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Results and Discussion

UV Measurement of Isolated RNA

In this UV Measurement of the Isolated RNA, you will be able to see that the A260/A280 absorbance
was measured gave a result of 1.11 which give you a not highly purified result. It was also discovered
that the RNA contains contaminants such as phenol and other aromatic compounds that lowers the
samples A260/A280 to 1.04 and could interfere with the analysis and characterization of the RNA
sample. Washing, decantation, filtration and centrifugation of the sample could have caused the isolated
RNA to be imure and for the contaminants to be present.

Test for Ribose

A dark green solution and green solution was yielded due to complete conversion of the ribose to an
aromatic aldehyde which when reacted with Orcnol reagent will form an aldehyde-phenol

Test for Purines

The RNA from yeast an standard solution yielded a yellow precipitate when oxidized with nitric acid and
evaporated due to purine degradation.

Test for Pyrimidines

Upon dehydration in the solution, it actually formed 5- bromo derivative. The addition of barium
hydroxide gives a 5, 5-dibromo-6hydroxyhydro derivatives, a violet precipitate will be the positive result
for th presence of Uracil.

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