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Team Presentation

Lynette Green

Aubrey Kliaman

Ximena Lopez

Darlene Pimentel

Miguel Rodriguez

Pacific Oaks

Team Presentation

This paper will reflect the work we did that helped us come to a decision on how we will

present our group conversation. We all agree that this process was challenging in the way that

we were not sure how we were supposed to go about this project. Each person in our group had

their own unique view on how to go about the process. We took a lot of time to decide and agree

on how the presentation would go.

Aubreys process:

Our process started with a conversation about each of our ideas about the requirements of

the presentation. After we talked about our ideas, and agreed on the requirements, we got to

work deciding a creative way to present our work. We decided we would be ourselves, meeting

as a group after HD341 was already over. We liked that idea because we could share our real

life experiences we had in this class, and share places we had all grown personally. We each

chose a talking point to make sure that all the points were covered. We all agreed to speak on

each others topics as well to make the conversation feel smoother. This is an interesting

assignment, open to being creative.

Ximenas process:

As a team we tried to understand what the project was asking us to do. At first it was a bit

confusing due to the fact we all had a different idea in regards of what we needed to do. We all

decided to be responsible for one bullet point. In order for the conversation to flow naturally we

decided to turn our group presentation into a support group. In the beginning of our presentation

Aubrey will text the group to meet during our free time. During the presentation every group

member is responsible for the bullet point they chose during the group meeting. Every group

member will give their opinion during each bullet point that is discussed in the conversation. We

repeat the same steps until we get to the last member of the group. In the end of our presentation

we will individually state how this class has helped us. The rest of the group members will

provide feedback and agree to meet again for another session.

Miguels process:

Having several sets of eyes looking at the same piece of information will more often than

not result in several different interpretations. I feel that this is especially true when different

people with different life experiences come together. I had this in mind when I worked with the

rest of the team to come up with our presentation. After reading and re-reading the presentation

handout several times, both individually and as a group, we began to discuss how to go about

presenting it. As we talked about it we tried to make sure that we hit upon not only all of the

bullet points but also to make sure that each team member had equal time and that the

conversation flowed. Our first meeting we only had three of the five members present. The three

of us had a good discussion but it was decided to pause and not move forward until we had all

team members. Our second and final meeting before the presentation we had most of the team

save one person. We moved ahead and came to an agreement after we discussed several options.

We each had an opportunity to provide opinions and feedback. After settling on what we were

going to do we then decided to inform our missing team member in order to have all of us

prepared and on the same page. Even though we all have different perspectives, I think that

taking this class brings our view on this project in closer alignment with each other by way of

having the same, shared experience.

Darlenes process:

Developing personal empowerment usually involves making some fundamental changes

in life, which is not always an easy process. The degree of change required will differ from

person to person, depending on the individual starting point.

Self Awareness
Willingness / self- encouragement
Ability/ Skills
Believe in self inner strength

My personal take on personal empowerment is my willingness to change, self-awareness

and my goals. My goals are to continuously support my family in any way I can, as they
are my biggest supporter, success and effectiveness in my chosen career, continuous
growth as an individual to further help my community, to better my community and
maintain a positive and supportive environment for our children.

Self-empowerment really comes from within, as we are more self-aware and goal driven,
changes in our life or path can be an easier transition for us.

Positive mind/thinking and environment I believe is a great influence for success in

pursuing goals because we are approaching or seeing things more optimistically rather
than encouraging fear that often creates barriers for progress.

Lastly our ability to take on a challenge, because we all know that life is not always
predictable, this is also the time that we are willing to lose so we can learn; as a parent I
have to be accountable and responsible in raising a child in a positive and supporting
environment, who is self- aware, respectful of differences, is able to accept lose to learn
more as I did and lastly support my family because their happiness and success is also my
happiness and success.

Lynettes process:

First, we started off by coming up with a plan. Then we did the process first by having a

discussion with our group members. Preparing to do this project we had a group discussion

where we decided how we would present this project. We looked at it closely as a group. Then

we broke it into sections and assigned a bullet point to each person.


Life, for some, is like living in an atmosphere of constant chaos. It is a domino effect.

Everything seems to be disastrous with an obstacle presenting itself at every moment, thus

forcing people to want to give up. At their lowest, that individual must decide to take control of

their life and its circumstances. Sometime it is difficult to take control of my own

circumstances. Achieving my goal is an unrealistic and unimaginable thought. Life is full of

shambles and disarray, twists and turns on and endless roller coaster. I become directionally

challenged, and figuring out which way is up just cannot be processed in my head. I am lost and

stray. I decide to pick myself and not wallow in misery. Failure is not an option. I made up in my

mind that my circumstances do not have the power. I have the power to change my own destiny.

With a focused face, and a good head on my shoulder I tackle each and every obstacle head on. I

will stumble along the way, but I must pick myself back up.


Through collaboration our team was able to come up with ideas that worked for

everyone. We each had a say in the process and our final idea was a team decision. Sometimes

many heads means more conflict, but in our case I was great to be able to blend our ideas into a

cohesive story.

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