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Professor Max Karlov has some controversial ideas about the role of women in society. Read this interview and find out: What message is Professor Karlov trying 10 give to the audience? Interviewer: Congratulations, Professor Karloy, on your new book, A Womans Place. | just finished reading it, and you really have strong ideas. Professor Karlov: Yes. But my ideas are based on facts. Societies all over the world are in trouble. Now, you have to think, why are societies in trouble? Interviewer: According to your book, Professor Karlov, you think the difficulties in today’s world are caused by a change in the natu- ral order, Could you explain that for our audien Professor Karlov: With pleasure. By a change in che natural order I ‘mean the changes in our society in the roles and responsibili- ties of men women. As ev ne knows, what women do in society—their roles and responsibilities—has changed a great deal in the past 50 years Interviewer: OK, I think everyone would agree with that, But so what? Professor Karlov: Women in many societies no longer stay at home and take care of children. They have jobs ourside the home. This means they no longer have the time to take care of their chil- dren, In today’s world, children grow up with so many problems. They dmp out of school, they take drugs, they steal. Today's chil- den are lazy and confused. They need the guidance, love and suppore thar only mothers who are in the home can give. ‘Women should return to raising and educating children. They are naturally suited to do so, Men should continue to have the main responsibility for earning money for the family. We know from history thac men are suited for leadership and women are suited for raising children. ‘A woman's place is in the home, raising the children and kesp- ing the home. A man’ place is outside the home, working to support the family. I know this is an old-fashioned, or ouro!- date, belief, Bu it is the one that fits the narural order. se soe 54 sil: ad Parcel at at ach ra ce you oes wt o 1 really believe we should help others People should never help strangers friends or strangers, If we dont, how for any reason. It's not a good idea. cold and depressing this world would bet Ordinary people should not) (A We should help others, bue ) ( 2 Why help others? Were all Scop ciimes. sto dangerous} | there's limit to how much busy and have enough prob- wwe should help. lems ourselves, Now exchange your ideas with @ classmate, Tuen 10 Pace 88 ros an INTERACTION TIP. Are you wiling to help strangers? Read these situations PEM and Check your answers. Gase 1: You are walking down the street. A woman suddenly screams, “Help! A thiefi Somebody get-nirf!” and you see a men running away with the womans purse. You decid® to; run after the thief and try to catch him call the police scream, “Help! A thief!" ignore the whole thing and keep waking other: Case 2: You are driving your car and see somebody on the roadside with a car problem. You decide to: ‘stop and help, but only if its a woman stop end help, but only if it's a woman or an old man stop and help, no matter who it is drive by without helping phone the police other: Helping OTHERS Is helping strangers a good idea? Read the story and find out: What happened to this taxi driver when he tried to help? A crazy man with three swords took over a city bus with 15 passengers and drove it wildly through the sireets. But taxi driver Dal Chong Yang did not stop to think. Driving his taxi as fast as possible, he caught up with the bus, He then drove in front of the bus for three kilometers, honking his hor and warning people to gee out of the way. The bus hie his taxi five times to kill Mr. Yang. Finally, the bus hita weeand came 10 a stop with all of its passengers safe, The crazy man was arrested by police. ‘Mr: Yang's action helped save many lives, police aid. They believe that the crazy man wanted to run down as many people as he could with the bus. ‘The taxi driver, Mr. Yang, is now a hero, Everybody knows his name and praises his coura- s the crazy man sill cous act. “I was afraid, of course,” said Mr, Yang. ‘But I knew I had to do it ora lot of people would be hurt, maybe killed.” But some believe that what Mr. Yang did was wrong. “Ordinary people should not be trying cop raceway buseard sobbed," can ho chief of police. “They realy do not know how to do that, and they can get themselves injured or killed.’ In fact, Mr. Yang was injured and nearly killed when the bus hit his ear: He spent four months in the hospital and ~wo months at home. Now he is back driving his xi, But he can drive for only four or five hours each day because of the pain from his injaries, not like the 14 hours a day belore his good deed. nr gossane tosce 99 + honking + warning + get out ofthe way + was arrested + praises + courageous act inured * good What do you think s the best thing to do? t Lee Check the views you agree wih. = D The government should never give in 1 The plane should be allowed to fly to IF they give in to the terrorists, more some other country whose government hijackings will occur in the future. will talk (0 the terrorists. the goverment should | (C1 Another organization, like) ( C1 The police or amy should talk to the terrorists. The pas- | | the United Nations, should secretly attack the plane and. sengers lives are the most talk to the terrorists Kill the terrorists. important thing. Now exchange your ideas with a classmate. Tuan ro Pace 87 rom aw INTERACTION TIP. In our society there are many kinds of threats. What should Hee ic do? For coon case, decide what to da 4. You are the president of a large company. A,man phones you and threatens yau, He seve you lon‘ pay him 100,000 he wil Bomb the Gempary building, Whet would you Go payhim — tellthe police ignore him —_ other: 2. You are in an elevator with a big man. He tells you to give him your money. He doesn't seem to have a gun or knife. What would you do? give him your money try to get out of the elevator ignore him _other: 3. You are the prime minister of your country. One of your ministers was Kidnapped by terrorists, They Say the government must free 10 people flor prison on trey wil kil ihe minster Whee would you do? free the prisoners _trytotak to the terrerists ignore them other: Do you know any other situations like these? HOSTAGE Ali has taken Flight 144 many times. Ie was always long and boring. But this time, something has happened. Read his story and find out: What has happened on she flight? I check my watch just after take- The pilot announces that off and see that the flight is the terrorists have two demands. about 10 minutes behind sched- First, the government must free ule, Thar nothing new, but the some prisoners. Second, they potalways manages colard on yant another plan so they can time, inabout five hours. Sol fly to‘ secret location. At first, close my eyes to rest a bit before am happy, thinking char we will the meal service all be fre shordy. Buc the pilot Suddenly, loud shours says the government will notdo from the front ofthe plane stardle that. The terrorists have made a me outof my nap. Thear more mistake and heve landed in a shouts, angry and threatening, __ country whose government and then ascream. scart ro go refuses to talk t0 terrorists. Irs forward to see wha's wrong presidenc says ic will never yield when amasked man wavinga _to criminals and terrorists, gun runs down the aisle, scream- ‘Our chances do not look ing at everyone to stay seated good. There is no way thac we A hijack! The plane has can overpower the terrorists. been taken over by terrorists! They are heavily armed and The terrorists are telling watch us carefully. Icis impossi- everyone to stay calm, They ble 10 escape from the plane. say that nothing will happen So here we sit, hostages in to us if the pilot flies the plane _alife-or-death situation. ‘The ter- to another country. They say __torists dont care about ou, lives that chey do not wane to kill They are chreatening to kill us, innocent people, ‘one by one. But the government ‘After three long, terrible SaySit will never tallcto terrorists. hours, the plane lands in the They dont seem to care about country where thetenonin our lives, either want to go. But then nothing Will I get out of this situ- happens. Wesitin the hot plane ation alive? for hours, waiting to be released re ctveauey (ace £9) + startle eehegtaning + sender's shack sfonacent BJ Which opinions da you agree with? LiliiekdbenMbiAE Check as many as you want, @ A Wall, organ donation is OK, but we Dfpeople want to donate organs ier have wo be sre the peri is dead! We they die, ies wonderful. Buc they should have to make this clear before we can talk give permission before they die. | about donating organs, Hike the idea thar the O Maybe it’s OK to donate A done like the idea of eut- Gead should hap the living. 1} | some organs, buc noc organs | | ting up my body after | dic. ont mind giving my organs | { like the heart and the brain! Vm sorry, bur I can’ help you! if that helps people. Now exchange your ideas with a classmate Tupu 70 Pace 87 rom aw INTERACTION TIP. ‘What would you do to help someone stay alive? nd =. Se give blood? give a kidney to a dying family member? give your body to science after you cie? register as a bone marrow donor? register as a donor at an eye bank? allow your doctor to transplant your organs after you die? Why or why not? Should the Dead Help the Living? Three doctors from different countries discuss using ihe organs of dead people. Read the story and find out: Who is in favor of this? Who is opposed? b Dr Jones: In my opinion, the dead must help the living, These is no question about it. When people dis, chey no longer have any use for their organs. Ifwe dont use their healeh lungs, we miss the chance to save the lives of other people who reed healthy organs. In fact, its 90 imporcant co do this that I believe we must do ical of the time. Every time there is a death, we should use tit bt all the organs we can, even if the person did not give permission before death. Dr. Tesfayer [understand your position, Dr, Jones. Bur in my. country, we have the opposite point of view. We believe that it is wrong to cut up a dead body, take out the heart and then put it into someone else's body. Taking our parts of adead person's body is 2 errible thing to organo + tan do. When you do that, you vio- lete chat persons body: Wher die, [ want my body to be tre ced with dignity and respect, and not cut open so that my organs fan bopln bunsihes people Dr. Houte: As you two show, using organs from the dead to help the living isa difficult ques- tion. There are good reasons both to do itand not co do it. In my country, we believe that it is all right to use organs from the dead but only under two condi- tions, First, the dead person must have given permission in writing, before he or she dies. Second, the person has to be dead. Sometimes this is clear. But many times itis not. Weall have heard stories of near-death experiences—when we think someone is dead, but he or she comes back to life And what abouc the so called “brain-dead”? There are many people who are kept alive by machines—machines that breathe for them. Buc their brains are dead. What should we cdo with them? Turn off che machines and let them die'so that we can use their healthy: organs? I wonder if thac isnt just ese wing ther Soe must be very careful before mak- 1g any decisions. in rae gteseaay pace 93) + give poritonian ~ vitae eigey Meodrooad PPPS ETESRRPER (0 ou believe Toby's story? Check your opinion. @ OF Yes. This isa typical near-death experi- No! Its total nonsense. Maybe Toby's ence, [ know someone who had an expe- rience like this. brain was damaged in the accident. (1 I'm nor sure. [dontunder- ) (1 No. Toby’ probably con- O1 Yes. ve heard stories about Scand hove it could happen. fused because of the drugs the same experience, and I and medicine she was given. | | believe them. Now exchange your ideas with a classmate. Tupw 10 Page 87 ron an INTERACTION TIP, What do you think happens when @ person dies? LOOKING AT THE ISSUE Bitton antniny nape When a person dies, that’s it. There is nothing else. Life is aver, When a person dies, he or she will come back to life in a diffarent form: as an insect, an snimal or another person When a person dies. the body is dead but the soul is alive and goes to a different world. I don't agree with any of those idees. Here's what | think happens: ALIVE or Dead? Toby is in the hospital recovering from a bicycle accident. Read her conversation with her husband and find out: What does she remember about the accident? Ellis: Toby, do you fel like talking now? You've been in the hospital for diree days without saying much, Toby: know, Ellis. [ve been afraid to say anything, Pim afraid everyone will think I'm crazy or that my brain has been damaged or some- thing like tha Ellis: What do you mean? Youte fine, All of che tests show that youre OK. You broke your leg, but otherwise no permanent damage. Toby: Yes, I know. Bur something strange hap- pened to me. If| tell you, will you promise nor to tell anyone else? Ellis: Of course, honey. I'll keep it a secret. Toby: OK, here goes: I remember being hit by the car. Then I was floating, weightless, about five meters above my body, looking down at my poor broken body: | didn feel any pain. ‘Actually, it was a very pleasant sensation, Ellis: Wow Thats strange. What happened then Faby: I could sce a crowd looking at my body. A me began to breathe ae aati, to get me to breathe. I heard the wail of an ambulance asi arrived at the scene. Just then, the man who was breathing into my mouth stopped, stood up, and shrugged his shoulders. He had given up. I was dead. s: And you saw ll ofthis, from above your body? Yes, but | feltno emotion. That dead body ‘on the road had no connection with me. I haad leftit behind and was free. I watched as one of the men from the ambulance opened his bag and pulled out a needle and filled it from a bottle, Then he injected it straight into my heart. The next thing | knew | was back in my body, feeling the terrible pain and weight of a smashed body. The in shouted, “It worked! She's breathing! She’ alive!” Oh, my gosh. Yes, they told me that. They said you were very near death. Well, its OK now. Dorit worry, I won't tell anyone. Do you think whet Mr. Tabido and his doctors ONT 2 ies ata @ C1 In this case, I think suicide is all right. 1 If someone wants to die, that’s their Bar his doctors should not help. Doctors business. And if they need a doctor's help, should cure people, nor kill them! ' Yes. Suicide is OK in this TINO. It’s wrong to take your ) (C1 Well, we have to respect kind oF situation. I’3 cruel to || own life. Mr. Tabido shouldn'e | | Mr. Tabido’s decision, even if stop it. give up. we don't agree with it Now exchange your ideas with a classmate. Tun To PAGE 86 For aw INTERACTION TIP. Pe RAUL Suppose some scientists invent medicine to help people live forever. One day they come to you and say,, if you take the medizine, a this, botle, you il never Get old end you will never die.” Would you take it? Why or why nat? Yes, | would take it because: No, | wouldn't take it because: find owt: Why does he want to end bis life Keoni Tabido has planned how he will spend his final hours: He will havea party for his friends, with lots of food, drink and music, Later, he will spend ime with his girlfriend. And then, at midni mixture of drugs. Me. Tabido is nor cra Heis a 33-year-old bu Heis very successful, has a lot of money and enjoys life. But Mr. Tabido has a terrible disease. This disease kills the nerve cells in his brain and spinal cord, slowly paralyzing him. Gradually, it will be diffi cult for him to swallow and breathe. There is no cure for this deadly disease. So, after a great deal of thought, Mr. Tabido has deci ed to kill himself, He has told his family and friends about his plan. He has even bought a wooden coffin in which he will be buried. “I don’t wane to become a vegetable, keptalive om a life- support machine,” Mr, Tabido says. “L can imagine anything worse. So I have planned my" own death. Iwill do it while I can think and act clearly. I want 10 go out doing what I love best ving a good time. The Right to Die Keoni Tabido has made a decision. Read the story and In Mr, Tabido’s country, is against the law to help peo- le die. If doco, Frdps somebody so des separiss of how sick or old that person is, they could be put in prison for Mr. Tabido is trying to make sure no one is pur ized for helping him dic. “Two doctors have helped me,” says M Tabido. “But | will never tell any- mes. These doctors ne the drugs and showed me how to inject myself. I will have only ‘one chance, so | have tthe todo itr First tiem 1 know that some people think itis wrong ro kill yourself, and for others tohelp you. But they dontt have a disease like mine. For me, there is no choice,” ‘a deadly mixture of deuns * nerve ett + spinal cord © If a patient is dying, should the doctor inform him or her? Chee hc deo yu agree wth ® No. You cant tell someone he or she is to die. ‘The patient will be too Sol ‘You shouldnt rake away their hope. Q Shapeails fe epatiash monet stiong, 1¢ or she should be informed. O Ie depends. ‘The doctor Yes. The patient should be) (Gi Yes. The patient has the should ask the patient's family.) | able to use whatever time he Fight co know about his or or she has left. her disease. Tuaw 70 Pace 86 ron an INTERACTION TIP. "to be informed about their disease. — © nm to see all of their medical records, 7 | = ee ‘an explanation about how the doctor will treat, i to know the doctor's name and background. = i] ‘to get @ second opinion from another doctor. to change doctors or hospitals. to be involved in the decision on how to treat their disease. a Not to be informed about their disease. Doing thes \GM Thing Yumi needs advice about a problem involving her father She has written to Dr. Aoki, a famous medical counselor. Read the story and find out: What does Yumi want to tell her father? Dear Dr. Aoki, 1 My name is Yami. I'm a 19-year-old college seu- dent. Something te leis happening. sow what to do, Please help me. id Ldonit 4 ‘My father is dying, According ro his doctor, he has only three more months to live. He has stomach cancer, which has now spread to other pparts of his body, Because the cancer has spread. i is too late for an ‘operation. The doctor says there is nothing we can do, Tam heartbroken. Bue what is more painful to me is thar my father does not know about his disease. His doctor told him thac he has an ulcer. My mother is trying to hide the fact 2s well. They are both lying to him. Ithink they are wrong. I think my father has the right to Ine abou, Ga dieses Tepe Oe nlonned Be iees TLL my mother that we should ell my father the truth, her eyes filled ‘with tears, She said, “I don't think so, Yumi. [Fwe eell him eat he is going to die soon, he will be sos cked, depressed and Upset that ic might even shorten his life. We should not take hope away from him.” T underand thac: However [el ery as should know what's happening to him, Its his body. It’s his eee FoourecBeveonl bate 1¢ shocked at first. But Fm suze he has things he would like to do before he di be able to use whatever time he has left. and he should ‘Whar do you think should do? Should I persuade my mother to change her mind? Should I talk w the doctor? If they dnt change their minds should Telly fader? Ors my mother right afier all Please, please tell me what to do, I love my father very much and T want to do the right ching, Sincerely, Yani Sato nr oueneany tnace 93) + cancer * an operation * heartbroken * an ulcer + disease * be informed"= shorton= persua How do you explain the “inner voice” that: Joe heard? DRCOG Check tre oprions you agree with ® Ui Maybe it was Joe's dead father or 1D Joe probably has a sixth sense. You some ancestor who is always with him, iknow, he can sense things that are protecting him. co happen, kind of like 2 forcune celle as just a feeling, just ( Lthink ie was God’ voice.) ( C1 I believe in angels. | chink luck. Nothing more. God wanted to save Joe, as an angel who is wath ing over him. Now exchange your ideas with a classmate. Turw ro Pace 86 ror an INTERACTION TIP. ‘Some people believe they have @ “sixth sense” to help them LODKING AT THE ISSUE [Baiiianad ie * know what's going to happen in the future * read other people's minds * see through things * move things without touching them if there is such a thing as a sixth sense ("ESP"), would you went to have it? Yes | want the pawer to Then | would For example: | want to know what's going to happen in the future. Then | would prevent big accidents and the warid would be safe, No, | don’t want any of those powers because a ee Fle 77 Joe had an experience that brought him close to death. Read the story and find out: What saved Joe’ life? Something really weird happened funny feeling about that flight _getting on the plane to me, Let mesay that] ama to Vancouver. Its like [hear a Task you, what would young man, 25 years old, with voice in my head, saying thatl yuo? both feet on the ground. Which should noé get on that plane i dll eetaeoned well is to siy that Lam an ordinary Now I am just an ord back to the ticket counter and gu, not very different from nary guy—I am not the kind of everyone elie. person who hears voices orsees Tama salesman. [pueina things that arent there. Ar first, 1 locof'ime taveling around the dont pay much attention, But as country ryingto sell men’s cloth- T walk toward the gate, this | ara ing—you know; shits, pants, weird feeling gets worse and Casita into the side of a mous sweaters, that sort of thing bi Tewont goaway. Iislike Gn” hundbed een This particular day, Lam I hear someone saying in my ‘ inTornpand avers rw “Dor gron thagplane Dont Pe Dende eee ee ee ale pened. Iwas saved. But how? plane, Icigabeaucfal day. Nota is OK, Everybody is sloud in theshy. Buc I gevchis other passengers are buya ticket for another fight You know the rest of the story. That’ right. The Vancouver plane—the one I didnt take— ‘What would you do if you were Kwan's friend? a wold oud fy ® 11 wouldn't worry. Maybe Kiran has a QI would talk to Kwan again. I would itlfriend who keeps him out late. ey i Iwould au Kwan if be’ sake) (1 Twould not do anything at) (G1 would talk to my parents ing drugs and see his action, this point, I would wait and and ask them what to do. sce what happens. “Tm really worried about you.” Now exchange your ideas with a classmate. Tuaw ro Pace 85 ron an INTERACTION TIP. FESTSPRENREETEE What con best friends do? Check your answers, Lend each other money Borrow money from each other Lend each other baoks Lend their cars to each other Introduce boyfriends or girlfriends to each other Invite each other to their homes Tell each other secrets Talk about sex Share a drink from the same glass Ask for advice on a serious problem your ideas: GROWING APA Okenoy is having problems with his best fiend. Read the story and find out: What is causing the problems? Kiwan is my best friend. | mean, he and [ have always been very close. Werte the same age, 21. We went to the same high school and now attend the same univer- sity. Weare both English majors and want to be English teachers afer we graduate. When we ‘were growing up, weabvays did a lot of things together—base- ball, music lessons and dub activities in high school. Even more important, we Sintyleliedes ccheodey dan ing ourhhighs and our lows, our Sd tees ace a always remember and treasure that closeness, Bur something has changed. Kwan and Tare not as close as before; I think we are slowly rowing apart. Tred: alk a Kwan al BE ‘but he said there was no change. Actually, he really didnt want to talk about ic and cut me off And it not ust that. His behavior has changed. Now he stayeout ite at nigh ane dows get home until 3 or 4 in the morning. Of course, this means that he sleeps late and often misses dasses. I know we dont have much homework, but I dorit see him studying at all, And he hhas missed the last five meetings of the English club, 'm worried, really wor- ried, A friend of ours hinted last week that Kwan was in trouble. I questioned him about it, hurhe didv't wane to tell me anything. I begged him to tell me, and finally he said that maybe Kwan is tak- Cae shocked! I was shocked! I gor ang ast iy eed hemes and that he should stop telling lics about Kwan. But later I cooled down and thought about whac he had told me, And the more I thought about it, the more I realized whathe said could be true, I mean, Kwan has been acting very strange. Twish I knew what to do. ve cungsany Image 92) + graduate + sharing our highs and cur lows + cut me off» behavior = hinted Which relationship do you like? Shack thee yoo agree wth (1 iis important for each itis important for couples) (1 Ic is important for couples person ina relationship to fohave a happy marriage and | | to Jove each other deeply and have an interesting job and do | | children. Money or jobs are to find happiness in their well, Everything else is unim- | ( not important. sclationship. That is enough. porcang, including children. Money, children and jobs are not important. Now exchange your ideas with a classmate, Tunw To Pace 85 ron an INTERACTION TIP. \What is inportant for your ideal marriage or relationship? Seale Prins eee rg rar Oy eine Gira ans, love no children a good income ‘one or two children being wealthy three children or more an interesting job @ big house suecees in my job living in one place both partners having jobs — living in different places a good family life having a lot of friends pane a ie a full- having a lot of parties your own ideas: 1. (4 YT This is a story about two people, Jasmine and Samuel. It has three endings. Read and find out: What happens to them? Which relationship do you like? ‘The Beginning: At a party one night in March, a friend of | Jasmine’ introduces her to Samuel, Samuel and Jasmine fallin love and get married. Relationship 1: Jasmine and Samuel both have interesting and exciting jobs, Early in their relationship they decide not to have children. Instead, they spend all of their time on their work and careers. Over time, they are both very successful and very rich. They spend very little time together, finding happiness in their work. They enjoy having lange and expensive par- ties in their big home, They live happily ever afte Relationship 2: Samuel is an accouncar an office near their small house. He eams.a good. salary but they will never be wealthy. But Samuel and Jasmine dor't care. They are not interested in money: They dont have children, but that doesn't matter. All they need is each other. When Samuel is finished with work, he goes straight home, tehete Jomine posting fe hin, rerio doe work ourside the home, She spends her time housekeeping and cooking and helping her hus Weel Aer coy Jeet: ond oamracl ena deeply in love. They live happily ever after Relationship 3: Both Jasmine and Samuel want a locof children, even though his job as an office clerk doestt pay much money. So they have six chil- dren, Jasmine and Samuel are wonderful parents. They gl the ime they can with dei chien and with other. Samuel was offered a promotion to office manager, but he refused. He thought it would take too much time, and he wanted to be with his wife and children as much as possible, They have very little money and very few things. But they have each other and their children, They live happily ever after. + cme tn «in socouneane + remabi s fomnoeay | Pai \What do you think should happen to Abi? Sheek the orions you sree wth 1 She suffered a lot, but itis wrong to kill i She killed her husband in self-defense, So she should not be punished. & person. She should scay in jal for the rest of het life (2 She suffered long enough. ( Itwas right for her to kill her i Its simple. Abi killed her She should go free. Fhushand, He deerved to dic ban, she should py wen hare Now exchange your ideas with a classmate, Tunw ro Pace 85 rox aw INTERACTION TIP. Which of these ideas can help to stop violence by men SAG against women? Which wil nox? Why or why noe will help won't help There should be strict laws to protect women. Women need to learn haw to defend themselves. They need to fight back when they are beaten. Men who beat women should go to jail for a long time Men need to be educated about violence to change their thinking and behavior. We need to stop violence all over the world, not just between husbands and wives, How can we reduce violence in the world? For example, stop showing violent scenes on TV. a 2 a 20 Years of Pain Abi and Moon had been married far 20 years. They had ‘four children. Then one day, Abi killed Moon. Read the story and find out: Why did she murder her husband? Abi. isa small woman with a gentle smile, She speaks quietly and politely. She seems like the nice woman who lives nest door, not the kind of person vho is in prison for murdering her husband. Abi tells her story carefully, how the problem began, led her how after 20 years husband. Abi explains: “Before we were married, ‘Moon was the nicest, most gentle man I had ever met, Maybe that is why I married him, He was so kind. The first ewo years were wonderful. But then something happened. He started working late, not coming home, and drinking a lot.” She continues, spesking softly, “At first, when hhe-was angry, he just pushed me, Then later he kicked me or slapped my face a few times. Afier a while he started to beat me badly. Once he choked ne so had T thought I was going to dic.” Abi looks down at her hands, They still have pain she finaly kill scars from the time her hus- band pushed her through awindow. ‘The hands are small but strong, qo to reach fora kitchen knife and scab her husband to death. This is what ‘Abi did last June when her husband began to beat heragain, ‘Wife-beating happens more often than antic people none Noe hes Sie dl ove: world. In some societies, men believe it is cher ti to beat theit wives. And though there are laws againse ateacking people, most men who hurt their wives are not punished. “The reason? Most women say nothing when beaten. Abi did not tell her relatives or fiends, She did not even call the police. Abi explains: “The police do nothing. Ifa woman calls the police, her husband can just give them money, and they'l leave, ‘Then he'll beat his wife more and more.” Abi is now in prison, awaiting tral for mur- der, Her friends say she should go free. They elev Lilled loon in aR defense! Oils any she mast pay for her crime with her own life. Abi’s eyes are sad and tired. “I don't know «what will happen now. All now is that [killed my husband because I didn’t know what else to do,” ‘n 7 c.sane face 92) “+ murdering kicked + slapped + choked © eenre + stab « right + punished » al = BM hat should Sachiko do? & Lelilelied bob Check the responses you agree with. the SI They shouldnit make a decision about Oi She should marry Amir and live marriage right now. They should visic US. That’ fair for both Amir and her. each other’ country. There isa lor of Both of them could visic their home time wo think about what co do. councries sometimes. 1 Sheshould marry Amirand ) { O Sachiko should break up She should marry Amir and ‘ty living in India. It could bea _| | with Amir. There are too Then open, Moe mare really good experience for her, J | many problems to continue foreign people ar living in the relationship. Japan, so Amir will be accepted. Now exchange your ideas with @ classmate. Turw 70 Pace 84 ron an INTERACTION TIP. eee Umea td What are some of the advantages of an international marriage? Ad Py 3) What are some of the problems with an international marriage? orl 2. 3. AN INTERNATIONAL RELATIONSHIP Sachiko is a 22-year-old Japanese student who is spending her senior year at an American university in Los Angeles. She has met a special man named Amir Read her diary and find out: What is she trying 10 devide? Dear Diary, ‘Tonight Amir asked me to marry him!'i knew he would, Love hirn so much, It is hard to believe that we have known each other for only eight months. jut as much as | love him, I dont know what 10 do. My par- cents would be angry with me for marrying a man from India, They want me to marry only a Japanese man, My mother has told me that good Japanese marry only Japanese. And that’s not all, There are so many other problems. I mean, where would we live? I think it would be very hard for sc to live in India, Would I fic ino Indian society? I don't speak any Indian languages, I would have a difficule time finding a job, And I don't want to be just a housewife! That’ for sure, I don't think Amir would fitin to Japanese society, either. He doesnit speak Japanese, He sounds s» fanny when he tries to saya single Japanese word! Ic would be impossible for him to find a job in Japan, Besides, he doesnt even like Japanese food! Maybe we could stay in the United States. Both of us will finish our studies in May. Iwonder if we could get work visas here. That might be diff cult, But even if we could stay here, [don't know if Twant to liveaway from Japan, I would miss my Family and friends and everything. And what about our chil- dren? Children of mixed mar- ages might have a difficult time. ‘Would they be apansse Indian? What? Itis al so confusing, The more I write ro you. dear diary, the more problems | see. I know that marriage is iffcule. More and mote mar- riages end in divorce. And 1 think that international mar- flages are even more difficult! Oh, I am $O confused. su mn cus (nace 92) nen + mic « mio marriges conus} What do you think about pets? & QRS SRa Spl yo ote e Q People should Owning a pet does animal rights. i People need pets for emotional support. I think they're great. | anything you wane. 1 People should not keep 1 People treat pets too much (Di People spend too much pets. They don't belong in like humans. I think ies silly. } | money on pets. What a waste! ‘Think of all the homeless people in the world. people's homes. Now exchange your ideas with a classmete, Tunw ro Pace 84 ron an INTERACTION TIP. POSCECRETSTTE Work with @ partner. Ask these questions. + Do yey have, a pex? ) ao Yes) What do you have? Whet's its name? What is it like? No} Are you interested in keeping @ pet? What kind? * What's good about keeping pets? What are the problems? Bad points * Which pet is the easiest to keep? Which is the most difficult to keep? facet adog abird ahamster «goldfish a rabbit Tom, Gate's Story Some pets have a hard life. Read th What is this cats problem? My name is Tom and Iam a cat. | have a major prob- Jem whose name is Felina. Felina is my owner. You see, she doesn’t understand how people should take care of their pets. She has very strange ideas about the relationship between people and pets. Felina treats me like a human child. She worries about me and tells me what to do all of the time, She doesnt Glennie ee: the other cats. She makes me sit on her lap every night while she watches television. Boring. And the programs she watches! No taste a all! “There's more, Felina brushes and combs me twice a day, She takes me to the Pet Beauty Clinic once a week for a bath and shampoo. Really. Cats can take care of themselves. Doesn't she know that we have tongues thar we use to lick ourselves and keep clean? And the flea powder she puts on me—it smells awful and I think i might give me skin cancer, Felina thinks she knows what kind of food I like, She doesn’t even have a clue, She feeds me this gourmet cat food and she puts i ina silver dish Really! Who cares All I want is some day-old fish that stinks. And a little water, That’ all Is that asking too much? One time I man- aged to get out of the house. Did I have a good time! Tran around with some other cats in the neighborhood. We ate garbage and dese Tees Killed a bied and ate is. Good fun. Bur when I returned home, Felina went crazy. She was 50 angry, She took me right to the Pet Beauty Clinic fora bath and shampoo, even though I had just been there the day before, Once I had a relationship with a real sexy Siamese down the stet, but Falta stopped i Then Felina got me fixed. Now I can't be a father and have children, and I have lost all of my interest in female cats ‘To make matters even worse, she wants to have me buried next to her! I won't be free of her even when I am dead. What a life. mw senate 80 + szeat «ap + fea pomser + doean'thave a hie» gotrmes + sinks mandgod $0 Sut» chscoa” Got fs eeu bared Can amen end a women be close fiends without being QD Tere? Sheek te spins you agree WA G Sometimes they can be friends, but Q Maybe not. Ifa man and a wor Usually ftiendship between a man and are close friends, they will naturally a woman is difficult become lovers. D OF course they can. I have some good men friends and were just friends. (1 Yes, they can, 1 know a lot of cases like that among my friends. (1 Irs impossible, because men always want to have sex with women they like, iy Now exchange your ideas with a classmate. Tunw 70 Pace 84 ron an INTERACTION TIP. esteem eet a * What is your best friend like? Use three adjectives. For example, tall, kind, talkative. She (He) is : and © Why is that person your best friend? For example, She helps me when I'm in trouble. We have a great time talking together. vs 2. 3. * Is your best friend a man or a woman? ed Friends and cess? Keiko and Akira have been friends for a long time. But something has happened, and they might not be friends any longer. Read the story and find out: What has hap- pened to hurt, and maybe even end, heir friendship? Akira and Keiko leave the university library after several hours of studying together, something they do ofien. Suddenly, Akira tries to kiss Keiko. Keiko is shocked. “What are you doing, Akira?” Keiko asks, hardly able to speak. “You're my best friend. We've been friends for five years. Youre cleser co me than my brother. And now you want to kiss me?” ‘Akita explains, “I want our friendship to be even closer.” “No, no, no! I don't think of you in that way. Youte my frend. Best fiends dont act that way. Akira looks confuse Don't you see me as a mani “Of course I do,” replies Keiko. “You'e a handsome man, But youre a special man. .mmy best “| dont understand. friend. So we cart do this, Now do you understand?” notat all. Here is how I see it. Youre a woman and I'm a man. We like each other very much, Wel ere very close. So let's do what is natural in any male-female relationship.” “Natural? | think our friendship is thought I understood you, Maybe I was wrong, cries Keiko, Akital face is red. “So you really don’ like me atall. You just want someone to talk to.” He cums and walks quickly away Keiko’s anger turns to sadness. In her heart, she thinks Akira is wrong—men and women cin be friends without being lovers. Bur now she’ not sure. What if all men thinks like Akira? I im ree cxoscsey foace 82) Rocked’ reptea BY Which opinions do you agree with? Lelie Check as many as you want, O Children should do some things for 1 Parents should pay thei children to do Free, like cleaning their own room. Buc housework. And that should be the only they should be paid to do other tasks like money they get. That way, chey learn to J. washing dishes. be responsible. Q Helping around the house) ( SI Paying the children vo do O Giving money for doing is something children have to | | housework isa bribe. Dont housework is a reward. do. They shouldnt get paid do i, They'll stare asking for Children need rewards for for it money for everything, doing things. NR Now exchange your ideas with a classmate. Tunw ro Paoe 89 ron an INTERACTION TIP. In your house, who does the following tasks? cleaning the house cleaning your room laundry washing dishes shopping for food taking out the tresh A Reward or a PRIPE:? Kimo and Makana have two boys, ages 10 and 14, They are having a difficul time gerting the boys to help around the house, Read their conversation and find out: What are they planning to do? Kimo: I'm so tired of asking Kam and Tasama to do their tasks. They, never do anything, They say they forgot or they were woo busy with homework, Makana: I know what you mean, Yesterday, I was so mad at Kam because he diditt make his bed that | almost hit him, Kimo: Noca good idea! Weve already discussed hitting the chil- dren, and neither of us believes that it'sa good idea, Makeana: I know, but what dse can we do? Kimo: I asked my brother for his advice this morning. He suggested shat we pay the children to work around the house. Makana: What? Pay them for doing what they should do? Neves! Kimo: Well, that was what I thought. But my brother cold me about 2 plan that has worked in other families. Miakana: How does it work? Im willing t uy almost anything Kimo: First we make a list of things that the boys have to do each day and during the week. You know, keep their room clean, make their heds, take out the trash, and so on. We put iton the reffigeraror so everyone can sec it. Maleana: OK, what nex? Kimo; Then we tell Kam and Tasama that they'll get a certain amount of money cach week if daey do all of their tasks. Bue if they don’t do all of the tasks, then they'll get no money. Nothing at ll Mekana: Do you mean if the boys miss one task, they get no money? Kimo: Right. Then they wouldnt have any money for going to the movies ct buying comics or anything. Mkana: Well, [dont know: That plan seems like a bribe to me. Kimo: Think of it as a reward! 1 me oseany (oe 81) ‘taske + trash « mine's bribes reward Which opinions da you agree with? CARAS Check as many as you want. es too expensive to take care of old SW Taking care of elderly parents is the people. I chink the government should be child’s duty. So the child should noc responsible for taking care of them, depend on other people or on the govern- A ment for help. OF Your parents should live Ifyour mother or father I Elderly people should live with you when they're old, suddenly comes to your house || in special homes. They ven if your house is small. tolive, it wll cause a loc of shoulda’ bother their children. problems. Now exchange your idees with a classmate Tunw ro Pace 83 Fon aw INTERACTION TIP. ee ua o Oy Mary olser parents lve with ther children, Gan you think of reasons for and against this arrangement? (Older parents should live with their children because... Clder parents should not live with ther children because... it’s more fun with more members in My small house would be crowded. the family.

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