mind. Then say, Let me try something with you. Tell her
to think of 3 different memories and write them down on 3
pieces of paper. If you are somewhere where paper is not
readily available, you can just have her think of them in her
head. The first should be a memory of an old friend. Have
them write down the name of the friend. The second should
be a favorite song of theirs. The third should be a memory
of a time when they were in physical pain (like an injury).
You then tell her to throw away two of the pieces of paper
without showing you which ones she threw away. You then
tell her to focus on the memory that remains. If theres no
paper available, you tell her to mentally discard 2 of the
memories and to focus only on one of them. Tell her to

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visualize the memory in her minds eye. She will
subconsciously glance in one direction while trying to
visualize the memory. Tell to think very deeply about the
memory. Tell her that at some point youll feel what shes
thinking of. What youre really looking for is the direction
she glances in at some point while thinking about it. With
some people this will be very obvious with others the
glances may be very subtle or they may quickly dart their
eyes in one direction and back. If she isnt doing it, tell her
to think harder and harder about it. Tell her to project the
though thought to you. Make sure to tell her to lift her head
up and look at you. Dont mention anything about the eyes
because you dont want her to know you are looking for
that. Here are the eye accessing clues youll be looking for:

Right handed people will look in the following direction while

accessing the memory:

Visual Remembered Images (old friend): Up and to their left

Remembered Sounds (favorite song): Their left
Kinesthetic (physical pain): Down and to their right

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Left handed people will look in the opposite direction. If the
person is left handed - reverse the chart (just look at which
hand they are writing with).

Shell be totally confused about how youre doing it and

shell think youre a mind reader, extremely gifted or or in
tune with people and the universe. Either way getting her
number or getting her home with you will be a piece of cake
from here.


The Effect
You ask a girl or group of girls to think of a vegetable and
they say, carrot. They are amazed that you predicted it

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The Details
Girls tend to go out in groups (aka. sets) and they like to
protect each other with the strength of their group from
creepy guys like you. Ive found that this trick is the single
best way to break into a set of women. In fact its never
failed for me.

Approach a group of women and say, I was just arguing

with my friend about something. He thinks that men think
about sex more than women. I told him them that I think
women do. What do you guys think? Youll probably get
mixed answers here but it doesnt really matter what they
say. Then you say, Onto a totally different subject Can I
try something with you guys?

Before the trick starts, you have the word carrot written on
a piece of paper. You start by telling the girls youre going to
give them a brief math quiz to prepare them for an
experiment in mind reading. Tell them itll only take a
minute, so they know that they wont be getting involved in
some 3 hour experiment. If youre at a party, you can have
a bunch of pieces of paper ready and pens to hand them. If
youre at a bar or club you can just tell them to think of the
answers in their head.

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Tell everyone to write down or mentally record the answers
as quickly as they can. Shout out about ten easy math
questions like 2+5, 4+7, 8x2, 10-5, etc. Tell them not to
worry about getting every one right; just try to write (or
think of) the answers as quickly as they can. Immediately
after the last math problem, tell them to write down or think
of the name of a vegetable. Tell them, quickly, quickly go
with the first one that comes to mind! If you see anyone
thinking too much hurry them up. Tell them not to say it
out loud yet.

Have the piece of paper with carrot written on it already

face down on the table or in your hand. Tell everyone to
reveal which vegetable they choose. 80-90% of them will
most likely have chosen carrot. Have one them turn over
your piece of paper and watch them be amazed that you had
read their minds. If they were thinking of it instead of
writing it down make sure you say, You were thinking of
a carrot and then just watch them be baffles that you knew
what they were thinking. Why does this work? There are
many theories on why it works. Some claim that numbers
and the word carrot are somehow stored in the same part of
the brain others say its because carrot is the most popular
vegetable others think its because its one of the simplest

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vegetables to say and spell. Either way it doesnt matter
how it works but it does! The second most popular answer
will probably be celery but the overwhelming majority of
people will say carrot.

Now you can tell the girls that youve proven your point. You
can even pull your friend over and act as if youve won the
argument with him. Tell the girls that this is a Freudian
experiment. Tell them that they all thought of carrot
because its a phallic symbol. Tell them that 90% of women
think of carrot and that when the experiment is done with
men the answers are totally varied. Tell them that Freud
used this to show how sexual women are and how much of
their subconscious is consumed with thoughts of penis.
Theyll get a kick out of this and probably believe you.

Another way you can sell this trick is to say that master of
subliminal suggestion and that somewhere in there; you
subliminally suggested that they choose carrot. This will get
them thinking that youre amazing and most importantly
YOURE NOT BORING. Women would rather be dead than


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This is a great trick that will leave people believing that
there is some kind of connection happening between two
friends. This one is especially great at parties.

The Effect
Approach a set of two or more women at a party. If there
are more than two of them, pick two that seem to be talking
to each other most. Say this to them, You two seem like
you have a really strong connection have you been friends
long? If they say yes, youre all set. If they say they just
met recently you say, Wow, it seems like youve known
each other for a while I bet youre going to be friends for a
long time. Pause for a moment and wait for reaction. Then
continue, Do you guys believe that friends can often sense
when another friend is in danger or that friends can develop
some kind of telepathic bond? Theyll usually agree that this
is possible and may even mention some example of how this
happened in their life. If they do, great this will make the
job of selling this trick even easier. If they dont, you can tell
them youll prove to them that its true.

Tell her that momentarily youll be touching the other friend

and that sometimes, when friends have a really good
connection and are in synch theyll be able to feel when
the other friend has been touched. Have one of them close

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their eyes and proceed to touch the other friend on her hand
twice. You then tell the girl with her eyes closed to open up
her eyes and ask her if she felt a touch. She will tell you that
she felt two taps on her hand. The girl with her eyes open
along with everyone in the room will be baffled. The girl with
her eyes closed will be convinced that you really touched her
but everyone else around will say that you were nowhere
near her. The friends will think that they somehow had a
telepathic connection. Theyll probably talk about it all night
and somehow ramble on about how they are BFFs (best
friends forever) and may even cry about their special

How it Works
You are actually touching the person with their eyes closed
just not at the time everyone is expecting. Each friend
thinks the touch is happening at different times. You have
Friend A close her eyes and secretly touch her while
nobody is looking. Seconds later you touch Friend B.
Everyone will think this is the touch that Friend A felt while
it was really the secret touch from seconds before that they

The Details

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As mentioned above - you ask the two friends if they feel
that friends can develop a special telepathic bond. You can
even mention how women who spend a lot of time together
end up getting synchronized periods. This will help make the
trick more believable and more importantly make them think
that you understand women.

Have friend A sit or stand on your left, while friend B

stands to your right. Tell friend A to think of special
memories she shared with friend B. Tell her to imagine
herself as one with friend B and to really try and feel a
special connection with friend B. Now tell friend A to
close her eyes and relax. Tell her to stay very quiet while
paying attention to feeling anything. Tell her youre going to
lift her arm up in a moment but after that be aware of any
touch and just remember what she feels. Now you lift her
left arm with your left hand so that her hand hovers around
waist height. Let her hand stay there while your right hand
remains down by your side. Then let your left hand return to
your side.

Now you tell friend B, Okay, check this out! As you do

this, take your left hand and point your finger in her face
while staring her in the eye. Get right in her face and move
your body partially in between her and her friend, distracting

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her from seeing what youre about to do. While youre
pointing in her face you secretly take your right hand, reach
it under your left arm and gently touch friend A on the
hand twice with your 4th finger. Make sure this is done very
subtly and smoothly. The crowd will be busy staring at the
finger youre using to point in friend Bs face. Now you
immediately grab friend Bs hand and tap her twice on the
top of the hand. Remember that up until this point the
crowd thinks that nobody had been touched. Then you tell
friend A to open her eyes. Ask her is she felt anything. She
will tell you that she felt taps on the top of her hand. Ask
her how many taps she felt and shell surely reply, two.
The crowd will be amazed and tell her that she was never
tapped. They dont realize that the taps she felt were from
the secret taps you performed seconds before the tap they
were looking for. From there you can just sit back and watch
them be impressed!


The Effect
After asking someone a series of questions, you figure out a
specific animal that they are thinking of.

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The Details
After you do this, most people will figure out that they didnt
have their mind read (except maybe if you do this with a
blonde stripper). However its still lots of fun and it makes a
great icebreaker with women. Just ask her this series of

1. Think of a number from 1 to 10

2. Multiply it by 9
3. Add the digits together
4. Subtract 5
5. Find the letter of the alphabet which corresponds to your
number (1 = A, 2 = B, 3 = c, etc.)
6. Think of a country that starts with that letter
7. Think of an animal that starts with the last letter of your
8. Think of a color that starts with the last letter of your

Tell her to just keep this stuff in her head and not to say it
out loud. As she is done, cleverly say, There are no orange
Kangaroos in Denmark. Almost everyone will come up with
this as the response but theyll be surprised that you said
that because it seems like it was nearly impossible for you to
force this answer. A few people will think Koala but then

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theyll have a hard time thinking of a color for it. They may
end up with an aqua or amber colored koala from Denmark
so if they say you have it wrong you may want to say, Oh
and there are no Koalas in Denmark either. To make sure
they say Kangaroo you may have them write their answers
down because many people will have difficulty spelling koala
so theyll most likely go with kangaroo. Theres an outside
chance someone will say killer whale, kitten or something
very obscure, but its extremely unlikely. You may want to
pressure her to go with the first thing that pops into her
head so she doesnt try to think of something really odd like
the Komodo dragon.

Want to make people think youre a genius? After seeing you
perform this trick, theyll think youre the smartest person
theyve ever met. Youve heard stories about how savants,
autistic people and the select few with photographic
memories can recall the most intricate details that most of
us could never remember. Now you can learn this skill in

The Effect

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Tell your subject that you can name the day of any date in
history. Have her pick any date on the calendar and you tell
her which day of the week it fell on!

The Details
You will actually need to use your memory to perform this
but not nearly in the capacity it would take to memorize
every date in history or in the future. You just have to
memorize this simple equation for finding the day of the
week that any date falls on (from the year 2000-2099) that
has been kept secret for years by mentalists and those
claiming to have photographic memory:

Lets say your subject picks June 12th 2006:

1. Look at the last two digits of the year and add of that
number to itself. [when finding a of the number, if the
answer ends in a decimal, just get rid of the number after
the decimal. Ie. 1.5 becomes simply 1] (06 + 1 = 7)- So we
end up with 7

2. Find the month code for June in the chart below It is 3

3. Now think of the day of the month given by your subject.

In this case it was the 12th

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4. Now add up answers to #1, #2 and #3 together (these
are the numbers highlighted in red (7 + 3 + 12 = 22)

5. Take away 7 from the number highlighted in blue over

and over until you are left with a number between 1 and 7.
(22 - 7 - 7 - 7 = 1)

6. The number youre left with corresponds to the day of the

week that date fell on (ie. 1=Monday, 2=Tuesday,
3=Wednesday, 4 = Thursday, etc.)

So there you go! We have our answer. If someone asks you

what day of the week June 12th 2006 falls on, you can look
them in the eye and say Monday. These calculations seem
a little complex but get very easy with a little practice
trust me.

Month Codes
Jan: 6
Feb: 2
Mar: 2
Apr: 5
May: 0
Jun: 3

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Jul: 5
Aug: 1
Sept: 4
Oct: 6
Nov: 2
Dec: 4

In the rare case the date youre looking for is in a leap year
and it falls in January or February then you have to subtract
1 from the total you get in step 4.

To find a year in other centuries you have to subtract or add

to the total you get in step 4. The amount depends on the
century the date is in. Use the chart below for other

1700s: add 5
1800s: add 3
1900s: add 1
2100s: subtract
2200s: subtract 4

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If at the end of step 4 you get a 0 or negative number, just
add 7 over and over again until you get a number between 1
and 7.

Selling the Trick

You can sell this trick in many different ways. You can act
like you have a photographic memory and that youve
memorized every single date in history (and the future). You
can also tell her to find the date in the calendar and keep
the day of the week in her head. You can tell her to say the
day of the week over and over again in her head and that
youre going to extract the thought from her through ESP or
by picking up cues from her body language.

I like to sell this trick to women by guessing the day that

their birthday will fall on. Women have this silly obsession
with birthdays so itll be sure to strike a nerve with her if
you can do this. Just say, If I can guess the day of the
week your birthday falls on this year (or next year) I get to
take you out for your birthday. Any way you choose to sell
the trick it is sure to be impressive!


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The Effect
You put a beer bottle in the middle of the table. You turn
your back and close your eyes while telling a group of people
to pick one person to touch the bottle. You turn around and
by assessing peoples body language, you announce which
person touched it.

The Details
The way this is done is almost too easy. Its so easy that
people wont know how the hell youre doing it. You get a
friend, AKA a stooge whos in on the trick with you.
Magicians and so called mentalists use this all the time in
their stage performances, but most people dont think they
are actually doing it. Why do people rarely suspect a
stooge is used? Well, first of all, its such a simple answer
that people are usually searching for some complex solution.
The simplest tricks are usually the best. Also, people tend to
believe the magician, when he/she says with conviction, No
stooges will be used during this performance. Its almost as
if they forget that the magician is trying to trick them. They
forget that the whole performance is a lie - why would the
performer hesitate to lie about not using stooges? Although
in this case, make sure not to say, Im not using a
stooge. This will probably tip them off to it.

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This is a great way to get women at parties interested in
you. People at parties generally sit or stand around and wait
for someone to do or say something interesting. While other
guys are boring girls with the same old crap they always
hear this is a great way to stand out and become the life
of the party.

First of all, you can use any object for this trick. I choose a
bottle because it shouldnt be hard to find a beer bottle at a
party. Have this set up before hand with a friend (stooge).
Your stooge simply signals you which person touched it by
using a number system going from left to right. If there are
six people in the group, the person furthest to your left
would be #1 and the person furthest to the right would be
#6. If they are sitting in a circle, just use a clockwise
system. Dont forget to have your stooge give himself a
number too and to have him touch the bottle once in a while
as well.

The stooge should signal you by casually placing fingers on

the table in front of him. If person 6 touches the bottle, your
stooge will rest 6 fingers on the table without making it very
obvious. Have him place his hands on the table in a very
relaxed manner. Youll be surprised how easy this is and
how natural it can look.

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If the people are too scattered you can just have your
stooge mimic the exact posture of the person who touched
it. For example, if the person who touched is leaning all the
way back and has one hand over his head, your friend will
sit in the exact position. If its the friend who touched it,
have them sit with their hand in a specific way so you know
it was them.

Selling the Trick

This is the most important part of the trick. If you dont do
this, people may begin to suspect a stooge. You tell them
that youve been studying body language for years. You can
go on to say youve read lots of books on body language and
taken a bunch of courses. You can tell them that
unknowingly, people will give away that they are the one
who touched it. Look around at everyone as if you are
studying their body language. Then you can say, Ahaa! You
just gave it away while pointing to the person who touched


This is a perfect trick to use out at bars or clubs because it
doesnt require any bulky props and its great for use on a
group of girls. One of the hardest things for most guys is

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approaching a group of women. They walk up to the group
and get overwhelmed by all of the girl power that the
groups can exhibit. Girls often tend to make their little circle
impenetrable. Ive entertained countless sets of girls at bars
with this trick. You can do it over and over again with every
girl in the set.

The Effect
You walk up to a group of women at a bar or club and say,
You guys are a predictable bunch - I noticed from across
the bar that you guys display so many of the classic body
language tells that most women exhibit in social settings.
Calling them guys lets them know that you are casual and
not intimidating at first. Then you follow with, Youre body
language gives away so much about you. Theyll be sure to
get slightly offended but youll definitely have their
attention. They may say something like, Oh yeah? What
can you tell about us genius? The person that says that (or
something like it) is likely to be the leader of the group
because she stepped up first. Either way, it doesnt really
matter what you say here. You should point to the one who
spoke up first and say, I can tell youre the leader of the
group. Its a natural tendency for everyone to want to be
the leader of the group so shell probably agree with you or

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least be happy that you found her to be special. Also by
doing this, youre making the other girls feel like they are
lesser and will instantly make them want to validate
themselves to you. You may also look for someone who has
her arms crossed and say, Youre guarded, but you open up
once people get to know you. Most people that are slightly
shy tend to think this way so shell probably be somewhat
impressed that you caught that. Now you say, Let me show
you how predictable you are. Any one of you have a coin?
Take the coin from whoever gives it you. Now pick one of
them (Not the one you are most interested in) and say, I
noticed you as the one who was most obvious with her body
language take this coin and put it behind your back. Put it
in either hand and put your hands out in front of you. Ill
guess which hand it is in every time just by assessing your
body language cues If I get it right 5 times your friend
here will buy me a drink (point to the girl youre most
interested in). At this point youll have broken past their
guard, built up suspense and have a whole group of women
eating out of the palm of your hands. All of this done while
not even revealing your hidden intention of getting one of
them into bed (or at least out on a date).

They may or may not agree to the drink buying thing. If

they give you a problem with it you can offer to buy her a

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drink if you dont pick it right every time. Theyll usually go
along with it then. If they make to big a deal about the drink
buying thing, just act like you have no time for all of their
fussiness and jokingly say, Okay you wimps, forget the
drink thing lets just do this.

The girl puts her hands behind her back and then out in
front of her holding the coin in one hand. You look at her
and act as if you are assessing her body language to figure
out which hand its in. Say things like, Oh man, youre too
easy. Youre giving it away. You proceed to guess
accurately all 5 times. Each time you can act like theres
something shes doing to give it away. Once you get to the
4th and 5th time you can really start clowning on the whole
group here by saying things like, Its amazing how much
you guys were giving away with your body language while
you guys were talking before I came over. Ive been
studying the psychology of body language for a while and I
could even tell that one of you in particular really found me
attractive when I first walked over. Now that youve really
proven that you are a body language expert, theyll really
believe that one of them found you attractive and theyll all
wonder if it was them that was giving you the nonverbal
cues. Once you finish you should ask the girl you liked to
make good on the bet and get you a drink. Now that youve

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established the trust of the group, you can lead your target
over to the bar and have her get you a drink. From here Itd
be a good idea to have a repertoire of techniques ready to
build attraction with her. Get my in-depth program The Art
of War For Dating at for details on exactly
what to do from here.

How Its Done

Okay, so all that stuff above was great but if you dont know
how to do the trick, none of that matters. There are a few
ways to do this trick, but the best way is to use a compass
watch and magnetic coin. There are many good looking
watches out there that have built in compasses in them and
you can find magnetic coins very cheap online as well (you
can google either of them and youll find a bunch of
options). You can also take a normal compass and make a
watch out of it by gluing it to a watch strap.

You can either give them the magnetic coin to use for the
trick or you can ask them for a coin and secretly swap it with
yours by pretending to pass it from your left hand to your
right hand, while you really just had the magnetic coin in
your right hand the whole time and didnt swap anything.
When the compass goes near the hand with the coin, the
compass arms will move. You can just stand very close to

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your target and point very close to each hand as if you are
doing like an eenie meenie miny mo kind of thing with
your hand while squinting your eyes as if youre waiting for
her to make some kind of movement that will give it away.
Really youre getting a reading on the compass. Youll notice
the compass hand move as it comes close to the hand with
the coin in it. This will take some practice, but will look great
once you get good at it. If suddenly you get no movement
on the compass it is likely shes trying to trick you and she
has it in neither hand.

There are a couple of other ways to do this. Some magic

shops sell a magic trick called Eye to Eye. It uses a plastic
ball or a coin. I strongly urge you not to use the ball as its
suspect and screams dorky. You dont want the girls thinking
you brought some kind of silly magic trick ball with you. You
receive a signal that tells you which hand theyre holding the
coin/ball in.

There is a way to do this without any props but its not as

accurate. The proven best way to detect which hand the coin
is in without using anything is looking at the direction the
nose will point in. Try this with family and friends and youll
be surprised how well it works. The eyes can lie but the nose
seems to tell the truth.

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This is my kind of trick because it involves only a nickel and
a penny. You dont want to use big complicated props or use
anything that looks like it might come from a magic kit with
you when trying to pick up women using mentalism and
magic. A lot of women will think youre desperate or dorky if
you do that. As long as the props you use are something you
can easily find around youre safe.

A good way to start this off is to drop a penny and a nickel

on the floor near your target. Try to the coins to fall closer
to her feet than yours. If possible get them to fall completely
on the other side of her so its obvious that its easier for her
to reach for them that it is for you. Dont rush to pick them
up. Hopefully she reached for them. If not, you can even
say, Do you mind grabbing those for me? If she grabs
them for you, youre all set. By getting her to get them for
you, youve already initiated a sequence where shes doing
things for you and not the other way around. Actually
getting someone to do a favor for you is a more effective
way to get someone to like you than doing a favor for the
person. The psychology of it is that a persons subconscious
will suggest to them, I did a favor for this person, therefore
I must like them. Its a good idea to get used to asking for

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favors from women often. As she reaches to pick them up
for you, say the following in a lighthearted manner: Its a
shame to just leave it there when there are starving kids out
there I was watching an infomercial last night about that
stuff, and seeing those cute little kids with the flies on there
head got me thinking about how much we take for granted
I actually signed up to sponsor one of them I hope its not
a scam . This will get her thinking that youre a sweet guy
right from the start. Now that she has the coins in her hands
you can say, Hang on a sec. Before you give them back to
me, I want to try something. Im going to turn around and
when I do, I want you to put one coin in one hand and one
in the other. If I can guess which coin is in which hand 3
times, will you promise to adopt one of those kids the next
time youre watching one of those infomercials. Keep this
all very light not like youre trying to get her to join some
weird cult that is trying to get her to give money. Keep a
smile on your face the whole time and say it in a semi-joking
manner, but keep it serious enough where shell think that
you really care about starving kids (well hopefully you
really do).

The Method
Have her put her arms out in front of her and tell her that
youre going to guess which hand each coin is in. Go into a
spiel about how youve studied body language extensively
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and that people do certain things with their body to give
away which hand the coin is in. Tell her that body language
relies on the right side of the brain so youll need to occupy
the left side of the brain which governs reason to try and
allow her natural body language show itself. Explain to her
that when doing this, people sometimes try to hide their
natural body language so by occupying the left side of her
brain with the math, her body language will respond without
her being aware of it.

Ask her to multiply the coin in her right hand by 2 and to

say okay when she has the answer. Remember to act as if
youre observing her body language. Now ask her to multiply
the coin in her left hand by 17 and to say okay when she
has the answer. If it took about the same amount of time for
each, then the nickel is in the right hand since 1 x 17 is easy
to compute. If the second one was much slower, then the
nickel was in the left hand. You can do this trick on her two
more times but use different numbers like 13 or 16 instead
of 17 so she doesnt catch on to how youre doing it. She
may catch on but it doesnt matter because either way shell
think youre clever. If she catches on, just laugh about it
together and tell her that youre going to take her out next
week and try the trick again on her then. Tell her that her
homework assignment is to work on her times tables all
week and see if the next time she can fool you by
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multiplying faster. If she doesnt figure it out, you can go on
about how her body language gives up so much more about
her. This is a great time transition into another mind
reading trick I teach in this book The Accurate Psychic
Reading. Just recite the cold reading to her exactly as I
wrote it and tell her that you picked this up about her from
her body language and by looking into her eyes. Shell think
you somehow know her deep down inside.

After some practice, this routine will work wonders.


I am about to take the most clich and almost laughable
pick-up line of all time, Whats your sign and turn it into
the best weapon you and a friend can use to start a
conversation with a group of women. Have your friend
approach a group of women in a group and say in a cheesy
voice, Hey baby, whats your sign? as if hes mocking the
overuse of that pickup line. Before she gets a chance to say
anything have him cut her off and say, hang on my
friend has an amazing ability to tell peoples signs by asking
them a few questions. Then have him reach over and grab
you as if the whole thing wasnt planned. Have him say,
Hey bro come over here and see if you can read this girls

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sign. You come over and make sure you act as if this isnt
set up and that you didnt know your friend was going to call
you over. Have your friend go on and brag about how you
have this amazing sense about people (This is great because
its your friend bragging about you not you bragging about
yourself). Tell the girl that you will ask her a series of
questions that will let you know what sign she is. Make sure
to say that you cant always get it but that you can tell
someones sign by the way she dresses, carries herself and
by what career shes chosen, etc. Now have your friend go
over to her and ask her to whisper her sign in his ear. Lets
say her sign is Gemini. Have your friend look at you and
say, Go ahead. Then you proceed to ask her some
questions like:

What do you do for a living?

Do you believe in reincarnation?
Are you a creative thinker or more of a logical thinker?
Do you believe in love at first site?
Whats your favorite color?
What are the 3 most important characteristics you look for in a mate?
Do you believe in soul mates?

These questions arent actually revealing anything about her

to you but if you seem to be genuinely asking, the girls will
believe that youre really reading her based on the

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questions. Then to her amazement, you reveal that the sign
is in fact Gemini. The whole group is baffled that you figured
it out and now think you have some kind of mystical
intuition. Women love anything to do with feeling and
passion and mysticism. Theyll think you are incredible.

How Its Done

As soon as the girl tells your friend what sign she is, he says
a short phrase that indicates to you what sign she is. The
first letter of the phrase corresponds to the first letter in the
sign name. For example: If shes a Gemini, your friend will
say to you, Go ahead. If shes a Pisces, your friend will
say, Pick what sign she is. For most signs, the first letter
of the phrase you use is enough. For some youll have to go
by the first few letters because several signs start with the
same letter. For example: For Aries youll say, Are you
ready? to your friend, while for Aquarius youll tell him,
Ask her some questions. Just memorize this stuff with
your friend before you go out and itll become simple. You
can do this again with a few of the other girls in the group.
Make sure that once your friend says the brief phrase, he
stands somewhere behind you and out of the way so they
dont suspect signaling of some sort. After doing it with a
few girls, they may find it suspect that they have to tell your
friend each time before you start asking the questions so

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you should probably limit it to reading only 2 or 3 girls at a

Below is the chart of what to say for each sign:

Aries - Are you ready?

Taurus - Tell the lady her sign
Gemini - Go ahead
Cancer - Can you read her?
Leo - Lets do this
Virgo - Hes Very good at this
Libra - Like I said hes great at this
Scorpio - Sooo tell her her sign
Sagittarius - Say her sign
Capricorn - Cool read her
Aquarius - Ask her some questions
Pisces - Pick what sign she is


Imagine being able to walk up to a woman and give her a
spot-on psychic reading that shell totally believe. You can!
In fact using the techniques detailed below, youll have
about a 90% success rate at making her think you really
just read her. Youll be amazed at how easily you can just
approach a woman at a coffee shop or at a bar and say, Hi,

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Im picking up so much energy from you and I had to come
over and see if what Im picking up is true. My friends and
family tell me that I have physic ability. I can just pick up
auras from people. Your aura is really strong. Can I tell you
some things that I picked up from you aura? By coming up
and saying this, youve established several things:

1. Youre an interesting person and not your average

boring guy. Girls are used to boring guys walking up to
them all the time saying, Hi, Im John Whats your

2. Youre in touch with your spiritual side. Almost every

girl thinks shes very spiritual these days. Now that
every woman under the sun has read The Secret, the
spirituality thing is at an all time high.

3. Youve peaked her curiosity and now itll be hard for

her to turn down the reading. Shell be excited to hear
about how her aura was so strong.

Okay so now you have to deliver the reading. If possible

you should grab her hands about 1/3 of the way through the
reading once youve established some trust with her. This is
called kinesthetics. Whenever possible you want to establish
touch with a woman. (You can learn lots of ways to

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establish touch with women in my course The Art of War For
Dating, which you can get at Shell be
impressed and probably open to you touching her hands
once she starts to think that youre actually reading her. Just
reach for her hands in a confident, definitive manner and
say in a very soft voice, This helps me pick up more about

There are all kinds of ways to give fake psychic readings but
believe it or not, the proven best way to do it that has the
highest believability rate is to use a script that has proven
to fit all women. Thats right one script tends to fit all (well
almost all). You may have seen Derren Brown do this on
his TV show. He gave a group of women a psychic reading
that he said was tailored to each of them. Each one of them
believed that Derren had given them their own personalized
reading based on his psychic ability. The women were all
shocked at how much he knew about them. They were
amazed and convinced that he definitely had read them.
When they found out that he used a prewritten script and
that each of them were given the exact same reading, they
were shocked. Ya see the truth is women are pretty
much all the same (human beings in general are pretty
much all the same). On a deep level - they all have the
same wants and needs. They all have the same insecurities
and the same beliefs about themselves.
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Here are the principles behind this. Most of psychic reading
relies on stating obvious things that have happened or
pertain to everyone. People will tend to try to find a
correlation to whats presented in the reading and their
personal life or personality. They will almost always find a
connection. There is a prewritten script that has been tested
by psychologists on thousands of women. After using it on a
woman, she will definitely will believe that you picked up
things from her aura. 90% of women will believe that you
actually just read their mind or soul because they wont
believe you could have otherwise known such intimate
details about them. Ive used this reading on countless
women and it has worked every time. Heres a canned
script that has been used throughout history which has had
the highest believability rate of all universal readings:

Some of your aspirations tend to be pretty unrealistic. At

times you are extroverted, affable, sociable, while at other
times you are introverted and cautious. You have found it
unwise to be too honest in revealing yourself to others. You
pride yourself on being an independent thinker and dont
accept others' opinions without satisfactory proof. You
prefer a certain amount of change and variety and become
dissatisfied when boxed in by restrictions and limitations. At
times you have serious doubts as to whether you have made

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the right decision or done the right thing. Disciplined and
controlled on the outside, you tend to be worrisome and
insecure on the inside.

While you have some personality weaknesses, you are

generally able to compensate for them. You have a great
deal of unused capacity which you have not turned to your
advantage. You have a tendency to be critical of yourself.
You have a strong need for other people to like you and for
them to admire you. Security is one of the major goals of
your life.

You are very sensitive to other peoples feelings In fact

you often put other peoples need ahead of your own
especially those of your family and friends. You sometimes
take on too much responsibility and a lot of the time you
arent appreciated. Youre very perceptive about people and
are intuitive or even psychic to some extent.

This script has been tested and proven over and over again
in countless psychological studies. You dont have to use it
word for word, but should stick as close to the script as
possible. You can tailor it slightly to each woman based on
other cues you pick up about her. Youd be amazed at how
easy that can be too. A woman can be sitting there slouched

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over and with a huge frown on - you say, Youre somewhat
depressed and disenchanted with life - and shell be
surprised that you read that about her. Its almost
ridiculous. Once your done with the reading let her tell you
how impressed she is was that you knew all of that. Keep
your tone very soft almost as if youre still giving her the
reading. This will keep her in a trance-like state. Just say,
Thank you, I picked up such a positive energy about you
while doing that. Lets go out this Saturday. Im intrigued
and I want to get to know you more. Then just take out
your cell phone and say Let me take down your number.
Make sure not to hesitate here. Remember you have her
in a very susceptible state at this point. Have confidence
that shell give you her number now and chances are she

So you now have an arsenal of tricks to use out their in the
field. I strongly suggest reading this several times until the
material becomes second nature. Remember repetition is
the mother of success. Keep a look out for my advanced CD
and DVD series where I will delve into extremely advanced
techniques. Also dont forget to check out my original
course; The Art Of War For Dating at Make
sure to join my mailing list because Ill soon be releasing
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part 2 of this book which will have lots more tricks, opening
lines and closers that you can use to get the girl. As soon as
part 2 is released Ill be offering it first to the people who
bought this one to show my appreciation.

Id like to sincerely thank you for reading this and I look

further to coaching you even further in the future!

- Spencer Michaels

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