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11. What do you hope to see for the Bouldering League in 2011?

Climbers completing more routes in the finals. It is , after all, a performance by the people, for the people. However, I do understand the fine line between
setting routes of a particular standard for the category , and hoping that the climbers can complete them and bring up the excitement level of the crowd. Case
in point: Pumpfest 2010, men's finals. It was awesome seeing Ponti completing the last 2 routes, the energy level in the crowd was amazing. Would've been
less of a spectacle if he failed to complete them. But I must say, kudos to SCA for all the efforts so far.
Higher walls, longer routes. Nicer event shirts - i would really love to join a boulder comp where competitors wear event T shirts instead of singlets such as
2 climb on 05 and rock on. I would love to have the competitions held in popularised areas such as orchard and city square. I simply love the location of
boulderactive in 313. The youth park is ideal also.

3 Is it possible to have a bigger location for the event?

4 more exciting competitions.

5 More competitions. =D

6 Better walls? Something that will allow the route setters to come out with more creative moves? More sponsors to draw in money to build better walls?

Better music. Warm up wall or at least a hangboard. Its really essential to warm up our fingers before competitive bouldering. Its hard to warm up the fingers
7 when theres nothing provided for us. Especially for the open cat. Whacking a v? with cold fingers is no joke. It can lead to injuries and flash pump which is not
desirable during comp
I hope to see that the bouldering league is held at a place where it is more spacious so that spectators have more space to seat. Other than that, I think
everything else is fine.

9 Point system

10 Same as 2010!

11 More dynamic wall set up n routes.

12 More 3d climbing

13 6 walls.

14 No more flash format for novice category.

15 more comps, less wait, more recognition from public and schools
16 More stunts!! haha

17 more volumes and show-boating routes to hype up the crowd!

18 larger variety of routes, more incredible technique

19 More competiters and better location which means more spectators .

I think the Open category Finals should have the competitors climbing as per normal (as in the old finals format) because if not it is quite hard for one to
watch since there are 2 going about it at the same time.

21 no comment

22 More creative routes

23 nil

24 bigger volumes and more interesting wall designs like that seen in world cups.

More competitions that match, or even exceed, the standards of Pumpfest 2010. More competition routes. More bouldering walls of varied angles. More
extensive use of varied volumes to add more challenging dimensions to the climbs. The finals for Open men and women should not be held concurrently,
albeit it's exciting, as I would prefer to concentrate on and give undivided attention to one climber at a time instead of two. Also, the concurrent strategy
actually awards the male climbers more attention than the females, which is quite unfair for the latter.

26 more varied routes, exciting for spectators to watch, prompt timings at events

27 more professional organisers

28 More comps with the u16 catergory.

29 bigger space and hopefully can have warm up wall in isolation room

30 - hard to describe, but general improvements in all areas?

31 bigger walls!

32 awesome routes, marketing hype, great prizes

33 more impressive walls.

34 more routes!

35 More competitions

36 Routes that are not too difficult that it demoralises a climber's incentive to join competitions.

37 more "think out of the box" routes

38 Bigger walls with abit more powerful moves...i feel the competition routes are abit too technical...

39 black singlets and more volumes.

more surprises and more daring and exciting routes that challenge not only physically but mentally too. also, to have more competitions in the league so that
team strategy may come into place too for categories like the JC bouldering league.

41 New climbers winning the competitions

42 Shorter waiting time for novice men. More exciting routes.

A better location for the competition. Most competition was held in the mall and it was quite compact. It was uncomfortable for many audience & climbers. It
43 would be good to held it at a much bigger and spacious venue, so that it is comfortable for audience and climber and that many will stay and watch the
competition till it ends.

44 More variety in the type of the routes set Introduce new categories

45 More involvment of external international route setters

46 More "Jumping , Reaching/Stretching" Routes.

47 Unforgettable routes

48 potential league winners to participate in every included competition. Boulder comp dates should not clash with international comp dates

49 Better locations and also no more shortage of t-shirt for climbers for certain sizes.

50 It was a great effort this year, so kudos. I hope to see better routes definitely a bigger audience turnout.

51 there is a standard in routes for the same categories through out the few different compertition.
52 Better routes for all participants

53 More "sick" routes.

54 Keep up the good organization!

I wished there could be an incorporation of Bouldering, Difficulty & Speed competitions which would formulate a whole new Climbing League that
encompasses all aspects of sport climbing.

56 more diverse routes, shorter waiting times. hopefully more hype!

57 more fun routes


59 More excited route.

60 Well i will look for more competition for the next coming year.

Different kinds of routes which tests us more of our planning than using mainly on our strength. I would also like to see more technique-based routes rather
than just routes which can be easily done by those who are strong physically.

62 more bouldering comp and challenging routes

63 Maintain the standard.

64 More competitions, more route setters like Mr Tonde if possible.

I do not hope but I want to see how this league in the future can help us push our standard of climbing in Singapore.Why not we start to congratulate the top
10 or 5 climbers.Profile of Open climbers,the old national climbers such Anuar Hassan,Halil & gang who set a standard in the sport locally and international
but young people might not know them. I do not want to see or hear first person to climb 5.14c,rather I would want to see how all the climbers in Singapore
push each other regardless of race and religion.
More overseas route setter! Better location (e.g city square rather than OC!) :D P.S: keep up the good work! bring climbing to a higher level! thanks for all
the hard work your team have put in! :)

67 Hmmmmmmmmmmm....................................veteran,s category? above 40/45?

68 With respect to competitions hopefully more varied wall angles as over the years it seems like slab routes are gradually being phased out.
69 Harder routes.

70 Less waiting time

71 Better routes (less height biased)

72 more participants

73 I think i would be speaking for a lot of climbers if i'd say i hope to see an improved system.

Love the concurrent open men and women climb during pumpfest 2010. Very entertaining to watch! Pulls the crowd in too. Possibly concurrent climb for men
and women in different categories other then open cat. Makes it a good mix of climbers on the wall at the same time. More spectacular to watch if you are a
passer-by. Possibly for larger scale comps, let passer-by register and try out climbing for a relative affordable fee + good bags or such, in some ways, to let
people have a feel of how and what it is like to be on the wall, other then just being spectators. Larger scale comps if happen to be in areas with high volume
of people. Possible to bring out some outdoor brands for a booth/bazaar of outdoor gears or even possibly outdoor event sign-ups. Like bouldermania and
grafica, where sanuk and timbuk2 setup their booths to sell/promote outdoor wears and such.

75 updates on the scores for schools and how points are calculated.

76 More exiciting competitions, more interesting walls/routes, better prizes/goodie bags.

77 more interesting routes. And not routes like Rockmaster

78 nothing much maybe a little more organise

79 More competitions, open to more climbers.

young talent award? an award given to climbers below 18 (?) years old who perform outstandingly throughout the league. points awarded for individual
placings, with addtional points if they join inter or open, say +5 or +10 points respectively? of cuz point system has to be reviewed. aim of award is to
80 encourage young climbers to perform well and not be discouraged by the fact that they're younger and hence "less strong" than the more developed adults.
helps also to identify young blood that have the potential to surpass the previous generation and possibly be a good indicator while selecting a national youth
Routes with different style in the same category. many a times, routes tend to follow a certain style in each category like static, balancy for a certain cat. then
dynamic and power for another. for example, novice men and int men tends to have very powerful or dynamic routes for all 4/5 routes without a good mix of
balancy movements. School Team category with no restriction. To prevent an all out thrashing, perhaps only the best team in each school will be ranked?
Include poly and ite in the varsity bouldering league. makes it more interesting and more competitive. More competitions in SBL. perhaps comps like
Bouldermania and SIM comps. since only novice is considered for JC league and open for varsity league. Comps with only novice and open will work just fine
in my opinion.

82 More volumes & more strange/fun routes! Nicer competition shirts hehe. More recognition in the local sports scene. :) Good job SCA anyway! :)

83 More competitions in the league.

84 More bouldering competitions and more bouldering carnivals like climb on.

85 more competitions!

86 more volunteers

87 MORE COMPETITIONS, more attractive prizes, includes medals, cash prizes and podium presentation

88 So far so good! Keep up the good work!

89 New flash format for novice climbers

90 Well, i would personally feel that the competiton organisers be expanded to junior colleges, even secondary schools.

91 More epic routes and moreestablished/stronger competitors for oen category!

Better organization of the competition though it is by no fault of SCA that universities are bad organizers. SCA working with the different organizers to come
up with different design for walls; each comp should have it's differences and style to challenge the climbers' abilities.
More 3d climbing wall and of cos great routes. Great atmosphere during competition, this way it more lively and more motivated for the climber to give their
very very very best

94 Better organisation and planning of competitions. Proper management of time and scheduling

95 NIL

a variety of competitions focusing on different techniques would be interesting. also, more unique locations for competitions would be fun. i'd also look
forward to something like a lunch "consolation/motivator" prize for the top 50% climbers. Peace.
as some people had just joined rock climbing as a CCA for several months and they have no idea what to expect, perhaps a category should be placed aside
just for them to help them get used to the format and the excitement

98 nil
99 More competitions within the league

100 -

101 nicer routes

102 More exciting routes

103 More competitions and perhaps after the competition, the competitiors can try out the route at their own time own target?

104 a better choice of tiles.. the tiles should not have the same colour as the walls.

105 -

106 I hope to see rockmaster in the bouldering league!

107 Improvement in the team category, and also non air-con environment as it causes the muscles to become cold.

108 Much shorter waiting times!

109 good quality routes and well-organised schedules

110 More Fun. More Exciting. More goodie bags!

111 more surprises.

More exciting and challenging routes definitely, and have more competitions as well. Also, location of competition matters as well. Although there is a need for
112 audience thus the location at chopping centers, ie. boulderactive at Orchard, Pumpfest at city sq mall, there needs to be more audience space available, as
seen from the crampness in these 2 competitions.

113 Point system should works on novice categories!!!

114 i am not sure...maybe more boulder and high wall competition for the everyone to participate...not just schools.

115 more competitions, more schools and competitors.

More volumes. though i gotta admit, this year was a blast with the volumes. BIGGER WALLS! sometimes the routes are too compact for novice. Case-in-point,
116 route 3 for novice men at boulderactive. It was a straight route up. If only the walls would be as big MBC in N.A. I understand there is financial constraints but
if only we can get more sponsors for the wall? if only the venues could at a more public place; maybe ngee ann city? that would be awesome. just saying,
that the places for SBL 2010 did not really caught a big crowd. THANKS!

117 more exciting routes and stuff

118 Same high level of excitement

119 Organized at interesting places yet easy commuting. Better goodie bags. Sufficient t-shirts for each size.

More consistency amongst the competitions; it felt like this round was a sort of trial run of different levels of difficulty within same category (in particular
PF)... Perhaps a larger and more cohesive overall thrust of SBL will be better?

121 - MORE AWESOME VENUES!!! - Higher walls! - Better prizes!

122 Anything that keeps climbing exciting.

123 Competitions more spaced out. The walls to be different, more varied throughout the competition league.

124 Routes that require more brains but still the same amount of arm strength

125 more competitions...

126 More people can enter a competition, without any limits. More competitions than 2010.

127 More competitions held on many places,and certainly more participants.

I hope to see more competitions(maybe just one or two more) in the league and maybe having more people like Mr Tonde to come over to do the route-
128 setting. Maybe the venue of the competitions should also be located at places where there are a lot of crowd so that we can expand our climbing community.
An example could be the town area - clarke quay, orchard road?


130 more comps..during the holidays especially.. try not to make them during exams and all.

131 ?

132 Fun routes.

133 definintely more schools taking part, cash prize incentives for the various cups and perhaps better support from the gods of the rock climbing society in sg
134 more competitions more climbs!

135 bigger walls

Perhaps better and more creative route setters? The BL2010 was interesting cause the routes were different and there were volumes! More change means
136 more variety! Having Mr. Tonde definitely helped to make the competition more exciting. New route setter, new routes, new ideas! I hope BL2011 would bring
even more new routes and interesting accessories to the walls.

137 fun!

138 More lead competitions.

139 Interesting new routes of a different style, videos of finals

140 more exciting routes, hyped up crowd

141 nicer and bigger walls. overseas route setters. nice venue to accommodate more people

142 More guest chief route setters (;

Better communication between the organisers of the different competition to ensure that competitions will not be held back to back. Like gravical 10 and
boulderactive 10

144 better timing. waiting time too long

145 More recognition by schools.

Maybe a theme or a distinct style for each comp of the bouldering league? so that there's something different to look forward to each comp. different chief
route setters each comp with different styles definitely can contribute to that :)

147 More volumes, more problems instead of just 'routes'. Pumpfest 2010 had really set the benchmark.

148 In 2011, I wish to see more high wall climbing competition.

149 Points system reflects on a climber's abilities more accurately than bonus system. More routes that focus on route reading and problem solving.

150 More competitions at better venues!


152 Consolidate and have BIGGER comps. i.e. more extreme walls, more competition atmosphere etc

153 I hope to see more bouldering comps in the league and the novice format changed from flash format to the normal isolation format.

154 More actions and exciting routes.

155 no comment

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