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1. What are the APAs typical duties? I have filled out warrants, worked in DC, community outreach,
investigation, legal research, victim counseling/advocacy.

2. Does this office have a horizontal or vertical case load management?

3. Does every APA handle juvenile cases or does just one of the APAs?

4. Are there any common crimes in Isabella County? Isabella County Sheriff Leo Mioduszewski
acknowledged an increase in crime in the area over the past five years, he said. "Our community is
changing, there's no doubt about that," he said. "We're not immune from bad things happening."

5. What are the various law enforcement departments? Is there a particular department that brings a
high number of cases to the office?

6. Do a lot of cases come from Mount Pleasant, CMU, or the more rural areas of the couty?

7. How are plea bargains determined? What procedures are required to get a new plea bargain?
Committee, case review, judgment call, misdemeanor/felony

8. Are there any office policies for certain types of crimes or fact patterns for plea bargain
agreements and charges?

9. How does the office conduct legal research? Which service do you use? Books, lexis (certified),
or westlaw (preferred).

10. How does the office feel about unsure areas of the law, such as warrantless searches of cell

11. Tell me about the judges in DC/CC? Are any of them particularly difficult to the prosecutors?

12. What are some of the major cases this office is handling right now and how could I help?

13. If I get the job I would have to move. Does this office prefer its prosecutors to live in the county?

14. I know this office like so many county offices has a tight budget, but what are the opportunities to
advance within the prosecutors office? I am not just looking for a job, I want a career as a

15. If there were one quality you could have in a potential employee for this position what would it

16. What havent I asked you that you would consider important information?

17. Since I am just starting out, do you have any advice for a new attorney?

18. Here is a list of references that you can contact if you want to find out more about me. If you
think of any further questions I can be reached by email or cell. Thank you.

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