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Numeracy to 999 Review Questions

Which group is in order from least to greatest? Mark your answer.

A. 750, 650, 550, 450
B. 630, 330, 430, 530
C. 157, 167, 177, 187
D. 56, 46, 36, 26

Which symbol makes the statement true?

542-118 ? 418
A. =
B. >
C. <
D. +

Most Time in Space

Astronaut Days in Space
Soloviyov 658
Krikalyov 803
Avdeyev 748
Polyakov 679

The chart above shows how long several Russian astronauts spent in space.
Which astronaut spent the 2nd longest time in space?
A. Soloviyov
B. Krikalyov
C. Avdeyev
D. Polyakov
Student Number of Problems
Gina 378
Louise 367
Donata 372
Gemma ?

A group of friends took part in a Math-a-thon. They tried to solve as many math
problems as they could before the timer went off. The chart above show the
results. One of the scores is missing. Gemma came in 2nd place. How many
problems might she have solved?

A. 380
B. 376
C. 371
D. 369

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