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Journal of
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PERGAMON The International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology 31 (1999) 2529

Molecules in focus

Eukaryotic initiation factor eIF2

Scot R. Kimball *
Department of Cellular and Molecular Physiology, The Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine, P.O. Box 850, Hershey,
PA 17033, USA


eIF2 plays a central role in the maintenance of what is generally considered a rate-limiting step in mRNA
translation. In this step, eIF2 binds GTP and Met-tRNAi and transfers Met-tRNAi to the 40S ribosomal subunit.
At the end of the initiation process, GTP bound to eIF2 is hydrolyzed to GDP and the eIF2GDP complex is
released from the ribosome. The exchange of GDP bound to eIF2 for GTP is a prerequisite to binding Met-tRNAi
and is mediated by a second initiation factor, eIF2B. In what is probably the best-characterized mechanism for the
regulation of mRNA translation, phosphorylation of eIF2 on its smallest, or a-, subunit converts eIF2 from a
substrate of eIF2B into a competitive inhibitor. Thus, phosphorylation of eIF2a eectively prevents formation of
the eIF2GTPMet-tRNAi complex and inhibits global protein synthesis. Phosphorylation of eIF2a occurs under a
variety of conditions including viral infection, apoptosis, nutrient deprivation, heme-deprivation, and certain
stresses. # 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: EIF2B; EIF5; Protein synthesis; Phosphorylation

1. Introduction 2. Structure of eIF2

Eukaryotic initiation factor eIF2 originally was eIF2 is a multimeric protein consisting of three
identied over 25 years ago as a protein that dissimilar subunits termed a, b, and g, in order
bound GTP and initiator methionyl-tRNAi (Met- of increasing molecular mass (Fig. 1). cDNAs for
tRNAi) and mediated the association of Met- each of the subunits have been cloned and
tRNAi to the 40S ribosomal subunit (reviewed sequenced from a variety of species, and the pre-
in [1]). Subsequent studies showed that a variety dicted amino acid sequences of the individual
of stimuli modulate eIF2 activity which in turn subunits show an exceptional level of conserva-
regulates mRNA translation. This article will tion among species. For example, the human
briey describe the structure and function of eIF2a, b, and g sequences are respectively, 58%,
eIF2. 47%, and 72%, identical to the corresponding
subunits from S. cerevisiae (cf. [2] and refs.
therein). The conservation among species
* Tel.: +1-717-531-8970; fax: +1-717-531-7667; e-mail: underscores the important role eIF2 plays in cell viability.

1357-2725/99/$ - see front matter # 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 1 3 5 7 - 2 7 2 5 ( 9 8 ) 0 0 1 2 8 - 9
26 S.R. Kimball / The International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology 31 (1999) 2529

Fig. 1. Domain structure of human eIF2 a-, b-, and g-subunits. The number of amino acids in each eIF2 subunit is shown to the
right and just below the open boxes representing the polypeptide chains. Known phosphorylation sites are represented by a `P'
above the boxes with the residue number shown below it. In eIF2b, CK-II phosphorylates Ser2 and Ser67, PKC phosphorylates
Ser13, and PKA phosphorylates Ser218 [4]. Polylysine domains are shown as gray boxes, guanine nucleotide binding domains are
shown as black boxes, and the putative `zinc nger' motif in eIF2b is shown as a box with cross hatching. The eIF2B and eIF5
binding domains in eIF2b are denoted by black lines beneath the eIF2b polypeptide.

The eIF2a amino acid sequence is unremark- tide exchange factor, eIF2B [7], as well as a
able with the exception of Ser51, which is a phos- predicted zinc nger motif. However, zinc has no
phate acceptor for three protein kinases: heme- eect on the activity of the protein and attempts
regulated inhibitor (HRI), double-stranded to demonstrate binding of zinc to eIF2 have been
RNA-activated protein kinase (PKR), and the unsuccessful. Finally, cross-linking of Met-tRNAi
nutrient-regulated protein kinase (GCN2). Yeast to eIF2b results in the labeling of four peptides
eIF2a additionally contains three casein kinase II distributed throughout the protein [8]. Whether
(CK-II) sites in the C-terminal region which are or not all of these sites are important in the bind-
not conserved in the mammalian protein [3]. ing of Met-tRNAi to eIF2 is unknown.
In contrast to eIF2a, the eIF2b amino acid The primary amino acid sequence of eIF2g
sequence contains a number of interesting fea- contains all three consensus guanine nucleotide-
tures including phosphorylation sites for CK-II, binding domains. The binding of GDP to eIF2g
protein kinase C (PKC), and cAMP-dependent is greatly decreased by mutations in the guanine
protein kinase (PKA) [4]. The N-terminal half of nucleotide binding domains of either the
the protein contains three domains, each consist- human [6] or yeast [2] protein, suggesting that
ing of 68 lysine residues. The binding site for a eIF2g, rather than eIF2b, contains the primary
second initiation factor, eIF5, overlaps the sec- guanine nucleotide binding site. Cross-linking
ond poly-lysine domain [5]. The N-terminal half analysis has also implicated the N-terminus of
of eIF2b also contains two of three consensus eIF2g in the binding of Met-tRNAi [8].
guanine nucleotide binding domains. However,
the distance between the two domains is larger
than usual and mutations in the second have lit- 3. Biological function
tle eect on GDP binding [6], suggesting that
eIF2b is not important in guanine nucleotide The primary role of eIF2 in translation in-
binding. The C-terminal portion of eIF2b con- itiation, as depicted in Fig. 2, is to transfer Met-
tains the binding domain for the guanine nucleo- tRNAi to the 40S ribosomal subunit (reviewed
S.R. Kimball / The International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology 31 (1999) 2529 27

Fig. 2. Scheme depicting the role of eIF2 in the initiation of mRNA translation.

in [1]). Following the association of mRNA with the 60S subunit is important in eIF2
the 40S subunit and location of the subunit at recycling [10].
the AUG start codon, eIF5 binds to eIF2 and Prior to binding Met-tRNAi, the GDP bound
stimulates the hydrolysis of eIF2-bound GTP. It to eIF2 must be exchanged for GTP, a reaction
has been proposed that either eIF5 or the b- or mediated by eIF2B [11]. The best characterized
g-subunits of eIF2 contains the GTPase activity mechanism for regulating eIF2B activity involves
responsible for GTP hydrolysis. However, eIF5 phosphorylation of the eIF2a (reviewed in [1]).
stimulates GTP hydrolysis only when eIF2 is Phosphorylation of eIF2a on Ser51 converts eIF2
bound to the 40S subunit as a ternary complex from a substrate into a competitive inhibitor of
with GTP and Met-tRNAi [9], suggesting that
eIF2B. Therefore, it has always been assumed
either the GTPase is intrinsic to the 40S subunit
that one, or more, subunits of eIF2B bind to
or that a component of the 43S preinitiation
eIF2a. However, in a recent study, the only
complex is required for hydrolysis by eIF2 or
eIF5. Interestingly, one of the two CK-II phos- detected interaction between eIF2 and eIF2B was
phorylation sites on eIF2b, Ser67, is adjacent to the binding of eIF2b to the d- and e-subunits of
the eIF5 binding site, suggesting that phosphoryl- eIF2B [7], suggesting that eIF2a phosphorylation
ation by CK-II might regulate the binding of might cause a structural alteration in eIF2b that
eIF5 to eIF2. Following GTP hydrolysis, the results in a change in the anity of eIF2B for
eIF2GDP complex is released from the ribo- eIF2. In addition, in yeast, point mutations in
some. Although the release mechanism has not the a-, b-, and d-subunits of eIF2B result in an
been delineated, it is noteworthy that eIF2 has apparent change in the anity of the protein for
been found associated with the 60S ribosomal phosphorylated eIF2. This result suggests that in
subunit and it has been suggested that transfer to vivo the a- and b-subunits of eIF2B may also be
28 S.R. Kimball / The International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology 31 (1999) 2529

important in regulating interactions between eIF2 4. Possible medical applications

and eIF2B.
In yeast, phosphorylation of eIF2a causes an eIF2a phosphorylation is a critical control
increase, rather than a decrease, in synthesis of point in the regulation of gene expression under
the transcription factor GCN4. Translation of conditions such as viral infection, apoptosis, and
GCN4 mRNA is regulated by four open reading cell transformation (reviewed in [15]).
frames in the 5 0 -untranslated region of the mess- Furthermore, interferon treatment has been used
age that suppress GCN4 synthesis when eIF2B to induce PKR, and thus stimulate eIF2a phos-
activity is high, but play a permissive role under phorylation, during viral infection. However,
conditions where eIF2B activity is reduced. For a interferon is not a specic regulator of PKR and
more complete discussion of this complicated interferon administration can cause a variety of
process, the reader is referred to a review complications in vivo. Therefore, if more specic
article [1] and references therein. modulators of eIF2a kinase activity can be devel-
Phosphorylation of eIF2b by PKA also in- oped in the future, they may prove benecial in
directly modulates the activity of eIF2B, at least the treatment of pathologies as diverse as viral
in vitro [7]. Interestingly, the binding site for infection and cancer.
eIF2B on eIF2b is close to the PKA phosphoryl-
ation site. This observation leads to the specu-
lation that phosphorylation of eIF2b by PKA References
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