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Environmental Engineering

In my opinion, lighthouse helps people by providing surveys services which can identity
environmental areas that require preservation and also the data from these surveys will help
people to understand the environment much better, so that they can develop the right methods of
protecting the environment.
Severe conditions can lead to lighthouse deterioration, including cracking, spall, and
surface erosion. Lighthouse features can be broken or damaged by the impact of violent wave
action or wave-carried debris and also salt in the air can cause damage to sandstone and concrete.
So, I think for people working offshore like doing a job in lighthouse, the environmental
engineering is a must to do. These last days there are so many complicated problems on
shoreline. For example, Oil & Gas companies with the inclusion of offshore service providers to
be aware of activities being undertaken offshore with full protection of environment in mind.

Materials Engineering

Types of materials indicate the susceptibility to damage and should be matched if the
lighthouse component is repaired or replaced. Type of mortar used during the original
construction of the lighthouse. Lime based, usually whitish; or portland cement, grayish.
I think, another materials that should be taken is brick and stone. It is the most commonly
used building material in lighthouse construction. Because of the harsh conditions associated
with the locations of most lighthouses, brick and stone was chosen for its durability.

Construction Engineering

In my opinion, lighthouses are typically constructed in one of two configurations.

First, solid wall.
Second, cavity wall.
Knowing how a tower wall is constructed will help in analyzing problems and selecting
appropriate treatments.
Shorter towers tend to be solid-wall construction because the cross section of wall can be
thin enough to support the lantern and interior stairs as well as economical to build.
Tall towers are typically constructed with radiating cavities.

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