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I was required by our school to draft a one paragraph message for the school

or any message that can inspire students. I was not sure how to do it. So, I
made a draft covering two different topics. The last paragraph was the one I
submitted. The two before it were not submitted because I felt they were

It was on the same year I was born that my father decided to stop pursuing
his dream to become a lawyer in order to support his family. He never
finished his law degree. My mother, left without choice, supported my
fathers decision. For the past years, I was a witness of their unconditional
and tireless support to their children. Therefore, to them I dedicate this
triumph. The ISKR, the College of Law, the dean, the professors, and the
staffs have played an indispensable role in realizing this dream. They are
brilliant educators and profoundly good people who instill in their students
good values, excellence, and God-consciousness. I know a paragraph or two
wont be enough to express how I feel. Perhaps in this condensed paragraph,
I could adequately convey my thoughts to them. Hence, to all of them, with
all my heart -- Thank you. Please continue giving parents and students a
chance to achieve their dreams.

When I first entered the portals of the University, I was anxious about how I
will be perceived as a (Muslim) student in a (Catholic) University. After my
first semester, I realized that my anxiety was entirely baseless. In the
University, the students are treated alike. We are subjected to the same
rigors, suffered the same pain, and kept the same accolades. As a student, I
never felt I was different. We are all Filipinos after all. I send my heartfelt
gratitude to the school, the dean, the professors, and the staffs for untiringly
sharing their talents and time with us. They are brilliant educators and
profoundly good people who instill in their students good values, excellence,
and God-consciousness. Ill hold and cherish every wonderful memory - all
those nerve-racking oral examinations and those spirit-quelling written
My fathers dream was to become a lawyer. It was on the year I was born
that he ended his pursuit of this dream for his family. My mother supported
his decision. For the past years, I was a witness of their unconditional and
tireless support. It is to them I dedicate this triumph. The IKSR, the College
of Law, the dean, the professors, and the staffs have played an indispensable
role in realizing this dream. They are brilliant educators and profoundly
good people who instill in their students good values, excellence, and
God-consciousness. I know a paragraph or two wont be enough to express
how I feel, but perhaps in this condensed paragraph I can convey my
gratitude to them. My stay has been memorable. Ill hold and cherish the
wonderful memories - the nerve-racking oral examinations and the
spirit-quelling written examinations.

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