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Drugs are chemicals that affect a person in such a way as to bring about physiological, emotional, or
behavioral change.

Dangerous drugs are those that have high tendency for abuse and dependency, these substances
may be organic or synthetic, and pose harm to those who use them.

Drug Abuse exists when a person continually uses a drug other than its intended purpose. This
continued use can lead to drug dependence, a state of physical and psychological dependence or both
on a dangerous drug.

Drug Addiction is a complex, and often chronic, brain disease. It is characterized by excessive drug
craving, seeking, and use. Addiction is caused by brain changes caused by constant drug use.

Dependency is the state of physical and psychological dependence, or both, on a dangerous drug, or
drugs, experienced by a person following the use of that substance on a periodic or continuous basis.


A US government report in 2009 concluded that illegal drug use was a significant problem in the
Philippines due to corruption and poor law enforcement. There was particular concern expressed about
the amount of methamphetamine (shabu) and cannabis production in the area. Drug addiction
appears to be on the rise in the Philippines. There are believed to be as many as 6.7 million drug
abusers according to figures from 2004- this is a dramatic increase from 1972 when there was only
believed to have been around 20,000 drug users in the Philippines. The drug that is most abused in
the Philippines continues to be Alcohol they are the second highest consumers of alcoholic drinks in
South East Asia.

2009 2014

Age Group Mean age of 28 Mean age of 30 years

Sex 10:1 12:1

Civil Status Single 58.02% Single 49.07%

Status of Employment Unemployed 35.97% Unemployed 47.59%

Educational Attainment High School Level 30.06% College Level 29.83%

Economic Status Ave. Monthly Income P6, 290.80 Ave. Monthly Income P15,423
Place of Residence Urban (NCR 47.92) Urban (NCR 45.56%)

Duration of Drug Taking More than 6 years More than 6 years

Nature of Drug Taking Poly-drug use Poly-drug use

Drugs/Substances of Abuse Shabu, Marijuana, Inhalants Shabu, Marijuana, Inhalants

Most commonly abused drugs in the Philippines

* Alcohol * Inhalants such as nitrates and gasoline.

* Marijuana (Cheapest way for people to get high)
* Heroin * Opium
* Cocaine * Ecstasy (MDMA)
* Methamphetamine (locally known as Shabu)

Treatment and Rehabilitation

If you suspect that a friend is using drugs, talk to him or her. Let your friend know that you care. Talk
to your parents, teacher, school counselor, or another trusted adult. Offer to go with your friend to his
parents or a counselor for help. Counseling, treatment and rehabilitation are among the interventions
that can help someone struggling with the compulsion to use drugs.
Campaigns and Advocacies

Community outreach programs and advocacy programs are constantly conducted in different key
settings such as schools, communities, and workplaces. During these activities, members of the DDB
staff serve as resource speakers orienting the participants on the countrys drug abuse problem, the ill
effects of drug abuse and the legal consequences of being involved in illegal drugs activities.

Barkada Kontra Droga (BKD, Peer Groups Against Drugs)

National Youth Congress on Drug Abuse Prevention and Control
Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE) Program
Kids Against Drugs Program
National Drug Education Program (NDEP)
Drug Abuse Prevention Program for the Transport Groups
Nationwide Caravan of Youth Against Drugs

Philippine Government Agencies that Help Fight Drug Addiction

It is of common knowledge that it is the responsibility of government agencies in the Philippines to

stop addiction, or at least decrease the dramatically escalating numbers of addiction cases in the
country. One of their platform statements is to remove the scourge of illegal and dangerous drugs in
the Philippines.

But government units cannot accomplish these tasks alone. An administration institution such as the
local government of a specific area needs each and every constituent in their district to win over
addiction. It needs support from its citizens to fulfill its mission. It needs help they could get in order to
overcome this alarming incident.

Drug Abuse Rehabilitation Network (DARN) Department of Health Treatment and Rehabilitation
Center Bicutan, Taguig, National Capital Region

National Bureau of Investigation NBI (Pambansang Kawanihan ng Pagsisiyasat)

Philippine National Police (Narcotics Group) (PNP NG) Pambansang Pulisya ng Pilipinas

Dangerous Drug Board (DBB)

Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency - PDEA (Kawanihan ng Pilipinas Laban sa Droga)

Department of Health (DOH) in the Philippines (Kawanihan ng Kalusugan sa Pilipinas)

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