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Identifying appropriate data types, variables and simple programs to understand

the basic program. Write a c++ program to find the size of various datatypes.


Size of char : 1
Size of int : 4
Size of short int : 2
Size of long int : 8
Size of float : 4
Size of double : 8
Size of wchar_t : 4

2. Programs for control structures and loops . Write a C++ Program to find
factorial of a number.


Enter a positive integer: 5

Factorial of 5 = 120

3. Simple Programs to construct a class structure with methods and arguments.

Create a structure called person, has char name[50], int age, float salary. In the
main function, set the values of the variables and display the information using
displayData() function.


Enter Full name: Bill Jobs

Enter age: 55
Enter salary: 34233.4

Displaying Information.
Name: Bill Jobs
Age: 55
Salary: 34233.4

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