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If we are talking about weight in university student what do you think the biases or problem?


Why do you thing age is a bias or problem?

- this age group has a high metabolic rate so they have less weight (you are dealing with a
population that typically is going to have less obese)

What type of study design to do?

- Cross section study

What I cant measure in cross section study?

- Incidence

- I can give the prevalence

Do you have statistics that can help you figure out what is the problem of obesity in young adult
in Jordan? Do you have an estimated number?

-WHO have some great data on obesity, HTN, DM, smoking very clear graph and number?

Can you use this kind of number to estimate your number?

- We are a young population so if we try to do some test the other thing is how we selecting
who participate in the study?

5:00-8:00 the doctor ask about our study with DR.hasan and about the university.

We talk about hypothesis, and the alternative, and the directional hypothesis vs. non directional

Example of non-directional 9:15

Example of directional obesity increase the incidence of heart disease

Have you been told to include descriptive data in your report?

- Yes

Ok so we will try to do with your survey we going to see what type of data you got and variable you

Remember descriptive data is the frequencies, statistics, and the distribution

Nominal is that we have two responses Nominal data can also be dichotomous (male, female
yes, no)

Ordinal data ranking (the range between each measurement is not ..)

- If horses racing the first horse come in 1.2 the second in 1.4 the third in 2 but is still number 3 so
distance between number is not the same is not numerically equal in measurement

Interval -EQUAL interval between each one in other words typically when I use a liber time scale
(equal distance between number 1 and number 2 and equal distance between 2 and 3 and so on)

- Equal distance between ranges

- Have stop point because we dont have a negative GPA for example
- Ex: GPA, body temperature ( cant go to negative )

Temperature in climate it can go to negative it is a ratio data it can go to either direction its continuous

For most biometric measurement we will use interval data

In your study you will take dichotomous variable and you make them binary

The difference between ratio and interval is that both have equal distance between every number the
only difference is that the interval cant be negative or below zero in other word I cant had a body
temperature below zero but 23

Gender nominal

- what else can we call this, it has only two options? Dichotomies

Dichotomies, means weve got two options (di), the prefix (di) means two So dichotomies,
may be male or female So couple of people come and say: is this binary?

Well if you look in survey you have codes of male = 1 and female = 2 those are the binary codes
we are using

All we are talking about in the binomial data is the coding you are using might have say in bi-
coding that males = 0 females = 1

What will you tell the computer when you tell it that it is binary data?

Is telling that .. is not average on this Youre telling it if giving a mathematical number It
signifies a descriptor Its used to tell us something else And the problem is if I dont know my
coding sheet I wont know what it is

Faculties -- Nominal data and we have twelve different choices that you can put it in

Number of study outwards -- Intervals because we have zero and hours and hours and hour
Perkapen income this depends on how you collect your data if you are looking at the script One
of the scripts says I said they would probably give you what A Dinar, A dollar, Ten thousand
dinar a year, Or 50 thousand dinar a year

Whatever you want if they give you a mathematical number then we can compare it depends on
how they answer it

Smoking --- We have options, yes or no --- Nominal

Weight in kilograms ---- Interval

Height in centimeters ---- Interval

Blood Pressure technically it is good as we may not have blood pressure below zero

Blood grouping you have what four categories --- Nominal data


Nominal: gender / smoking / blood group

Ordinal: academic year

Interval: age / income / weight / BP/ exercise hours ( if it is hour/week then its ordinal ) , BM ( BUT IF I
put it in group its ordinal )

Now, the next series of questions are about diseases

He gives you what? A yes or no so it is nominal data

Dietary variables

He categorizes it as yes or no

And here it says regular five times a day, skipping breakfast, Number of meals per day, And this
categorical question depends on meals, How your group defines meals

Each group will probably define how they want to call it

Because I say whats a meal?

While a too skinny like a toothpick friend thinks eating an apple or.

So the question is do we know what a meal is Each group might define the meal differently But
as a group, figure out what do you call a meal?

Because for me, a meal is Hardees angus burgers

Number of in between snacks that would be the number everybody knows

A snack is a snack It may differ in the size but the number is already there

And in the last notice would be BMI

Is that an interval ratio? Or is that ordinal or nominal?

If I am just using a number it is interval but notice what youve been given

Once you calculate it, youve been putting it into groups

The change that we can do as far as test

Now the next part of what were going to do is split your groups I have lots of your questions
from you all

Yes youve been given a survey and these have been developed Typically you come out with
your own research questions And then make the survey Each one has to figure out what they
want to study from that survey

So I want you as a group to look at these variable and see are they certain Independent

As a group, come up with two or three workouts, does that make sense?

You may only use one, but come up with two or three

What do you think will happen?

Depending on which pieces you use, Depends on what kind is that, So I might have one workout

Does gender of that skipping breakfast are males or females?

So one says, if I put that into hypothesis I might say there is no difference in gender in skipping

My alternative would be then what?

And at this point I would probably do it as a two-sided Because I am not sure which might be my

So that might be a question that I would study with my survey

Id like each group to come with three that you as a group may figure out

Each group will have its own hypothesis

Then look at this and talk about what descriptive data you will use to write up your report
We have a test variable that always has descriptive data Think about it anytime you have research

What do they do?

They start off, They have an abstract, They tell us a little bit about it, And they give us review

And then they get into their study, right?

And they tell us with survey of 1000 people

Out of 1000 we have 350 males 250 .. Whatever the difference is female the mean age in
my study was? I found that most people in the study . I can look for this entire thing and I can
say most of my participant smoker or not smoker

Depending on what type of data in the survey you use depend on what type of statistics I can do

If I have two variables that I can calculate the mean of in other word I have a BMI number and
hip circumference it will be different for male and female I can compare the mean BMI and hip
for male vs. female i can see the mean or different between two group this is the T test (I can
compare the mean of one group vs. the other group) we can look if the different accepted or

As long as I can come up with the mean I can do the T test and compare the mean for the groups

Now for a lot of these we cannot do ratio but you could look of something as does it increase the
risk of obesity in other word we will do a categories (underweight, overweight, normal weight,
obese) and I can do the relative risk and we will use 2*2 box the obese is yes and the three other
group is no

Can I try to determine the attributable risk? What is this related to that factor?

Can I do a chi square? Yes


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