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bs rap. Le a No ee er) Tieng Anh Ep BE NHA XUAT BAN TU DIEN BACH KHOA +*Bien soan; TRITHUC VIET ‘* Higu din: NGUYEN TH} Thane VEN MODERN ENGLISH COMMUNICATION * Quan dim «Ly gid + Yatedu ¥Camon Hoc Kim DIA cD Matban in 1) NHA.UAT BAN TUBIEN BACH KHOA Soi noi dau Learn English! Have ft Rat ohigu sach Anh ngtt vita a&t vite ning trén ban hoc eda ban e6 phéi ta do ban nhat thoi mudn hee tigng Anh me quyét dink mua né hey khong? Co phéi ban 44 tn khéng *t tidm chi as It may trang sich r6i ném ching qua mét bén hay khéng? May la, ben di Wa Khong it thi gian cho vite hoe , cum tif, méu eu va vin pham; nhuing eau Shi hoc lai quén true quén seu, khi nghe lai ebAng nghe duce, khi n6i Tai chdng thé th6t Wen ca ndo? Diy It b9 aéeh cb thé gitip ban sit dung thanh thao ting Aan. Géc chuyn gia ngba ng seu nbiéu nim aghién ody phét hign ling: Mutin thét ey hoc tt mbt ngoei nga ‘ado 46, nén bit dau tY gido trinb “don gidn” va khong aging luyén tap Snghe va n6. Vi a6 hixing din phuwng phap hoe tp ting Anh tot nit, ching t#i da dge biot dya vio ¥ kin ofa chuyén gia ngosi ogi, tf mi bion soan ra bo sach “Tighg Anh git tip hign dar” may. aes Bp sich “Titng Ank giao tiép hign dai” gidp ban ob thé “ron luygn tifag Anh”, lai vita o5 thé “hoc tot, nghe tst mén tiSag Anh”, théa min yeu edu es ban nbat nung Iai kh6 thye higm nbét eda ban: “vénh tai dé nghe, mid migng aé ni" Bo sach “Ting Anh giao tiép hitn dai" e6 noi dung Phong phi vi nhiéu ch3 dé khde mhaw duye xuyén sudt 4 tap. Duéi day 1a ning un dim dé gidp ban chon mua ‘bp sich hoe ting Anh nay: 1. NGI dung tinh 16 Noi dung tinh t@ 1 yeu edu chil yeu sita guyén sdch, Mudn hoc it m)t ngoai ng nao 46, c”in phai khong ging luyén t@p, ben canh d6 gio trinh thich hop st gidp ban that su hoc tt tiéng Anh. 2. Hoc kam dia CD Gide trinh thiét KE nhlim vo Kha nang “nghe va ng” ting Anh, mi t€p adch A8u e6 kam theo dia CD, bban of thé wie Mng nghe bing lai va néi bing ming 8 boc ting Anh - tai nghe CD, migng doc tidng Anh. 3, Chi a 16 rang, tinh bay ngén gon Mi bat trong sch dn chia lam hai phén: Phiin 11a “Dam thoai theo tinh fuding” va phén It 1 ‘Nhang thanh ngv thong dung” gém nhiing edch n6i mé x8ng, mndu eau ehiyéir dupe trinh bay gid ban nhin bist va si dung trong timg tinh hung thich hgo. Be 2. Gidi thich ting Viet. méu cau hudng dén Gili Shieh tis méi, 06 phién 4m, aking miu edu ding trong dim thogi hang nghy niy duge ap xp theo thir ‘ty chit c4i, gidp ban cé thé tim Auge mfu edu nhanh hon ‘cho vige én tgp va chuéin bi bai. ‘rong qué trinh bidn sogn Kkhing trénh khdi sai s6t, hy vong nhing li g5p ¥ eh€n thanh la niém ding vién qui béu 48 gisp b) afch ndy nay mot hoam thign hon Ban bitn sown PHUONG PHAP NGHE VA BOC HIEU TIENG ANH. Ben mudn of thé nghe, higu tiéng Anh cia ngs Khée va dang ting Anh dé bide dat § nght cia mink phai khong? New nbu thé, trong euje sng thutng ngdy, ben hay bat ddu ding tai vA migng a hge tifng Anh gay di choi! ‘Be séch “Tiéng Anh gizo tit hign dai” nay 38 gidp cho ban bi8t aku thé mio d@ nghe tét va néi t0t tigag Anb. 1..Nhéin bist kha nding Anh ngdr cla minh ‘Trade tien, thet sx mucin he tt tiéng Anb, phi bid rd: hoo ngosi ngor 1a mot “qua trinh dfn tin’, Idhéng thé mnpt ‘ufc ma than, ehh vi nhu thé, ban pha: ©. BBi ding théi quen ngay ngay hoc sing Anh MBi ngay hoc tifag Anh mati phuit, nhut vay c6 higu gol hon nhiéu 20 voi mot tudn mgt ln hoe tiéng Anh hai tig ABng hi. 8, BB: duong lang hitn nhln Nén béi duong long kidn nhdn nbu thé nao day? Ban 06 thé théng qua viée higu r0 dong co hoe tiéng Anh cia minh 4é béi digag long kien ohn, Hoc ting An Ia dé ning eno io thik? Hay dé lam vite? Hay vi ute mo? Hay chi wi thich nhu thé? Bat hé dong ov 2, ida quan trong nbat 1a sau ki ida 5 dng co thi of thé tim 48 t8i mish cim thay hing thé 48 hoe tithe Anh. Ding quen Se 1a hoe tp tag Ania m@t ofich thich thd 1a va Kf bt mt din itn cla vie hge tt tiéng Ank! ‘Ngodi vige kin chon gio trinh thfeh hyp cho minb, 6 nghi ban néa chia du vide nghe, n6i, fc, vist va hoo vin pha. Bga nén king nging doe hiéu nhieu, nghs ni ting Ank thing mya, bit chute céch phat fim, luyén tp aghe, viét, n6i bing ting Anh, tham cht dong ting Anh 4é suy nghi. Méi ngay duy tri luyén tép lai luyén tap, day chinh 1a phuong phép hoe tét ting Anh. 2. Céch nighe Sau Kkhi Kea he tidag Anh dase mt th’i gian, va tr ‘wng cing ting abibo, vio pham cing khing oba tr8 agai rim, khé nimg doc hidu cling ngay cing titn bp, Nhung Ehi ‘ran xem phim, xem chung trink truyéa hiah, hog: nghe hing keimh phat song tisog Arh, thém chi tin doting bit gp mt ng6i MI dang noi ebuyén, ten tai phat bien rng rminh ging rhut vit dang nghe sé vay, thm {rhs la mbt hs bel tran Nhung, ding nan ong! Thye t€, day JA tinh husing 1a cd ngubi hee tiéng Anh du ggp phi. Sn Ki ning ngha, n6i, doe, vidt thi ki nang hidu Gaye ting Anh? Phuimg phép duy alt 4é 18 nghe! Ben phai ren luy8a di tei oda minh, khSag neing nehe, ma phai nghe va nghe lién tue! Viin a€ tigip theo 18, nn nghe nui the no? a Vita méi bit du, bat ed gi cing nghe khong hiéu la yiée binh thuéng, chi cdn ban nghe duge phat am, khéng nén bi obing chi tiét khéc eda edu Anh heting, du ban phii chi ¥ dén 1a ti khoa ola cfu (keyword), 4 06 tién dén hidu ro noi éung oi bal. Nghe tifug Anh nhung khong hiéa eb thé khitn ban béi ri, nhuag didu thé vi la néu ban mun aghe hiéa tiéng Anh, tam ly ban néa thoai mdi, binh tinh. Vi chi 0 nhu thé, ban mdi o3 thé chuyén tam ling ngha tiéng Anh truyén vao trong tai ban, Ngoai ra, didu phi ghi nhé IA khéng duge dem hing ti titng Ank ban nghe duye dich thénh tiéng ‘Vist! Nguyén nhén rit don gidn, yi nhu thé sé khién ban cang bi phan tds khi nghe tiéng Anh. 3. C&ch doc Tiéng Anh la ngon ngit 6 phéin chia ogi dim, a6 Khong ging nhu tiéne Phip hope ting ¥, khi phat am pbai ahaa manh tir trong tim, tf khéng quan trong 03 dave doe inst que. Vay mbtng +t odo mdi goi la ti trong tam? Thong thidng, shing danh 1, dong tt, tink tir va phé ci 1a tit trong thm, Con mao ti, tre dong tit, gigi ta, lien ti va dai ti viv. du la ta phu. Khi doo, trude tien ban c6 thé ghi chd nhang tir trong tam trong sch, dya vao 46 phidn blet dug¢ tit nao doe nhéin va tt ao’ doc ludt qua, (Buong nhien trong qué trink luyén tép nbu vay, ki nang nghe ola ban cing a6 ing bude duaé nang oxo), ihe Ngcal ra, foc to tidog Anh, Khéng chi of thé layin top phat ain ma cba o thé gip ban ghi ahé! Hy nbd rag, ape ngoai nett IA qua trinh dén din imi tién, ngho king rwiing, n6i king ngtng, tis, ‘Aah cia ban cing a8 khéng nging tién bot i Tri Thike Vier an CONVERSATION PRACTICE MAU BAM THOAI I. ASKING ABOUT OPINIONS - HOI VE QUAN DIEM 1, What do you think of it? ‘Ban thay thé nao? As saw your concert last night. ‘Ti qua tot 26 cern bubi hoa nhac cite ban, ‘Did you? What did you think of i¢? ‘This khong? Ban thily thé nao? A: Ttwas excellent, Rae taypt voi. ae B: Thanks. Cam on, 2. What's your opinion on..? Quan di8m cita ban (ben thay)... thé ndo? ‘A: Cathy, could we begin with you? What's your opinion on today’s TV programs? Cathy, ching ta bét du nké? Ban thdy cheng trinh iraytn hinh home nay thE not B: Woll, if you ask me, they're terrible, Most of the programs are a complete waste of time, ‘A, nda ban hei 10% thi 10% thily rét 19. Hid heée ede chutanig trinh déu ling ph thei gian Brian, how do you fee! about them? Brian, ban edm thdy thé nao® ©: Im general’, I agree with Cathy. But what bothers! me more is that they're tno violent”. Noi chung ti déng ¥ véi Cathy. Nhumg didu im ci buc minh hon lic cdc chutong trink qué bao lee A: What about the news reports? Cin ede baw tin thé ndo? C Yes, in my opinion, the mows shows are extremely superficial’, They don't tell you anything. Vang, theo 9 101, ede bila tin dua tin rét 20 s0i. Ching ching cho ban biét gt ed. awn Ora vng 1. general: n6i chung, dai bal 2. bother /btet2y (9) Io ling, hit an, bye boi 3. uiolent /vauston/ (adj) bgo lve 4. superficial PoupolifY (ad oo sti, ning ean, hei bot 3. Lthink., don't you? Tai nghi... bn thy thé nao? A: I think we need to spend more moncy on ‘education, don't you? Toi nght ching ta cdn chi nhibu tién hon cho gido yc, ban thy sco? B. Yes, indeed. Chinh xée. I. GIVING AN OPINION - DUA RA QUAN DIEM. 1, From my point of view... ‘Theo quan diém cia ti, A: Are ads' tnteresting or a waste of time? Theo ban, ede chuong trink quang céa rét hap din ‘hay cht Tang phi thor gian? Bi From my polnt of view, they're a waste of time. Theo quar diém. eda 16%, ching cht lang pht thi gian. O rreung & ad fea’ (n) quing fo (vist tt cla br ‘advertisement") ie 2, My opinion is that... Quan diém eda (611A A: Lots of people think that in language study, accuracy! should came before? fluency’. Nhiéu nguet cho rang trong vide hoc nada ngit cdr 06 aif chinh ade truéo, eat 46 mei dBi suc Lew lot No, I'm afraid not. King, 16: khong eho nie thé. ‘At What's your opinion then? Voy quan diérn cita ban thE ndo? B: My opinion is that fluency should come before nccuracy. Quan dim eta 165 le sy lute lodt true réé mot dén sw chinh xée @ Tw oyng 1. accuracy /ekjorasi (n) ox chtnh xe 2. A come before B: A cin phi c6 truée B 8. flueney /fecansil (n) sf lun lodt, suf trdi chy: 3, Well, that’s what you think. A, dé chi 18 cach nght cia ban thai, ‘A: Don't you like my new dress? Why did you give it such a nasty’ look? Ban, zhong thich chide do ddm mdi cita t0i sao? Tas ‘900 ban lei e6 anh mdt Rh chi the? B: If you ask me pointblank’, I have to confess’ I don't like it ws Néu ban héi thdng thi t6i phdi thita nhan Wa ti Khong thich. ‘As Why? The color's nice and the quality's good. Tai sac thé? Mau sdc dep va. cde tung vai wt me. Br Well, that’s what you think. A, 46 chi la edch nght eta ban thoi. Ort mg 1. nasty Pna:st/ (ad) kho chiu, bue minh, 2 point-blank fparntbiegk! (adv) néi thing, trye tip 3, confées Aron fes!{v) thita nhiin, thd nin 4, Tentirely agree. ‘Toi hoan toan ding $. A: This will have to be stopped. Chuyen nity 88 phai dieng lai. B: Lentirely agree. ‘76: hoan toin déng §. Ar Extra charges should aot be allowed. I suggest that we refuse to pay, Ehong diuge 6 ede Rhoda chi phi pu. Toi dé nghi Ching ta tit eho chi er B: That's just what [ wanted to say. BO ciinag Ia dtu 16% mudn adi At Let's draft! memo? and send it to them, telling them that we've desided not to pay the storage’. Hiiy sour mbt tus bio vd gti din ho, not ring ching te guy din Rhong chi tr chi ph béo quan. ie B, Sounds right to me. Toi dénw 5. a Tit wun 1. draft fief (9) phide thio 2, meme /‘memoo/ (n) ban ghi nhé, thy béo (nbur memorandum) 8. storage fszendy (a) sién i kho, stich tithing héa 5, [really don't know what to think any more. Toi that sx khOng biét gi ed ‘A: Wouldn't you say that animal experiments help humans? Céc cupe tht nghiém ding vat st 05 ich cho con gui, 6 dang vay Rhongt B: really don't know what to think any more. ‘Tei thas su chdng biét gi cd. 6. Do you really think 60? Ban thit su nghi nhu vay sa0? A: Hualion is wondarfal place. Hoc Lién lit mbt nei tuygt ws. B: Do you really think so? ‘Ban thGt sic nghi nlus vay so? A: Why, don't you Like it? It has such beautiful ‘weather and.. ‘Tai sao ban Rhéng thich Hoa Litn? Mot nai eé thoi tidt dep den thE ve. ai Bi The weather is all right, but T don't think much of the city itself. It's not as interesting as Taipei. ‘Thi wit thi Wk tht, nbuong ti khong thich think phd Hea Litn Won. Noi db khong thié vi bling Dai Bie. OOOTHER USEFUL EXPRESSIONS CAC THANH NGO THONG DUNG KHAC 1. ASKING ABOUT OPINIONS - HOI VE QUAN DIEM 1. How do you like working here? Ban dim thdy lam vibe 6 déty thé no? 2. How about driving out to the country? Léi xe din ving qua thi thd ndo? & How about it? Con chuyén dé tha sao? 4. What do you foel about it? Ban thy chuygn dé thé no? ©. What do you say? Bag etin thdly nhac thé ndo? 6, What about my new haircut? itu toc mii cla t01 thé nto? ~ haircut Pheakev (n) kibu tée 7. What do you think of my new clothas? Bare thély 00 qudn do met edn 101 thé nao? 9, What-do'you think about Ms, Smith's lecture? Bam thily bai gidng cia ob Smith thé neio? ie, lecture MekifoceW (n) bai giding, bai thuyét tein 9. Do you have any views on the problems? Ban thdy nang odn dB nay thé mio? 10. What do you have in mind? Ban ob auy nghi nhu thé ado? LL, What's your view? an 06 quan dim thé nao? 12, [like to ask you for your opinion of this course, Toi muda hoi Rien cila ban v8 khba hrge nay. 18, im glad to have your opinion on the activity. ‘TDi rét uui hhi nghe § kign cla bgn vf hoat ding nay. 14. Do you mean the topie we discussed yesterday? Bain 06 3 hid thd néo wd chet dé ma ching i thdo Tug hém qua? 15. Do you say that he is gorgeous? Ban thay ath ta 06 cir Boi khong? : + gorgecus fps (ad) ep dB, cir hii, bah, chitin 16, What impression did you get from her? An tuyng cita ban dét véi cb ta th nao? 17, In your opinion, are the programs exciting? Theo j cia ben, nbiing tit mye reby &b hip din beng? 18. How would you react to your being fired? Bam phén ting th nao Bhi bj choc tuck 19, What are you up to? Ban det thn tam gi? 20, Idon't think much of being a seeretary, do you? an ‘Toi khang thich cing vige thic hy dm, con ban thi suo? 21, Yesterday's concert was pretty good, wasn't it? Budi hoa nhac hom qua rat hay, phi way khong? 22. Do you mind if I smoke? Anh lthong phitn néu toi huit thudc chi? 23, Would you mind opening the window? Anh khong phién nin téi mé cita 96 ra chet? 24, What's the matter with it? = What's wrong with it? C6 chuyen gi phat Khong? IL GIVING AN OPINION - DUA RA QUAN DIEM 1, [think that the performance was successfull. Toi thay budi tink dibn rét thawh cong. 2 Td just Hke to say I'm the very man you're looking for. ” ai * ‘Toi cd un ni ti chins Wa ngs: med un. mud tn, 3. I'd say you're being very pessimistic, Bi thdy hidn gid ben rét bi quan. + pessimistic /pes ‘mast (adj) bi quan 4 It's my belief that withont nuclear weapons, there would be mare wars. Toi thay ring néu nhw hhing ob vii kht hat nhan, thi $8.05 nhiéu enge chién tranh hon. - nyolear PrjukliseV (ag) gt ahin 5. Inmy-view, we all have secrets, Se, 10, uu. 2. Theo quan dliém cite ti, mdi ngubi dé cb nhing bé mat riéng, Tt sceme to mo ‘(thnt) sho lost interest in everything. To: thy ditong nbs 06 hy da médt hiing this vei moi vibe roi, As far as I ean see, to frequently communicate with other is vory important in modern life. Theo quan diém etka ti, giao tifp thing suytn véi ruadi vic a rit quan trong trong cube sing hitn dei. = communicate ika'tnu:nakew?/ (7) giao tis, tigp xe Personally, I feel it's a tricky question. Theo cd nhén t0i, ti cdm thdy di 1a mbt vdin dé doi hai su bhéo Teo, = tricky Ptsiki (adi) Abi ROL phai Khéo 160, doi ph4i 8 nhj "To be frank, nobody can make any profit out oft. Néi tds, chdng ai cd did him loi trong vibe dé. + profit /pevfit/(n) 103, Igi bua ‘To my knowledge, they left for Rome yesterday. ‘Theo ii duce biét, kom qua ho da déx Rome r6i. ‘To my mind, this is just nonsense. ‘Theo § 18, chuyan nay hBE atte vd ly It's my feeling (that) inflation is a threat to our living standards. Theo quan diém ciia ti, lam phét la mot mét de loa dén chudin mye sing cxia ching ta. al + inflation /u!fieifu (a) lam phat + threat fired (n) mi de dow 13. Don't you agree (that) David Beckham is very popular? Ban khong thdy Daviel Beckham rét nBi tiéng 200? 14. Obviously he should have participated in it. RB ring ank te nen tham dts + obviously “obviosly (adv) r0 rang, hién nhien + participate (in) /pa:usipen/ (v} tham gia, them dy TL. AGREEING WITH OPINIONS - BONG ¥ VOI QUAN DIEM NGUOI KHAC 1. Sure. = Ofcourse, = Certainly, Definitely. Dutong nhion r6i, ehde chin rdi 2, That's right, I'd agree with you. Biing uéy, ti ding ¥ v6i ban, & Thats Chink ta nue thé. 4. No doubt about it, Chang cb at nahi nye. 5. No problem, Khong thank vdn 8, 6. That sounds fine, Nghe ding dy. 2a Lo, ML. Lean dig it, Toi oo thd hiéu dtpe. I see your point. 101 bib 9 ben rbi. You ean say that again. Ban n6i ding réi. [suppose se. Toi caing nght thé. As for me, I have no objection to it. V8 phén t3i, #61 hOng phan dé - objection Jab'dzekjn! (n) ay phan a6, tf ching i IV. AVOIDING GIVING OPINIONS OR NOT GIVING OPINIONS - KHONG DUA RA ¥ KTiN Tdon't know. Toi khong bibs. It's difficult to say. I'd have to think about it, Chuayen nay re hd n6i, 161 pha suey nghi mbt chit 46. Lreally don't know what to say. Toi thot su hhong biét nen néi a. T've nothing to say about the event. Oi u6i chesyin nay, 10% chang bitt néi gi cd. Tdon't know enough it, im afraid. E rang t01 bidt khong nhiéu Tcouldn't say. I'm afraid it's beyond me. Toi khong thé ndi dupe gi. Toi nght chuygn dé nim negoti Hid ning cla tis ae 8 10. sv 12 13, 14. 15. 18, 17. 18, 19. I don't feel strongly eithor way. ‘Tromg hai cdch nay 1k du king cde they catch thes Td rather not say anything about that. Toi khoug c6 9 Kien gi vB chuyen dé. Teant say I have any particular views on the topic. Dil ii chit c® ny thi BhOng 06 § hid ey thE rd 0d, I don't hold any particular position on the plan. Déi v6i RE hoach nay, ti Midng cb ldp truag no eu thé ca. It doesn't really matter to me, I'm afraid. E ring, chuygn nay déi wi 6 Khong quan trong. It makes no difference to me, Chuybn nay B6i v6i tbi chang 06 gh Ride mhau ee, It all depends. Pha xent tink inh miu quyét dinh. Do you think so? Han 6 nghi nh vey khong? But don't you think she'll retumn soon? Ban Khong nght cd ta s8 sé 6rd lai sao? ‘Youll better ask your teacher that question, not mo. V8 ud dé do, ban non héi thiy gido ctla ban, hon 1a hot 3. [see what you mean, but. Toi hide J cda bon, nung Well, now you are asking a tricky question. A, gio tht ban dang dainh a6 10% Ady. Hold on, its too early to say that yet. gi da, con qué bm. 48 nbi chuyén ny, we O CONVERSATION PRACTICE MAU DAM THOAI 1, Can you advise me..? Ban o6 thé khuyén 16.2 A: There're so many washing machines here. Can you advise! me which one to ge ; G day 06 qué nhidu may gid, Ban 06 thé chi ti efi ito t6t Bong? B: Td advise you to get a modern one. Toi Rhuyen bon nen mua cdi hitn dei niée. ws OT: vung 1. advise fad'vanz/ (v) Khuyén bao, khuyén ran 2. Do you think I should? Ban ngbi ring toi nén_? 4: Do you think I should telephone’ them? Ban ch nght ring tOi nen goi dign cho ho khong? B: Why not? It won't do ny harm?. Bttong nhién rbil Chuygn dé chang ob tn hoi gi cd. As What should I ask them? Toi nen hdi ho nhang gi? Perhaps you should find out how much thoy charge’. C6 Te ban nen hii hp chi phi bao nkibu, ‘Yes, Tl do that. Braye réi, 161 sé lam oy. Oring Lfelephone /telifoow (x) gol dién thogi 2.harm Mha:av (n) si tén hai, sy thigt hai 3. change Aesdy (a) chi phi, phi tba 8. Do you think it possible? Ban nh§n théy c6 thé dug khong? At Tim trying to lose weight}, Do you think it possible? Tei dang of ating gids ct, Ban nght ti oo thé khong? B: You don't need to do so. Ge Ban khong edn pd lam abut thé. Ti ung 1. to lose weight: gim chn 4. Don't you think it would be better (o..? a ‘Ran khéng cam thay...sé tot hon sao? I feel a little sick. The air is too stuffy’. Ti ci thily hot Rho chix. Khong hi ngoe neat qué. Don't you think it would be better to go out for awalk? Ban hivong nght ts ra ngodi di do 88 thon sao? ‘Yes, maybe I should. Diing rbi, 06 18 161 nbn ra ngoti @ Te oyng A» B: 1. stuffy stat (adj) ngdt ngat ‘Have you thought of..? Ban ed nghi dint What can I do about my headache? Ti nhate déu qué, lam thé ndo doy? ‘Why don’t you take an aspirin’? Trai sao ban bhong ding mt vitn tube aspirin: ‘Yos, all right. But I don't think itl do any good. Bhave rdi, Nhueng ti hinge nght n6 58 06 the dung. Have you thought of going home to bed? an Bon 6 nght dé vibe tr6 v8 nhé ng mot gle chun? At guess I should, oi nghi 16 mink nBa nbd ody. G Tr owng 1. aspirin Fesporin! (n) thade aspirin, thade giim hie dia 6. How dol? Téi lam thé ndo.? ‘How do I inform! them of may arrival time? Toi thing bio cho ho bit thds gian din cra t0i thé néo déy? ‘That's simple. Just send them an Email, "Rat don gifin, chi c&n goi mét Email cho ho. GS ring 1. €0 inform sb of sth: thong béo cho ai bids viee et 11, Tid like to know whethor it is correct to... ‘Toi mudn biét lieu c6 ding khong? A: Could I ask fort some advice about proposal”? = Toi 06 thé xin udi loi Rhuyen cho dé xudt cua ching ta khong? Br Tbe glad to help. Toi rt hoon nghenh, ie A; Td like to know whether it is correct to invest” in that project "70% mua, bibt déee ti vito dyn iy 0 cin hay Rong? By think it is 2 goad chance for you. Tei nghi db la mét co hpi t6t canh cho ben. Grenng - 1. to ash for: yeu edu 2. proposal fpra'gauml! (n) dB xu, ké hoach, 8. invest fm'vest/ (y) du tar 8, I would appreciate your advice on.. ‘Néu rihat éng cho [df kdhuyén vé. toi rit biét om. We will have a distributors" meeting next week. I would appreciate” your advice on the arrangement of the conference", Tun (61 cling Wi 0% 16 chite mot cupe hop cho hing nha phan phéi. Né nhu 8ng eho loi khuyon pb ou stip xép cude dé nghi, 11 réé bi8t on Bi (a suggest making tho discussion short and to the point’, ‘Toi dB nahi cute théo Luin phi ngdn gon va di vo trong tar. Orirmng 41, distributor fas tnbjuta(ry (n) nha phan phéi 2. appreciate (siprifiesv (x) biét on hoan nghérh 3. conference Pkonforors! (n) h6i nei as 4, to the point; trong tam, dim chinh 9. Should L. ‘Toi nén.. khong? A: How do you feel about it? Should I carry out! the plan immediately? Bon cd thdy thE ndo? Toi ob nen tiga honk ngay Ké hoach nay khong? Bi You would be wise not to be in such a hurry. TO nhde le dig nen voi wa nhs thé. GS rvwmg 1. fo carry out: thye hinh, thi hanb, tién hanh 10. What do you think about? Ban nh§n thy... thd nao? At Td like to have your opinion on my essay’, Toi musn nghe § kién eda ban vb bai luén cia tei. Sure. No problem. Bue. Khong 06 vin dé gt. A: What do you think about the second part? Bon thay phan hai thé néo? Bi I think it's too short. Toi nght phd. hai qua nan, A: You are right. I'l change it. Ban n6i diing, t0i sé stia igi. ie, Gra vung 1. essay ese! (n) bai lua vin 11, What's your opinion about..? ¥ kign ban thé mao vé..? A: What's your opinion about the exploration’? ¥ Hifn cla bgn thd nda v8 eube thd hiém nay? B: [fd say it is not worth the risk. You'd better not go on with it, Tei edm thy khong dang dé lieu Linh, t6¢ nde etc ban nin 889 dink nay di. @ two 1. exploration fée'ef (x) sy tha @, ef thé hiém 12. What should I do? ‘Toi nén lam gi? As I stayed up! too late last night and I'm not fooling well now. What should I do? "Ti ques thite qua Muay nen gid ti edom thily Bhong hte, Ti nen Jom i dy? Br Perhaps you shouldn't go to work today. 6 fa hom nay bam ditng nin ci Lamm. @ revenge 1. to stay up: thite Khuye 13. What would you recommend me to do? Ban khuyén t8i phai lam gi? A: My throat is very sore’, What would you recommend’ me to do? C8 hong t6i rit daw, ban thd tdi nén Lem gi? You'd better take somo pills’ for it then, Tot nhét ban nén wing hit thud. G terms 4. sore Aoi (adi) dau, nite 2. recommend /reka' mend! (x) khuyén bio, 4é nghj 3. pill pul (n) vin thube 14, Would you recommend..2 Ban nghi cé nén_. khong? A: There's going to be a fancy party at Jack's house this Sunday night. Wonld you recommend that I accept the invitation? Tok chi nhge tulin ndy nha Jock 06 18 chide mat bita fie hdp dén. Ban thy t8i cd nén di khong? I would advise you not to accept it since it's just a waste of time. ‘Téi Khusyen ban Aiing di vt dén dé chi lang phi thai Bien thei. ie Qo THER USEFUL EXPRESSIONS CAC THANH NGO THONG DUNG KHAC L ASKING FOR ADVISE - HOLXIN LOI KHUYEN: 1. What do you think of his euggestion? Bon nghi thé néo v8 la d8 nghi cile anh to? 2 Do you thinle it would be better to waita moment? Ban nghi ed nén doi mot chit Rhéng? 8. What do you think I should do? Ran nghi t6i nen lam gi? 4. What should I do to catch up with him? Ti phi Lara gh dB theo Rip anh ta to ontch up with: theo kip, dudi kip 5. Td like your advice on this essay. ‘Toi matin xin Ui Rltagen ctia bam cho bai Tun wor nay. & Can you give me any advice on business negotiations? Ben 06 thé cho toi vai lei khuyen v8 ede cude thitong théo lam Gn khong? 7. was wondering what your reactions would be to our decision? Khéng biét ban suy nght thé nao vé quytt dink cla chting ti? ~ reaction his! wef! (n) phi itm 8. Which one would you choose? Ban 08 chon e6i neo? 9. What would you do if you were in my shoes? Née bon ta: t6i, ban sé lam git 10. How do you fecl about our way of thinking? Ban thdy quan dim cila chung t01 thé néo? 11, What would you recommend? Ban 6 hin nghj gt khéng? 12. Have you considered writing to the manager? Bon da xem sit vibe vist thie cho gidm dc chica? 18, Twould appreciate some advice about the ad, Neu 06 thé cho vai tei Rhuyén vé quang cdo, tei rde itm on. 14. When do you think we ought to set off? Bon nght ching ti ndn sud phét lie may gid? = to set off: mutt phe UJ. ADVISING SOMEBODY 70 Do SOMETHING - KRUYEN AI D0 LAM Gi 1. It would be a good iden to rent a bicycle. Thue mot chive re dap la mét $ rd hay. 2 It'll do you good to drink more water. Uéng nhibu nisie sé rht 18¢ cho ban, 5. It might not bo a bad idea to got a part-time job. Kiém duige mbt cOng vige Ban thai gian la rét t64. 4. My advico to you is to exercise more. Lisi khuyén ela ti dink cho ban Ie luyen tip thé dive nhidu hon nita, ‘Ra, % 10. a. 2 ml. L Perhaps you'd better go on a diet. C6 fe ban nen an hitny. ~to go on a diet: An kieng I think you should try swimming. Pei thay ban nn dé bor. I think the best thing you can do is to find a 16 nighé t5¢ nhée baer nen tm mét can phiong rong rai. = spacious “speifes (adj) 190g rai ‘You ought to stick to your goal. Ban nén hibn tri oi mue tibu cita minh. - to stich ton. kien tri, trung than. Why don't you tell her the news directly? Tet sao ban khong nbi tre lidp cho ob dy tin nity? Lrecommend you have it examined. Toi dé nahi bun nen kiém tra tot The way I s00 it, you chould got rid of these habits, ‘Theo téi thdly, ban nén tit b8 mhiang thoi quen néy, + to get rid of: tx bd, vit bi If you follow my advice, you'll stay where you are. ‘Néu ban ngjue li Rhucytn ele ti thd thi bam dg di Ai ace RATT a Re KHUYEN NGUOI NAO DUNG LAM Gi I dont think it's nocessary. Toi khong nght lind edn thikt, 2 wouldn't buy any more shoes with that brand, irl were you. Nii t6i le ban, 101 v8 WhOng mua thi abi gidy néio eda nhan hidu dé nite - brand fixend! (a) nbn hidu 8. Its ap to you, but I wouldn't do that, Tay ban thei, nhuing ti s® khong lam vide dé dau. 4, Take my adviee and don't go there alone. Nghe lai t6i va ditng dn dé mét mink, 5. You would be wise not to run down othors. Tot nhdt ban ditng nen néi xii ngutsi kde, + to run down: n6i xix, gitm pha, bdi rho 6 wouldn't recommend you to tall back to your parents, Toi khuyen ban ditng nén edi Iai cha me ban. + 10 talk back: e&i Ini, 7. would advice against taking part in tho competition. Toi Rhaaven bon ding nén thon dit cue thi du nixy. & Youmusin't eat too much before swimming. Truée Bhi boi ban ding nen an qué nhiée. 9% Make sure you do not get into bad company. Ban dimg nén k&t bang hitu wéi nhitng R8 xd, 10. Don't shirk your responsibility. Ditng nbn ne trénk tréch nhidm ctta mink, = shirk [fot (v) né tréch (cong vigc, teach nhiém..) 11. You can't have it both ways, CA hai each ban déu khong thé dat age ae, ;. You would be well advised not to get your hopes up. , Tt nhdt bon ditng dt ky vong qué lin, 18. My advise would be this: don't see things just from your own perspective, Tei Rhuyen oda 18% la: diemg chi dang quan diém cla mind dé démh gid tink hinh. + perspective /ps!speisn/ (a) quan &iBan, tt ting IV. ACCEPTING ADVICE - CHAP NHAN LOLKHUYEN & Yos, I will. Ving, 061 3 lam thé. I guess you are right, Toi nghi Ban néi ding, 1 think I'd better do so. Toi nght t8i nn lam nh thé, I suppose I should, ‘Toi nghd ti nen Tam nh thé, All right. Let's do it Prope roi, hay cit Lame nas sh. ‘That sounds reasonable. Nghe rét hop ly dy, Your advice hit home, Lat hhuytn ola ban rt ding trong tom - to hit home = be relevant to: trang dich, thu ay aa \V. REJECTING ADVICE - BAC BO LOT KHUYEN 1 2 5 1 8 Tm afrald I can't do that. Toi ela tok khong thé tam chuyen 45 crige. Idontt like doing it that way. Toi khong thick lém theo cach dé. I suppose/ guess not. Toi nght ing due. No, I trust my own judgment. hing, 06; tin vio phén dodn eta mink. Ifs hard for me to do what you've said. Néiu.lam theo nhitng gi ban néi thi rét kd, Tdon' think it wall help, Toi thay tam nhu thé chéng 06 ide dung gh I'm afraid it won't do. E ring khong duage. No, that's impossible. hong, nhat thé Rhéng th8 dupe, ow 1 SUGGESTION LOI DE NGHI O CONVERSATION PRACTICE MAU DAM THOAI Shall we..? Ching ta... nhét A: Shall we go out tomorrow, Brenda? I don't B, really feel like’ staying in’ again. Brenda, ngity mei ching ta ra ngoet mhé! Tei that at khong thfch & mai trong diy. Yos, all right. What do you suggest? Dupe rbi, ban nghi nén di dau? aes @ reoyng 1. to feel ike: musi, thich (thoo sau 1a danh tit hode ong danh ts) stay in; 6 trong nd, khong ra ngoai 2. Why don't we..? Tei sao ching ta khong..7 ‘Why don't we go to an exhibition’? Tei sao chiing ta khéng di xere trién lam? I. depends on what sort of the exhibition it is Dibu nay con phus thupe vido trién lam cai gi. A: There is one on the 18th-century landscape’ painting by well-known artists at the National Museum of History, Cubs: trig lam vé nhieng bite tranh pheng enh thé 4) 18 cila mot hoa si néi danh tei vién bdo tang Lich Sit Quéc Cia. Ta love do. THE thi t6i rfl mud di. Orwvng 1. eahibition fekst'bye/ (n) euge teiés Lim 2. landscape Merdskesp/ (a) phong em 3. Let's. Ching ta hay... At What are we going to do this evening? Let's go to the movies. Ze, Toi nay chitng ta s@ lam gh? Di xem phim nhe! B: No, I saw a movie last night, Khong, 168 que toi d& dit xem phim réi. 4. Would you like to? Ban o6 muén..? cup of toa? A: Would you like to hav Ding mot tach o& phe chi? B: No, thanks. Khong, edm on. 5. What about..? ‘Thé nado? A: Why dontt we play cards? Ching ta choi dank bai nhé? B: No, that's very boring. What shout going for a walk? Khong, dénh bai rt nham chan, ThE di ian 06 chéye khong? A: No, I've got sore feat. Khéng dudge, 161 bj dau chan. 6, [think you should (not) .. Toi nghi ban (khong) n8n... A: think you shouldn't watch TV so much. Toi nght ben bhing nén xem TV qué nhibu, an Bt Why not? Tai sao? At Because it's bad for your eves. Boi vi dibu d6 06 hai cho mat ciia ban, B: [think you should wash your motoreycle more often. Toi thdy ban nen rita xe mOtd ciia ban theme xuyen hon. A: Why? Tat scot B: Because it’s ton muddy! Vi xe cita ban dink day ban. Oi vyng 1. muddy fmadit (adj) vay bin, lay bin 7, It would do you good to.. Bi vai ban s8 06 fe Ar Come on. It would do you good to get out, Di nito, di ra ngoai 6 tét cho ban dy. B: No, I want to go to bed early tonight, Khong, 161 nay (04 muén ng som. 8, How about..? = thé nko? At How about going to ace Professor Milton this evening? TB: nay dén gdp gido we Milton diate chitt B: That sounds like a good idea, De ¥ kidn hay dey 9, Have you thought of... Ban c6 nghi dén..? A: Have you thought of going to the party tonight? Ben ob ngghi dn vite than det bud tide 15; nay khong? B: I'd like that very much. ‘Toi rat thich, 10, We'd better. Ching ta nén_ It's 7 o'elock. We'd better leave now. DG 7 gid rdi, ebiing ta nen di thoi. All right. Buve roi. LL, Say, 2 ony nut thé nado? A: You are supposed to finish reading this book and write a comment’. Ban phit doe xong cudn sach nay réi viée loi bin. B: What is the deadline® for entries? Han cht nop bei la Ri nto? As Say, ton days from today? Trong vong 10 ngity, e6 duge hhong? a @ricvyng 1. canmment komen (a) Ri bin led, 2 deadline /dedlaw’ (n) ban chét OCTHER USEFUL EXPRESSIONS CAC THANH NG@U THONG DUNG KHAC 1. Do you think it might be a good idea to buy a fow roses as a gift? Baa thy rca vb dah hd lar quie o ure: bhi 2. Have you thought about studying hard this term? He iy nixy ben o6 raght ctén vide hoc chet chit Rhiong? 3. How about asking her? Hi thi 06 ta dupe chit? 4. Lstrongly advise you to go by air. ‘Toi khuyen ban nén di may bay. 5. ItT were you, I wouldn't do it. Néu toi 12 ban, toi se khang lim nhu thé 8. Itwould be a good idea to go out.on the weekends. Cubs tudn ci chat la mbt § hi€n hay. 7. It was only a suggestion. Think it over. Diy chi le Boi dé nahi, cn euy nght Iai a, 8 1 was wondering if you'd ever thought of this wonderful idea. Ehing bits ban da tang nght dén § tuimg tuyot voi nidy chee, 8, I've got a good idea. Go to a concert after dinner. Ge Ti od mbt chit 9 rét hay. Hay di xem hoa nhae sat bite ti. 10. ['d lke to suggest a cocktail to start with, Toi dé nghi bhai vf voi mepu cocktail. 11, If] might make suggestion, take the metro to ‘Trafalgar Square. Néu t0i 06 thé dua ra dé nghi, t0i mubn ching ta di we didn nglim dén quéng tring Trafelgar. metro fmetrou/ (a) xe dign ng 12, Let's do sumething else for a change. Chuang te hy tant dibu gi 6 d8 thay dBi. 18, May I give you a brief introduction fo our company? Toi cd thé cho ban mot bén gist thigu tom Luge vé ‘cong ty chiing thi Rhona? 14, Shalll we stop somewhere? Chuting ta.clin thm mot noi nao db dé ding ist Rhona? 15, Say, two hours. Would that be OK? Hai titng ding hb, 6 didgc bhéng? 16. Suppose I have two tickots? Gis 50 10% 06 hai vé thi soo? 17, Take my advico and go to the clinie. Hy nghe lai Nhayen cia tbi vd dén beak vign di. 18. Well, you suggost something thon. Thé ban duia ra vii gpl § nhb. 19. What about having our roam painted yellow? Cin phong cite. chiing ta son mau vang dupe chit? ain 20, Why don't you come andl sea it? Tai sao bun khong don dé xem tinit mot ofuit? 21, Why not stay longer to see more of London? Tai sao bon thong oti thera ‘8 tha Gquera Fondion? hed fora couple of days, “T6t nit ban nr ulus thube vi nton nghi neg vi ng Dis PERSUATION SU THUYET PHUC ee {Q CONVERSATION PRACTICE MAU DAM THOAI 1. You'd better... ‘Tet nhat ban nén_ At Idon't feel well today. [have « headache, ‘Hom nary thé cfom thily khéreg Ribe. Tok bf nbc: cee B: You'd better take some aspirin and have a rest. Ban nin udng voi vien deuce aspirin roi agit nget Ei a4 2, IT were you, T wouldnt do so. Néu t0i IA ban, t6i 68 khong lam nhu thé, A: [ll walk home on my own. Toi 98 te di bg v8 nha. B: Qh, no, it's gotting dark and it's raining. 6, khong, tro 161 r6i lai muse nia 4: But my car was damaged’, ‘Nhung xe ¢t0 cite toi bj hong rot Br Hlwere you, I wouldn'tdoso.Iwould take a taxi. ‘Nbc toil ban, ti 98 khong dl 89 v8 nhte Toi @ ci tx. Omron 1. damage ktemidy (x) hing, hu, ehét may 3, Ladvise you not to. Toi khuyén ban ditng... A: Aro you smoking 1 lot? Pan huit thudc nhibu ld phai Khong? B: Yes, 'm really hooked on’ cigarettes. I often smoke without filter tips’, Ving, 161 nghipn tuade neing. TO: thing hit tude héng 06 dau toe. As Ladvise you not to do that, Smoking will lill you, Toi khugen ban ding hit nus thé. Thue Id v2 gidt chét ban. O ti vng 1. be hooked on..: bi nghitm cdi gt ae, 2, filter tip: dau Ioe digu thube 1a 4. You won't.. will you? Ban sé khong..? A: Which team is going to win? Ibi néo 38 gidnh chin thang? B: I'm not sure, We are not in good shape’. Toi khong thé chde’ chin. Chuing ta hign gid khong sung sie tm. A: Your team is hopeful. You won't let me down, vwill you? Doi cite ote ban rt c6 hy vong, Ban s8 khong dé cho 16} thdt vong phdi khong? @ rw vung 1. Be in good shape = be in shape: ung aie, du sie QOoTHER USEFUL EXPRESSIONS CAC THANH NGU THONG DUNG KHAC 1. Asleep would do you good. Mot gide nga 98 t0t cho ban. 2. Aro you sure that's really important? Ren o6 che dif dé rét quan trong khéng? 3. Be sure to have someone take your photo at Sun Moon Lake. Hay ché la 98 nhit ai dé chup hink cho ban tai hb Nhot Nguyet nhé. ain - to tahe photos = to take a picture: chyp hinh 4. Do let me go alone. Just once. Hay d8 ti di mpt mink, chi mét In nay thdi, 8. Do you think it's worth arguing about? Bon thdy chuyen ny dang trank eat Rhong? 6 Frankly speaking, I think you might have to buy the cheap one. NOi tht, 00; nght ban nen mua mbt chide xe ré how. 7. Ta probably say you should think about it seriously bofore you make a decision. Toi ni dat Kus thE nay, bon non suy neht that ky ‘true Rhi qué dink. & Til be honest with you, maybe you should do something else. Noi thh tink, o Te bon nen Bt vibe Léoe Bice. 9. T've nover asked you for anything. So this time please. Wi chute boo gity you ede ban gh ed, vt thé Idn nay tay ban. 10. I don’t think you are really going to quit your Job, are you? Toi nghd ban khong that sy mudn 1 bd cong vibe dla ban, ding Rhong? 11. Lets be sensible. Chiing ta hay bist didu mpt chit 12, Perhaps you should all have a try. Co 1e chuing ta déu pha thit mst chuyén. tae 18. Please take my advice. Just for me. Kine nghe tii khuyén evia ti, Hay vi 16%. 14, You don't scom to realize how important this is. Duting ule bar vin Khong nhdn ra vibe nay quan trong dén mule no 16, Not even have a try? Come on, or you will regrot it Ngay cf Val cag khong a! Lai dy, néu khong ban 8 Bi n.d. 16. You shouldn't be concerned. Ban ditng nén xen vio chuyén d6. 17. Remember, don't jump to conclusions. Nén nké, ditng obi ving dus ra het ludn, = to jurap to conclusions: voi vang dua ra kit Mua 18. Surely, you're taking risks, Ri rang, ban dang rit mao hiém. |. That might be allright, but you must think it over. "Th ob fe dau En e8, nhuing bn phi say nghi cin thf. 20. They say there's not much chance of that happening. Hg néi chuyin d6 RhOng nhidn, khé nding shy ra. 21, Why don't you let me give you hand? Tat sao ban khong dé t6i giip mot tay? You'll be disappointed. Ban s@ tht vong thei. Gas AGREEMENT AND DISAGREEMENT SU DONG Y¥ VA KHONG DONG ¥ a fe Lé. & OCONVERSATION PRACTICE MAU DAM THOAI 1. ASKING If SOMEBODY AGREES - HOI XEM AI DO 06 DONG ¥ HAY KHONG 1. Don’t you feel? Bon khéng cdm thity..? Se A: Don't you feel the British are reserved? Ban khong cdm thay ngubi Anh rat kin déo sao B; I believe so. They're not concerned about” what's happening around them. Diing thé. Ho Rhag quan tam dén nhitng gi xdy ro sung quanh ho. G rw vung 1. reserved fn'zsve! (adj) d& dat, kin 40 2, be concerned about..: quan tam dn chuyén gi - I'm very concerned about my dad's healthy, Toi ret quein tam dén site khée ctia chee ti, 2. Do you agree? Ban e6 déng ¥ khong? A: How do you feel about the eonforence? Ban thy hgi nghi lin néy thé néo? B: Ifyou ask me, it's boring. Do you agree? ‘Ti cam thay rdt nhéom chén. Con ban thy sao? A: Yoo, that's how I fool. Vang, ti eding cdr théy nut thé. 3. Wouldn't you say? Ban n6i cé ding khong? A: The children today are much too indulged’, Wouldn't you say? Nigay nay tré em qué duige nung chibu. Bon noi 06 ding thé khong? als Bi Precisely", They are spoiled’ and don't have any respect! for their parents. Chinh xtc, To: cm thy diéu do lam hue bon tre vit chung Rhong con hénh trong cha me ching. Onroung 1. indedgec edna (ad nud chide, cory chiar 2. precisely pesos! (adv) chin xd, qui ding nu thé 8, spite goad (ad hy, bing (dca be-vi nung chidu 4. respect /n'spet/(n) ton trong, ton Iinh, kin trong =f you have respect for the law, you think it is important to obey it Néu ban ton trong Iudt phdp, ban 88 nghi tuén thit Phép ludt 16 rt quan trong. 4, Is that right? Dung khong? A: Now tho market has become very competitive!. Is that right? Th trutng hitn nay rd canh trank, 06 diing bhéng? B: Too true. And we must be able to compete! with our rivals®, ‘Bing th8. Chiing ta edn phéié canh tranh that su V6 ode 45% Unt etla ching ta. A: That's my opinion too. oi eding nian thay nhus vey. Oring 1. competitive ikomipety/ (adj) can tran ie 2. compete /kom'pitw (v) canh tranh, Qua ran 3. rival fraw¥ (n) dé: thi, dich thi TL PARTLY AGREEING - DONG ¥ MOT PHAN 1, Tagreed, but.. ‘Toi déng ¥, nhung.. A: Do you agree to the proposal? ian 06 ding § udi Bi dB nghi nay khong? Bi: Lagreed, but things are not so ensy. You should have specific! stops. Toi dang J, mhumg mpi vibe Khéng don gidn thé daw, Ban nbn cb nhiing bic oy thé. That may be true, but we needn't take everything into account’. C5 le thé, nhumg ching ta bhéng en xem xét hit mol det Ore vung 1. specific /po'sil/ (ad) cu thé, chin xd 2, to take everything into account: xeon xét An magi thir e 2. Yes, up to a point, but. G mdt gée dé mio &é mA néi thi ding, nhung... A: [must say he does give a good impression. Toi phdi noi 1 anh ta d6 tao mot die tring tt. Bi Yes, up to a point, but he tries to forces! his opinion on other people, fs Vang, & mpi ge do noo dé mea noi thi ding nhac th8, nhung ank ta tuba of Gp det tu tung este minh, len nguioi Rho. Orit ong 1. force ifos/ (¥) &p At, 6p bude 3. To a cortain extent, yes, but. 6 mate a9 nao 46 thi diing, nhung ma... A: Price is soaring’ and money is losing its value, wouldn't you say so? Vie gid Teo thang, déng tid mit gid, bon nbi cb ding Khong? B Toacortain extent, yes, butinflation is unavoidable GO mbt mite 45 néto dé thi ding nlung lan phat [a dibu Bhdng trink ksi. Ora vung 1. soar /so(h) (9) lén eo, leo thang 2. unaveidatile /xo'vordsbV (adj) kbdag thé trénh kkhéi, khong thé trénh duge 4. 1600 your but.. Tdi hiéu § eda ban, nhung_ A: I suggest that we refuse! to pay. You wouldn't Aisagree, would you? Toi db nghi ching to tit chi chi tr8. Ban cb phan 65 Bhong? ie, Ieee your point, but there are other problems. Toi hidu 9 cla ban, nhung con cb nhimg vén dé hae nia Grieve 1. raftese defused (v) tit eh, eg tay 5, Imay be wrong, but... 6 Ié tai sai, nbung.. A: Iwonder if you heard that wrong. Did he really say that? Toi khSng bidt ligu ban eb nghe nhdim khing. That sitanh ta dé nbi thé a? I may be wrong, but that was what he told me. C6 ls 161 nghe nhdm, nhung 46 lé nhizng gt ank ta 6; vd ti. 6. Yes, perhaps, but on the other hand. Cé 16 1a thé, nhung tréi lpi A: Traveling alone is quite fascinating’, for you needn't talk to those people you don't like, Du lich mbt mink rit b9 thi, ban khong edn ndi chuyén adi nhiing ngudi ban khong thick. B: Yes, perhaps, but on the other hand, you have to take care of everything yourself. C6 18 la th, mhung trai lot ban phdi ty chdrn abe cho mink. wen Oi vung 1. fascinating Masneiuy/ (adi) bp din, 19 tha UL DISAGREEING - KHONG DONG ¥ 1, [don't think so, Actually... Toi chong nghi nhw thé, that ra... At There are too many cartoons on TV: Don't you agree? C6 qué nhiéu phim hoct hin erén truyén hink, Ban ding § khong? I don't think so. Actually, I like cartoons. Toi khong nghi nhut thé, that ra toi rdt thick phim oat hink. 2. Tean't agree with you. ‘Toi khong thé déng f voi ban. Everybody should be paid tho same wage! regardiess of! the work they do, Moi nguéi nen didve tr luemg nbue naw bot BE ho lam edng vite gh T can't agree with you. Actually, people should be paid according to their performance. 70% khong thé ding § uti ban. Ding ra, moi nguts nen dupe tr Laangs queasy tht: hin cong vibe eia ho. GS rxvyng 1. wage Aveidy (n) tién cog, tid lung 2 regardless of: Dit ké, bt chi'p ie 8. Do you think 60? I think... Ban thiy vay sao? Toi thay... I feel that the actors’ performace is extremely’ superficial’. ‘Tox edi thay syf dif mult ona ofc diBn vitn nay rit gid tao. Do you think so? I think they're exellent. ‘Bn thafy vty sao? Ti dni tidy fio bia cl rat any. GS rvwnge 1. exiremely /tk'svi:mal/ (adv) rt, exe ki) 2, superficial /sxpa'fV (ed) gid tuo 4. Idon't see why. What's wrong with it? ‘Ti sao? C6 chuygn gi a? A: Tdon't think young people should be allowed to ride motorcycles. Toi nght khong nen cho nhtmg thamh thi nien tdi xe mbib Bs don't seo why. What's wrong with if? Tai sao? C5 chuyen gi a? A: It’s really too dangorous. Lai xe méte rit nguy hiém, B: Twouldn't say that, ‘Toi kiong nhian thay tha thé. 5. I'm not sure that.. Toi khong chic... A: In my opinion, it may be necessary to charge? for participation’. ‘Theo § 16i thi nan thu phi tham gia. B: I'm not sure that would be wire. Toi hing che tam niu thé £5. @ rieoyng 1. charge judy (7) thu pht 2. participation /patus'pejn/ (a) 9 tham gia, su tham dy 6. P'm not at all sure, actually. ‘Thue sy, t6i khong chide ehiit nao ea. At You'd betier toll him everything now, don't you think? Bay gid ban nén noi hot moi chuybn voi onh dy, ban thay cao? Br Tm not at all eure, actually. Thue ou #31 khong chdc 06 nén nbi hay khong. % You don't? L? Ban khong a? Toi thi.. At I don't like the movies they show. They are old- fashioned’. T6i khong thich phim ho chitu, chung qud cit rét. B: You don't? | sort of like them. Bon khéng thich a? Ti lai khé thich ching déy, sia, @ Tw vung 1. old-fashioned /avld'fwfn/ (adj) 18i thdi, lac héu, co 2. sort oft phn 10 8. Tdon't think we ean meet you on.. ‘TDi nghi ching toi khong thé dap zing cho ban... A: Could you reduce the price a little bit? Ban 0b thé gidm gid xuing chit tt khong? B; I don't think we can meet you on the price. Toi nghi ching tbi Bhong th8 dép ting cho ban v8 gid od duage. © OTHER USEFUL EXPRESSIONS CAC THANH NGU THONG DUNG KHAC L_ ASKING IF SOMEBODY AGREES - HOLXEM. NGUOI KHAC C6 DONG f HAY KHONG 1, Do you agree with mo? Ban cb déng ¥ wi tai hing? - agree that + clause 2. Would you agree on these terms? Ban cé déng § nhitng didu Aho&n ndy Bhong? + agree on something: ding ¥ chuyén gh terms (n) dia khokn 3. Can I ask if you would agree that moncy doesn't mean everything? ae Kin héi ban 06 déng ¥ 10 06 tién tht Khong 06 nghia Ia c6 tt ed bhang? agree with somebody: ding § v6i ai .. Would you agree that young should do military service? Ben co ding ¥ thank nién nen thyte hign nghia om uuein sy bhénge + military servive: nghia vs quan sf 5. Wouldn't you agree? Ban khong déng 3 sao? 6. You don't disagree, do you? Ban khéng phan dbi chi? 7. Don't you think there are flr too many commercials ony? Bon khong thy lc qué nhiéu chamg trink quang edo tren TY sao? = commercial fko'ms{V (n) cheng trinh quing céo & Do yougo along with that? Bon eb ding 9 diéu d khong? = to go along (with): dong 9 9. All right with you? = OK by you? = OK with you? Ban ed ding $ Khong? 10. Do you really think so? Ban that su nght nfvr thé sao? 11. The prices of raw materials have been raised, or am I talking nonsotise? Gi thank nguydn vét litu da ting len, Ui khong néi Bay du? aha raw macerial: nguyén vat libu ~ raise Srew! (¥) tang Tan to talk nonsense = to talk through one’s hat: nbi can, néi bay 12. ‘The talk was quite interesting, wasn't it? Cute thao luan nay hha hép dn, ding khong nao? 18. I think housework should be shared equally among family members. What do you think? Toi ngghi cOng vige nha ndn deége phan cong déu cho pi thank vid trong gia dink, ban nghi thé ndo? housework [heuswa:k/ (n) cing vibe nb 14, Imntit exciting to henr that Janet has won the priza? Thit 1a oui khi nghe Janet gianh duipe gidi thiing phai Khang? TL. AGREEING - BIBU THT DONG £ 1. You're right. Ban duing dy. 2. You're dend correct. Ban hoi toan diing. 3. Yes, indeed, = Yes, of course, = Yes, definitely. Ding thé. 4. Truc enough. » Too true. = That's quite true, Chinh adc. 5. [suppose s0. = I think so. bi nght thé. 6 agree entirely. oi hotin todn ding 4. + entirely /itarali/ (adv) hovka ton (= completely) 7. Lagree with your view. =Tim with you thero, That's how I see it, too. =T'm of the same idea (as you). Toi dng 9 voi quan diém eda ban, ‘There's no doubt about it. hong 5 gi nghi nai cd: 9. Idon't think anyone would disagree. Tdi nghi 98 bhéng c6 ai phin d6i dau, 10. That's just what I wantad to say. Db chink li dite 101 muén néi. 11, That's agreed then. Vay cut quytt dink nhc thé nhe. 12, We've agreed on the dato for the next meeting. Claing ti da quyét dink ngay cho eude gap tén tdi. 13. We are all agreed that the project is « good one. Ching t84 deus ding § la che dn nay rt 162, 14, Its unanimously agreed that we should put off our trip to Spain. Dai théng nkét la ching ta 38 hod: chuyén di die Tay Ban Nha. > unanimously /ju'nacrusastd (adv) ding Rong, net 16, We are in complete agreement to accept their bid. Ching ti hodn ton déng § git: dua ra eda ho. Qe - bid foud/ (0) gi dua ra, gid du thé TIL PARTLY AGREEING - DONG ¢ MOr PHAN 1 2 7 I don't entirely agree with you. =I can't quite agree with you. Tei Khong hon toén ding § wii ban. agree with you to a certain extent. GO mite dé nio dé, 181 dbng § w6i ban. Tagree with much of what you said, but changing job too often may eause trouble. ‘Tei rat déng ¥ voi nhiing gi bon nbi, nhung thay 46 céngs vide thuémg dem dn nhibu: phién todi ‘You're probably right, but what shall we do now? C6 18 ban ndi diing, nhting bay gid ching ta nen lam gi? ‘Maybe, but don't you think it's too ideal? Co Ie thé, nhung ban khong thdy {a didu nay qua xa vbi san? = ideal nt (ade 0 rome tubing tupng, xa thy ts I agree with you on the whole, but as I see it, the result is not reliable. Néi chung t8i dBng § o6i ban, nhung 191 cdma théiy RE qué ndy khong dling tin of -on the whole: néi chung, téng quét = reliable f"acabY (adj) ng tin cy, xdc ths ‘That's quite true, but have you considered the quality of our goods? aa Qua diing nfus thé, nhumg ban 06 xem xét dn chat lama hing cite chiing ti hhéng? + goods /yoda/ (n) hang héa & You have a point right, bat we shouldn't forgot our future business. Bon nbi ding, nhung ding quén ag nghity sau nay cetia ching ta. 9. There's something in what you say, but wold better think it over before making a decision. Ban n6i cing 06 Uf, nhimg chiing ta mtn suy aghi Ay Luding trusbe ksi dita ra quytt dink, = to think over: say ngbi edn than 10. Granted, but the program is still not feasible. Cit cho Ia nbue thé, song WE hoack nay vdn khong U8 thate bibn dus granted /ycenti (con). eit cho, gia dy ~ feasible [Bzzab (aa) 06 thé thy hign duge, kb thi IV, DISAGRERING - KHONG DONG £ 1. Tm sorry I can't agree with you there. Tm sorry, but have to disagree. Rat win Idi, #81 khong ding . 2 Tcan't say I share your view. =I don't think so. = Im afraid Ihave a different opinion. = I disagree, I'm afraid. = Tm not sure I agree with you. Ga = That's not the way I'see ft, That's not how I see it. = I don't see it that way. Quan diém cita toi hong giting mhw thé, 3, I don't think we can meet your request. ‘Tok nght chung toi Rhéng thé dap tong duage yu. cde iia Ban, = meet fist (x) dp ting 4. Tm afraid I can't aceept that. Toi e ring khong thé chip thudn duteo. 5, I couldn't help thinking that women should have the same rights as men do. ‘Tei luon cho réng nam nit nen binh dang. ~ couldn't help: khémng thé lehdng, lub. don't know about that, Toi Ried biét chuyén do. 7. [think you are wrong, if you don't mind my saying 20. 76; nght ls ban sai, ti abi vty ban Khong bubn eit 8. We obviously have different opinions. Ro rang chting ta e6 nhing quan dim Wide nha. 9. don't think it would be a good idea. TO: ktong nght day la mot y hién hay. 10, I don't know whether it works or not. Toi khong bist libw nb 6 hogt dng hay hidng. 11, That's your opinion, not mine. DB lit quan difm etia ban, khong phi etia ti. a. 9, No way! = impossible! 12, Lwould say, I'm not convinced. bieiore Toi khong tin tubing ld, King di nda! ee 10. Come off jt! V. STRONGLY DISAGREEING - BLEU THI CUONG: Hig thei di! quyét KHONG DéNG + 1. Teouldn't agree less. bog =I couldn't disagree more. Toi rét Khong dng J. 2 Youre mistaken. Ban nhdim ri. Certainly not! = Surely not! = Of course not! Duong nhien 1a khong! 4. You can't mean that! = You can't be serious! Ban khong thé dupe! | 5. That's ridiculous, ! That qué budn cui. 6, Tm not at all convinood. Toi ching tin twimg chit ndo cd. 7. ‘That's wrong, surely. RB ring ia sai rbi & dust on the contraryt = The othor way around! Tuong phén hodn ton! [olin todn trdi nguige! on the contrary: nguge Igi, tri lai i whe i APPROVAL AND DISAPPROVAL SU TAN THANH VA KHONG TAN THANH ee OCONVERSATION PRACTICE MAU DAM THOA\ 1 EXPRESSING APPROVAL - BIE THI TAN THANE. 1. Do you think it’s work? ‘Ban thily 06 duige khong? At [suggest asking for a loan’ from tha hank. Do you think it'll work? Tod ng hokony natn hing Bos til ob deem thing? ie, ‘Bi: Lihink it’s a sensible! idea. Ted night te 6 thé dupe. @ rx vung 1. Foam so (n) tin eho vay 2, omnaibte fvensabl (adj) biét diéu, phan xét 2 Do you think. all right? Ben tha'y.dn o& chu? A: Do you think the arrangements are all right? Ban thay su sp x6p én 0d ehui? B: They/re fine, Rete 004, 8, Do you approve of? Ban e6 tan thinh.. khong? A: Do you approve of this new design? Ban e6 tio thtinh bein thiét AB méi néy bong? B: ‘That's just what we need. Bi chiah lie nhiing gl ching (6% of ‘Tie wang 1. fo approve of. tn than. 4. Ave you for..? Bon cé tn thanh..? Ay Are you for' selling preduets in Burope? Fras ttm thar vibe bis hima ha sang ota Au Ring? wen B: T'm sure it's wise to do so. Toi tin lan nue thé la ret thong mink. Srv 1. be for..: tan thanh, ding ¥ hay tén ding va., 5. Are you in favor of..? Ban e6 tan thinh... khong? At Ave you in fovor of inviting a foreigner to be the coach"? Auth 0d idn thanh vibe mai hun luyen vién nace gobi khong? B: That sounds very sensible to me. Toi tin than, @ rx eyng 1. Be in favor of.: tin thnh hoke ding tinh. 2. coach Asotf/ (n) hud luydn vie 6. I suppose... don't you? At suppose timing’ is of great impartanee, don't you? ‘Toi cho la sy tink todn thot gian rit quan irong, ban thy sao? ‘That's exactly my opinion. T6i cling thy thé, Orrong 1. timing /tamur/ (0) sy tinh toda thai gian, sv sip xép thei gian tie Tl EXPRESSING DISAPPROVAL - ‘BIE THI SY KHONG TAN THANE 1. Tdon't think it's a good idea, ‘Toi khong nghi dé Ia ¥ hay. A: I'm in favor of museums! charging for entry’, aren't you? Toi tan thank viée cae wien bdo tang thu phi vd0 cing, ban thdy thé nao? B; No. I don't think is a good idea. Khéng. Toi hhbng nght do ta 9 hay. @ re vung 1. museum en's: (n) vige bao tangy 2. entry lent! (a) oy i vao, ay vdo eéng 2. Tean't approve of. ‘Toi khong thé tén thanh.. A: We decide to cut out! all unprofitable” projects. Chang toi quyét dink logi 66 tt 0d nhamg dy dn hong sink ta B: Tmafraid I can’t approve of your decision. Ele ii bhéng thé tin didnnh quyét dink cia ban dite A: Don't you thitik that's a good way to put the company hack on its feet"? Ban khéng nghi day la phutmg phép tht dé cing ty phye héi tré Iai ao? B: Personally, I'm not so sure that's practical en Theo cé nhdn ti, 101 RiOng che dé Ia phueong phidp thide the. Strung 1. to cut out: topi bo 2. unprofitable /n'proitabl (ad) Khang o6 Wi, Khong ink lai 3. on one’s feet: khdi phye, lam host dng t8 lai ban du ‘3. Idon't think much of. Toi khong nghi nhiéu dén_. ‘We are new thinking of advertising on TV to stimulate’ sales, Gite ching téi dang nght v8 vide quing eéo tren tivi si thie dy vibe ban hang. Br Woll, I don’t think much of the idea, ‘Tei khong nght nhidu dfn y ney ld. Onromg 1. stimulate stumjulen/ (y) kich thich, khuyén khich, thae dy 2. to think much of.: nghi nhigu den. 4 I'm against... Toi phan déi_ A: T think the government should build more nuclear power plants’, don't you? Se, Toi thély chink phi nén xy ding them nhiéu nhé mdy néng lugng hat nhin, ban théy sao? B: No, Imagainst it. Khong, ti phan doit chuyen ney. Sra vung 1. nuclear power plant: ahd méy ning lvong het mhan 5. must say I find it difficult to. Toi cdim thy t8i khé ma. A; [think it's a good thing for the government to increase the price of cigarettes. Toi thy vide ehtnh phui tang gta thube la la rt tt B: I must say I find it difficult to accept. Toi thy Rid chtip nkén daar. (© OTHER USEFUL EXPRESSIONS CAC THANH NGU THONG DUNG KHAC I. ASKING IF SOMEBODY APPROVES - HOI XEM NGUGI KHAC C6 BONG t HAY KHONG 1. Is that all right? Chuyén dé bx 08 chi 2. Doyou think it's a good iden? Ban thily § hitn nay eb dupe khéng? 3. Would you be in favar of our suggestion? Ban 06 tin thanh ad nghj etta chiing tO: khong? an 4. Could J ask if you approve of the company policy? Xin Adi ban €6 ian thanh ehinh wich ctia cong ty hay khong? 5. [take it you are not apposed to going to the senside? Ban sé Rhong phan déi di bitin chate + be opposed to: phan di. 8. What's your reaction to the stock market? ‘Ban ed phn ing gh vb th tritmg chimg kh khing? + stoek market: thi tre@ng chitag khosin 7% Do you think this advertisement is feasible? Ban thay mu quéng cto nay co kh thi khang? + feasible SczabV Cnc) 06 thé thy hién duige, kha thi 8, Could ask for your idens about their way of life? Xin hoi ban thy thé nao v3 eich séng ciia ho? 9. These terms havo your approval, haven't they? Ban cé tan thank nhang digu Rhodn néy khong? + approval /apraivl/ (a) tn thin, dng y IL EXPRESSING APPROVAL, - ‘THE HIRN SU TAN THANA 1. Good idea. = What an excellent idea! ¥ ign hay dy. % Great! » Excelloni! = Fantastic! = Terrifict That's smashing! Payee qual + smashing ‘maf (adj) must she, taydt voi ia, 10. n Sounds fine. Nghe 06 v8 hay dy! That's the paint: = That's it. = That's more like it, Dung nw thé, ‘That's the way i Mér ldo. rua th. Tm quite happy about it = I'm quite pleased with it. Toi rds man nguyen. I think that's quite right to do so. ‘Toi thély lam nus the rit tt Good, it's the correct thing to do. Rét t6t, do 4 didu.nen lam. What you said is just right. Bon néi rét dung. ‘That's just how I see it. = That's just what I'm getting at. YY t6i chink 1a ody. =to get at: ¥ 48 nbi trde diy ‘That's what I had in mind. Tei ettng 06 9 mhut thé You've got something there. = Thore’s something in what you said. Ban néi eting c6 Wy. It's very eonsible of you not to run down others. Bon rét thong minh bhi Rhong nbi hu nguti Bde sau lung. should be. On + to run down: n6i xu, b6i nbo 14, I think T would go along with that. =I think I would agree with that. Toi nght (oi s@ dng 5. = 10 go along: ding §, tén thinh. 16, entirely approve of your proposal. Toi rat tan thank ti dB nghi eiia ban. 16. Tm with you on that matter. Diém ney ii bag 9 voi ban. 17, Uthink I'l accept it. Tek nght t0i 98 chap nin, J& Tenn seq no reason to oppose it Toi nght hong 06 ty do gi dé phan dé 49, As for me, I have no objection to it. Vé phdn ti, ti khong phan di. IH. EXPRESSING DISAPPROVAL - THE HIEN SU KHONG TAN THANH 1. ‘That's not a very good iden. ¥ kiéh nay Khong hay kim. 2 Ym afraid I didn't Like it. E ring 0) khong thich, 3. can't say L approve of it, Toi khong ten thenh, 4. Ymeorry, but 'm not with you there. Xin Ui, i RhOng tan thanh di ban @ diéu dé. ie, 5. I'm certainly not in favor of that. ‘Thi Koém todn khding tén thank. 6. must oay I disapprove of smoking in public places. Toi phn a6t vige hit thubo nai céng ong. to disoppave of: khong tén than, 7. Tmnot very pleased about his attitude, 6i réit khong hai long v8 thai dB ola dng ta attitude /ttjud! (n) thsi 45 8. Imust say I find the new system unacceptable. ‘Tei thay he thOng moi nay khong thé chp nhuim, dupe, ~ unacceptable /anak esrb (ad) hing thé chap nhan 8. I will not give my support or approval to his viewpoint, Tei s& khong dng hd hoge tdn thanh quan diim ela ank ta, 10, Inmust register my disapproval of such an action. Téi phai noi rang 18: Khong tin thanh mpi hank dong niu thé. ~ register /redystlc/ (9) chinh thite dé xut U1. Tm dead against spoiling children, 151 hodn loan phan abi site nubng ehibe.trB con. 12, Tm definitely opposed to giving the child whatever Ihe wants, ‘Toi rét phim dBi vé vige cho tré em bat ett gh ching mun, definitely f defunct (adv) 10 rang, dt Khoa 18, Td like to say how much I disapprove of taking such a step, Toi rd khong tdn thiah mbt butde nes thé. ap COMPREHENSION CONVERSATION PRACTICE WAU BAM THOAI L_ CHECKING THAT YOU HAVE UNDERSTOOD- ‘KIEM TRA BAN DA HEU CHINE KAC CHUA 4. Did you say it..? Ban 6 néi... khong? Did you say it this morning? ‘Sdng nay ban ed néi chuyen do khong? Br You. Why? Ni r6i, 06 chuytn gi khong? sie, ‘A: Its just that I thought you said it dhis afternoon, ‘Tot cit nght chiéu nay ban méi nol. Do you mean I must hand it in! today? Y bam ni ls ti phd np nb naty dra nay phi bhi? : No, not necessarily. You can do it tomorrow. Khong, khong nhét thigt nut thé. Ban 06 thé nop né veo ngay mat. @ Tie vung 1. to hand in! giao, nop 3, Am I right in saying that..? Ban néi.., dding nhu vay khong? A: Am I right in saying that you've been to West, fries? Nghe ni ban de di etn Toy Phi, cb ing nhac voy khong? i Yes, I've been to Bast Africa, too. Ding, t9i cting da din Bong Phi réi, Really? How marvelous't That véy sao? Turyst thd Ady! @ Tweung 1, marvelous /ae.vales (adj) Ky dite, phi thutme 4, So. I believe? Sao cd, ti nghi.. A: So, you'r intarested in playing bridge’, I believe? Seo co, t8i nght ban thick choi bai brit dm chit? B: Yes, I'm very fond of checkers’, too. Diing thé, tei cang rit thick chet ci dam. @ rue 1. briige for (n) bai brit 2. checkers /tfekao! (n) dam 5, IfTve got it right? Néu thi n6i khOng sai thi? At If ve got it right we're going to have a meeting tomorrow evening. Right? Néu t0i néé khong soi thi Wi mai ching ta sb ob mit euge hop phidi kindng? Yes, Tam about to put up the notice!, Bing thé, tti dy dink dan thong béo, A: That means welll have to put off the party? Thé 06 nghta 1a ching tn phi hodn bubt tiée Iai Bhai Rhong? B: T'mafraid co, Toi e la nh thé. Orroung 1. notice occ (a) thong bao, y6t thi 2. to put. off 1 hod, hog Igi 6, So what you mean is? ‘THEY ban la? Qe A: So what youmesn is Ishould open an account! hore? Thi y eit ban Ua 18i nen mé mdi id Rhiodn & day? B: Yes, Otherwise I can't cash? your check’, Diing th8, NO HhOng t0i BhOng 8 di tién mae cho cht phié caia ong dape. @rx ve 1, account /s"kauoy (n) ti Ikhokn 2. cash Pez! (v) Gata tid mat 3. check itfeld (a) chi phidu 7. Is it true that. ..e6 ating khéng? Ar Init true that a bottle of whiskey" is duty-free”? Mpt chai rans whiaky dupe mibn tus co ding hho? B: Yes, you ean bring in two bottles duty-free. Diing th, ban ob thé mang dag: he chai mii tu, @ Ta vung 1. whiskey /wnsil n) evgu whisky 2. duty-free /juti i (adj) duge mién thus 4 If] understand you correctly... Nu nhw toi hiéu khong sai 9 ban thi... Az If] understand you correctly, there's a service charge! for the checking necount’” NS nhat 181 hidu Mibng sai bem thi 06 mot Rhoda phi phue vy cho tai khoén ving lai phai bhéng? in B: That's right, but mo charge for the savings*. Diing di, nlucag thing cb phi cho tsi khodue ti&t htm. Orrevng 1. charge Abul (a) tit ph, chi pht 2. checking account: tai khodn ving Iai 3. savings /'sereuy (n) tiSt kgm 9, Can I get one thing clear? Toi c6 thé hai x5 mot diéu khéng? ‘Ai Can J get one thing clear? Is the operation fully computer-controlled? Toi cb thd Ndi 10 mbt ditu Rhdng Hoat dong ntey dure hes Rhitn hot tol bias mety thn phi hong? Bt Well, not fully computer-controlled. A, khang hoan toan bhng méy vi tink die. At In other words, some of it is manually! controlled, right? Néi ech Khe, véi quy trink trong dé diigo aide hith bang tay phéi Khong? Orr oung 1, manually Pwenjoali’ (adv) ding tay, bang tay 10, It's not clear to me.. TOi khong 18. ‘As It's not clear to me why the police is up this year. Toi.khong 73 tai.sco git od nam nay Iai tang Len. ie B: Well, the cost of product has gone up. A la Boi vi gis thank sin phd tang Lin, 11, Would Tbe right in saying. ‘Toi noi... ding khong? A: Would 1 be wight in saying payment using a credit card! is the safest method"? Thanh, toén bing thé tin dung [a phtong phép an toane nit, 6 diing thing? 1B: ‘That's our usual practice. D6 Ii pheang phap thong Suing cia ching ti. @ rx veng 1 eradit card: tha tin dung. 2, method /mefod (n) phuking php, phuemg thite I. CHECKING THAT SOMEBODY HAS UNDERSTOOD YOU - KIEM TRA NGUOI KHAC DA HIGU ¥ BAN HAY CHUA 1. Do you know what I mean? Bon higu ¥ on t6i khong? A: Do you know what I moan? Ban hide 9 cia toi Wong? B Yes, you think the location’ is not conveniont? enough, right? Hi, ben ght noi dey khong es hut tes pet Neon? A: Exactly’, Chink xde. ass @ rirvung 1. location f'n (n) dia dim, vi tet 2. convenient fkon'visriond/ (adj) thudn titn, thufin lei 8. exoetly /ig'zetati/ (adv) ehfah 2x40 2. Did I clonr it all up? ‘Tei n6i o6 r6 rang khong? As Did I lear it all up for yout Ban edn thdy t0i ndi o6 76 rang Khong? B: Cloar as a bell’. Thank you. Rt 73 rang. Cém on. Onrng 1. clear as a bell; rt rb rang, exe ky 10 ting 3. Do you get me? Ban hiéu § eda t0i khong? How would you like me to cut it? Anh mun ct hibu toe nhut thd néot Bi Cut the sides short, but leave the front like it is, Do you get me? Hai btn edt ngdn, ning phiin true df nguyen Anh hidu 9 t0i khong? A: Tthink so, Oi ght ii hide rdi_ 4, Have I mado myself clear? Tei néi da 3 rang chun? ae, Have I made myself clear? Toi net c6 dit rO-chua? B: Yes, except for one point. Do you mean the program is not practical!? Rat ré rang, chil 05 mbt diém toi chime hiéu. ¥ eda ban ia chucmg trink ney Bong thidt thy a? A: Tm sorry. Tm afraid I didn't make that point clear. What I meant to say was that it needed ‘improvement’. Toi xin 16i, © ring toi chun nsi ro diém dé. ¥ cla 18118 ehateng trinh nay edn phi duipe edt thign. Bi Isee. Toi hab rbi O rx vyng 1. practical /prekusl (edi) thist thc, Uhye , the tién 2. improvement /m'prurvmont {n) efi thigm, oAi tién 5. Did I make everything clear? ‘Toi ni moi tht c6 v6 rang khong? A You've gone over my plan, haven't you? Did I make everything cleax? Ban da xem qua hé hogch ato toi r8i phai khong? Toi nbi moi tit 6 76 ring Rhongt Be Yes, 1 think so. Toi nght rat ro rang rbi © ra vung 1. to go over: kim tea qua, xem qua 6. Do you understand what I said? Ban higu § t0i ndi khong? 4: Ourdients' want areplacement’,Doyou understand. whut I said? hich hang eta chiing ta: mutin e6 mt su thay thd Bian 06 hid 9 #84 néi hong? By Lunderstand, but that's a bit too hard. Oi hidu, nhung chuyen dé hai Rho. Ar How about an allowance’ of 5% off the invoice value? Tid chits kG 5% wid ti hang hora tht fut thé nto? Bt It sounds like a reasonable solution’. Dé duttmg nhs la mot git phap hap ly. @ ru vung 1. elient Pelatont (n) Khéch hing 2, replacement fr pleismenv/ (9) su thay the 8. allowance /'lavans/ (n) ti8n chit Iehfia 4, invoice Finvors/ (a) hia dota 5. solution Ast (n) gid php, bign php, phutmg phip 17, Ityou take my point.. ‘Neu nbu ban higuy 101. At Your blood pressure’ is high, you know. Ban bide dy, huyét dp cia ban rét cao Bi Asa muiter of fact, itis, Thue ra nb 0 oan ri sie ‘A: Quit emoking or at least ent down" on it, if you take my point, Néue anh, hide 16%, ta dy 88 thule li hode it nha sgidm lit thus, G@ Ti vung 1. blook! pressure: huyét Ap 2, to eué doten: gidra sudng & Is that clear to you? Ban e6 hiGu khong? ‘A; We now should be more concerned with the domestic! market, Is that clear to you’? Tin nay chting ta nén quan tam nhibu hon vb thi trudng trong nutéc, Bidme nay ban 06 73 Khong? Br Definitely. Rét rs. GS rieveng 1. domestic /ds'mesnk/ (adj) trong nude, quse ndi 9. Do you see the point? Ban cé hiéu y nay khong? A: Gur long-range’ plans need to be absolutely confidential’. Do you: the point? Nhang k& hogch lau dai cia ching ta oda phdi duipe gitt kin tuyet 26%. Ban 06 hi8u khong? B: Yes, Ida. Ving, ti hidu rbi an G Tieng 1. Long-range /iojremdy (adj) 1au dai, tim xe 2. confidential Aconfi'den|U (adj) bi mat, gilt kin (cong ‘vain, thy tt) QOTHER USEFUL EXPRESSIONS CAC THANH NGU THONG DUNG KHAC 1. CHECKING THAT YOU HAVE UNDERSTOOD - IGM TRA BSN BIEU HAY KHONG 1. Does that mean I have to fill in the declaration form? Y¥ n6i 1a #81 phai ifn vdo ty Bhai nay phai Khéng? 10 fill in: dif vao declaration ASekl'refnl(n) (Ehutong nghiep) tt kai 2. So Alice is studying finance and economics? Voy thi Alice dang hige bhda thi chin Bink td pha BEng? - finance av rcens!(n} *8i chin ~ economics like! norauks! (a) Ki 1 3. understand you bought alot of CDs? Gi bitt ban da mua nhibu dia kim phéi bhéng? 4, Im sorry I don't catch you. ‘0G xin Ibi, 181 khong theo kip ¥ etka bam. 5. Sorry, I'm not sure I understand, Do you mean you won't be able to come this Friday? Xin Wi, 101 khong chde la mink hiéu ¥ cio ban le ane Khong thé dn do thit sin phdi hong? ae, 6 I'm afraid I'm not with what you said. Did you say tho supply has run out? Xin Bi, t0i Bhing hiu, ¥ ban néi ngubn hang eung fly da: can Bibt r6i pha khong? = supply /seplay (a) sy eung ting, ay ung ip ~ to ruun out: can kit, h8 7, Tm not sure { understand, Does this mean we have to wait for another month? T6i khong chide la mink hiéw, ¥ la ching ta phat gi them mot thang phat khong? 8 Sorry, I'm still not sure about that point. Do you moan we will net have a vacation this year? Xin 18i, didi 5 t0i vd chu hid ro. ¥ ban noi ric ray ching ta 62 Khang 06 hy nghi sao? 8, Would I be correct in supposing you don't believe it? ‘Tei nghi ben khing tin vao chuwyen dé, ding kona? 10. If I understand right, then I enn't get my passport until next week? Méu t0i hidu khong sai tht mai dn tudn cou 165 ‘mii lly duige ho chiéu cia 164 phii khong? = passport paspow/ (a) hp ehiéu 11. If [ follow you right, then you think it is unwise to invest in this project? Nbu niue téé ngive king nhl thi ban cho ring dé te 20 fi hood nay la Riding sdng ube phi Bong? 12, If Ivo got the picture, then I can pay by installments? . ae NEu (Oi nghe khong nhiim tht tei 06 thé trd tang phan phéi Rhong? + instaliment fin'stoctmont! (n) phan tré mbi lan 18. If I take your meaning correctly, he's not quite At for the Job. Néu nue ti thing hibu oai tht # ban nbi anh ta khong thich hop w6i ebng vibe nay. 44. So what it boils down in is you want the deposit, to be refundable. Correct? Tom lai, bon mutin tién Att coe phai dupe hodn tri Ini, 06 ditug khing? + to boil down: nit Iai, tém t& lai ~ deposit /di'poat/ (n) tin tra trude, tién dat coe ‘refundable fifasxtobl (ad) 06 thé dupe tra lai tibn ‘D. CHECKING THAT SOMEBODY HAS UNDERSTOOD 1 YOU -KIEM TRA NCU@LKHAC DA HIEU BAN CHUA Do you understand? = Did you get the picture? = Do you sce my point? = Do you see what Imean? = Are you with me? = Know what I'm gotting at? = Are you there then? » Got tho message yet? = You have me, haven't you? © You got it, didn't you? Ban cé hiéu khéng? te. 4. 6 6 Are you tuned in to what I've been saying? Ban ch hidu nhiing gi t6i vita n6i khong? - tune (in) /ejxal (v) digu chink, Did I make myself clear? = Am [making myself clear? =I don't know if1'm making myself cloar. Tei nei da ré rang réi phai thing? ‘That's clear, isn't it? Chuypn dé da ré rbi phéi khOngt Is that reasonably clear? Dit dé da r6 rang chaea? + reasonably /ri:znabl/ (adv) hop I OK so far? Tet of léue hifu rbi phai khong? Is it boyond you? Chuyon nay Wad hifu ddl wéi bon phai Khong? If there's anything you don't understand, please say 60. Néu e6 dim nado chara hibu, xin ett néi Baa COMPARISON SU SO SANH CONVERSATION PRACTICE MAU AM THOAL 1, than... =hon.. At Ilike this sweater very much. bi rt théch chiée éo lank nay. B: Did you see the other one? Anh dai xem qua et khéie chu? ew As Yes butthis sweater is warmer than the other one, Réi, niumng chite do lank ndy din hon. 2. Its as, as N6 bang voi. ‘A: Did you like the Inst chair we saw? Ban 06 thick ehiée ghB vita xem Bhang? Yes, I did. Is as comfortable as the first one, don't you think? ‘Tei rit thich. ChiBe ghé ney thodi méi nhuc chiée gh6 ddu tien, ban e6 nghi ths khong? ‘A: In my opinion, it's the most comfortable of all. ‘Theo 9 ti, dé to chide ghé thodi mai nba, 8, 1 think he is better, ‘Toi nghi anh Ay gidi hon, ‘A: Do you think you are betier at English than Paul is? Ban. eb nghi ban hoe gidé man Anh Van hen Poul khang? No, I don't I think he is better. Khong, toi nght anh dy aii hon, 4, He's the most... Anh ta... nhitt.. At Do you think Jim is always more cautious’ than others? Ban o5 nhin théy Jim ludn edn thin hom nhting gui Hide bling? ois i Yes, I know he always does things more cautiously than I do. Vang, ti biét arch ta luon lam moi chuyen edn thin jean ti. & Actually, he's the most cautious person in the group, ‘Phau sus amh tad regi odin then niidt trong nhiom. © ta vung 1. cautious ("ex Jav/ (adj) cin than, than trong 3. Its not so. N6 khong qua... A: How's Kyoto? Kyoto thé nao? Bi Itssmaller than Tokyo, and it's not so crowded. Kyoto nh han Tokyo, wt noi dé Khtng gua ding die. Ai What are the building like? Kin trite nat dé abe thé nao? ‘They're older and more beautiful than the ones in Tokyo. Kién tric 6 Ryolo lau dai vt dep hon 6 Tokyo. Which city is better for shopping? ‘Thank. phB nto thi t6t hon cho vige mua sdmt ‘Tokyo is better. It's got more shops. Tokyo 061 hon, 6 do ed nbidu exta héng han. 6. She's two years older than me. Cd ay dn hon 40i hai tuéi. ie A: Looks this is a photo of my family. Bars xern, day 1a boc dah gia dink ti. : Is that your sister? She's much taller than you. Bb Lich eda ban phé Rhérag? Chi yao hor Ban nib. A: Actually, she's two years older than ma Thue ra, cht dy lan horn 16% hi tr 7. Compared with.. So véi.. ‘A: What type of vehicle! would you choose for your tip? Ban chen logi xe nto cho chuyé du lich eta minh? Bi Acar. Compared with other vehicles, a car really convenient. Xe thé, So Ubi ede loa xe Rho, x0 tb rot thudn tifa. Orwmme L vehicle /visikl (n) xe 0 & Lconsider it to be suporior to... ‘Toi nhén thay né tt hon. What do you think about the new material"? Ban nghit nguyen ligu mei nay niu thé nao? Bs On the whole, I consider it to be superior to? nylon’, ‘Nhin chung, toi thdy ne t6¢ hom nilong. GO wv vung 1. material /wsa'tara (n) nguyén lieu, vat liu 2, be superior fo. tét hon 3. nylon Pacilon/ (a) nilong 9, Noone can match us. Khéng ai eé thé sinh duge vai chiing ti... A: Iwas very impressed, especially by the speed of your HF Model. Toi rét Binh ngcc, dac bigt vd 160 do ca chiée xe higu HF ota ban B: Well, no one can match us as far as speed is concerned, A, v8 mat te dp thi RhOng at co thé sanh duaye voi chting 1. 10. It's not-enough. No khong di. A: I think 9 Rolls-Royce is the best in the world. Toi nght x0 hidu Rolls-Royce la logi xe tét nhdlt tron thé gigi. B: ‘True, but it's not economical’ enough. Diing thé, nhung nd khéng da tist kigm, A: Yes. And it's less stylish” than a Cadillac. Vang, wd lai nd khong hep thet trang bing hibu xe Cadiliae. Orion 1. econoraical :ka'nork¥ (ac) ti8t kign 2. stylish /sahf' (adj) h¢p thi trang, kidu ofch ihe, 11. She used to be so slim. Trude day e6 ta rat minh Iehiinh, Ai Ion't that Katherine over there? Ditog kia c6 phi la Katherine khdng? B; Yoo, it must be. She looks so different. Ding, 06 dy rbi. CO dy trong rhe hhée. A: Right. She used to! be s0 slim, but now she's puiting on a lot of weight. Viana, trutie dy 6 &y rit manh mai, nhamg gid od ta da tang olin rt nhidu @ rene 1 used 0.0 dB tag (trade diy) QO THER USEFUL EXPRESSIONS CAC THANH NGU THONG DUNG KHAC: 1. It's much larger than I expected. NO lin hom nhidu so w6i toi tutng. 2 Which one do you prefer? Ban thich edé nao hon? 8. Thats more than I want to pay. Céi dé dt titn hom gid toi mudin tré. 4, Willie is more educated than Iam. Willie cd hoe vdn cao hom ti. ~ educated /edsskertel (adj) 06 gio duc, ¢6 hoe van Joan is not ns clever ax her sister. loan Bhdng bho leo 68ng chi cf ta. ain 10. nu. “a 1B 16. They are of the same size. Ching ching cheng mot hich cot They both cost about the same, Ca hat of gid nf wham His hair is just the same color as mine, Mau téc cia anh ta ging nbs tb She looks like her mother. C6 dy trong ging me cd dy. He doesn't look a bit like his brother, Chas tas hong ging an trai mink chat nado cd, Before she had blonde hair. ‘True dy 0b ta 06 mdi tbc miu ving hos. - Blonde Moond! (ad) mau ving hoe He has changed a lot. Anh ta 6 thay di rat nhibe She never used to wear jeans, Tretbe day cf ta Rhéngy baa gid mde quén jean, ~ jeans fésisu/ (a) quéin jean Utisn't like that at all now. Hon git né hon toan bhang gitng nha, In Taipei, I speak Mandarin, whereas in Tainan speak the local dialect. O Bai Bée, ti noi tiing Quan Phoai, nhuing ngutse lad. Ai Nam i6i lpi néi tiéng dja phidong. + dialect Fdustett (n) phutmg ngt, ting dja phusag In their country, tennis is a bit more popular than football. nae a7. 13. 19, 20, 21. 2. 0 dat nutée cite ho, tennis phd bién hon bing dé. Ive probably the most interesting job we've ever had. Déiy ob la la mbt cong vite ly thie nhAt ma ching 1 ting 8. ‘That's the worst film I've ever s DO We 86 phim {8 mhGt mb ti dé ting xem. ‘Your prices are too high. Gia cita ban que eco. I don't think coffee is in any way more tasty than tea, Toi cdr they ct phe chéing ngon fu trix chit ndo ob. ~tasty feisil (ad) ngon, hap din I don't see how you can talk about legends and reallty in the same breath. Toi Rhong hig 1am sao den c6 thé ndi mde rach gitta truyén thuytt v6 hipn thise nbs thé, = Legend Medgem/ (n) truyén thuyeét Nothing can compare with Shakespeare's plays. Khong gh co thé so sinh duge oi nhutng vd hich eda Shakespeare Her scores are comparable with the best. Thies teh etc od ta 06 i890 sdrch ult gut ding nde = seore (skos(ni (a) thamh tich = comparable /‘kumporsbl (ad) 06 thé go sah duve If you compare a ruby and a diamond, the latter is more valuable, aw Néu ben 00 sinh gita héng ngoo vi kim cuong, thi im eutrng cé gid iri hom. ~ ruby Prutil (a) dé bing ngoe ‘There's absolutsly no comparison between synthetic material and germsino lextbor. Hoan toin khéng thé 20 atin gitta nguyen liu hn tao vii da. theibe that, + synthelic (sn'Qeuk/ (adj) nbin tao, téag bgp ~ genuine (asenjun/ (adj) th&t, ehiah Bing leather Petaiey (n) da thuge ‘There's no way driving is better than bicycling. Chidng 06 dit nin cho thdy Idi x2 646 t0t han di-xe do. Manchester isn't « patch on AC Milan. Boi Manchester Khong thdim vio déu khi dem so véi doi AC Mian. - A isn't a patch on B; doi A chéng thaim yao dau so voi doi B In writing, Mike is head and shoulders above tho rest of the class, Vémmbn it, Mike hon hin ote ban con tai rong top. ~ head and shoulders above: tt han si, hen hin si met efi dau 1. For example, Bag CONVERSATION PRACTICE MAU DAM THOAI Ching hen nl... vi dy abu A: He Ukes all Kinds of sports, for example, football, tennis and swimming. Anh ta thich tt ed cde logi thé thao, vi du mhw Béng dé, tennis vi boi Ibi. win Really?/No wonder he locks so energetic! That véy chit? Thilo néo ank ta mak mé nut thé. Orveng 1, energetic lena'dseul/ (ad) mAh lit, dy nhiet huyét, manh me 2. such as, ching han nhu la. A: Some science fiction movies, such as The Matrix, ave really good. Vai 80 phim Khoa hoe vifn tuimg that su rit hay chang haa nue Ia phim Mar Trdin. Br Tquito agree, Deng § hai tay. Ong 1, sefence fletion: tiu thuyét khoa vin tutag 8. For instance. Vidu nhy.. At Nowedays most of the cars are very expensive, Naty nay, hu hét ede loai xe O10 rt dit tin, B: Some fust cars are cheap, a Ford sports car", for Instance. Vai loa xe te 49 eno Ford ching han. Orxmmg 1. sports car: xe 318 thé thao aie ré nhut xo thé thao higu 4. Far more than that, Khong chi nhiing thit 46. A: It seems quite a number of restaurants here serve Korean o Japanese food. O day 05 khéng it nha héing phue ve ede thie an Nt od Han. B: Far more dhan that, French and Italian foods are also popular. Khong chi c6 nhiing mon nay, thite an ¥ va Phip cling rit ph bifi. 5. Toke the case of.. Vidu, ching han... A: What's the weather like in your country now? Bay gto thoi ties 6 dd nuce ban nue thé ndo? Fr It varies from place to place. Take the case of rain in tho Southwest and tho Northeast. The weather is mostly dry and gorgeous! in the Southwest while rainy and cool in Northeast Méi wang kht haw hide nhaw Chdng han, nee 6 vang Tay Nam va Bong Bde, Thai siée chil ye ia thd rio vie rt dep & viing Tey Nam trong khi do ving Dong Bde thi muia nhibu vie lank @ rx veng L. gorgeous /go:dzou (adj) rit tuyét, rit tét 6. Take... for example. ‘Vidy, ching han... At The city is undergoing’ great changes. Take traffic for example, a lot of podestrian® overpasses® have been built. ‘Thanh phé nay dang trdi qua nhiéu thay dBi lin. Chang han ule v2 wioo thing, nhitu chike ctw danh cho Kidch b6 hank dé due xby dung. Br Yes, and all the streets seem so busy. Ving, vd Ini tt ed ete con duang déu rét déng cute. @ rievung 1. undergo /uvda'ga (x) tei qua 2. pedestrian /p1'destrion! (ad) khéich b@ inh, ngudi abd 8. overpass /aova' pay (n) chige efx 7, Let me cite a fow instances. ‘Dé toi lay vai vi du. As Iwonder what hinds of fruit are from the South. Toi khong bit ede loat trai ety néio ed xudt zit tie miéa Nam. Br ‘Thero are a lot. Lot me cite! a few instances: bananas, coconuts’, pineapples’, ect, are all from the South, C6 rit nhidu Dé ti RE ra uti vi du niu chu, dita thom, ddu co xudt xa 2 mién Nar. Gre vung 1. cite Isaw/ (7) ké ra, din chimg 2. coconut /kookanat! (din 3. pineapple /panepl (2) thom wie O OTHER USEFUL EXPRESSIONS CAC THANH NGU THONG DUNG KHAC: Let me give you an example, we usually have black tea, with lemon and sugsr, or with milk. 1 18% cha bon mbt vf du, chiing to thudng uéng ing trie ndi chamh va dung hode [6 véi ait. To give you an example of this, take pop music for instan¢ Ching ta 06 tt lly vi ds, ching haan adut nhge pop, Allow me to cite an example. (Cho phép tai dita ra mOt vi du. You should consider other possibilities, Uke being an administrative assistant, for example. Boot nen cdin nde ode Rad nang Ride, of du wie ero 1y hand chin + arlministrative fod'merstrsav/ (ack) thape v8 hanh chin, quan ly assistant ja'sistont! (n) tro 1¢ Sports like mountaineering are too vigorous for old people. Che indie Us thao mbt Loo nit rét Rade eho regu git - mountaineering /maonts'nior/ (a) Mén Joo ni + vigorous /vgared (adj) eubing trang, Kho mank What about surfing? Is it popular in Taiwan? ‘Mon lute vin #8 no? Co pb bin 8 Bex Loan bing? surfing fsiey (a) min Wut vin ain 7. As an evidence of that, our business in that aren is growing steadily. Lély mgt minh chiing cho dibu dé, cong ty chiing ta Gung dé phe trign rit vieng ehde. + evidence evans! (n) minh ching, ching ott + steadily /'secl/ (adv) vimg che 8. An example of this would be, our market share was over 20% Inst year. LAly mb ul dy, thi phdin ctia ching ta. tang hon 20% 50 vai nam ngodi 9. A welldnowa example is a sclentist's research on the monkey. Mot ul du ndi titag te eupe thi nghiém Khoa hoe tren con Rai. well-known /welnao (adj) nbi tiéng, tr dank 10. Te exemplify what I mean, let us look at some preferential terms, DE mink hoa cho 9 cila ti, chiing ta héy nhin vo nhitng dibue Rhoiin wa dai, > exemplify /g'2emphfay (v) l6y tht dy minh hoa, lam thi dy cho. « preferential Ipeto eof (n) ws di 11, To exemplify this theory, let us do 2 market survey. Léy tht dy mink hoa cho ly thuyét nay, ching to dy Lam int cuge Wado sét thi trina ~ market survey: Khao sét thi teutng oie 12, To illustrate my point let us consider the ratio of overseas demand to the domestic requirement. BB minh hoa elo quam diém tia 1x, ching ta Ray xem «ct Tb nhu elas mibe ng si nhue cu trong nite. illustrate /ilastewv (¥) mink hoa 1 The incrense of the total sales is evidence of that. Suegia ting #8ng doanh thu la mink chiing cho vide db. 14, It follows from that, we must respond to the changing market. Tidp theo diéu do, ching ta phi hudng tng vite thi trating dang they Abi 15. Not only that, the office leasing contract should be provided when making an application. Khong chi nhu thé, hop déng thue vin phdng nén dye die ra: bhi leon. dom. + leasing Hier (adj) eho thu Coit dng sn) contract lsonirekt! (n) hop ding, + application /eph'keifa! (x) dom xin, think edu 16, To make it clearer to you, let us have a look at the back of the computer. Dé cho ban r3 rang hon, chiing ta hay nbn m@t sau ciia chike méy vi tinh nay. 17. You only have to look at the statisties to see that. Ban chi edn nhin 2 lidu théng ke tht $8 hid - atatistica /ata!ustde/ (a) 96 lida thing ké eee 220 (Pai 10 EXPLANATION SU LY GIAT merchandise Passtjondaty (n) hang béa 8. Tlltry to explain that again. Toi od gidi thick mot lén niza. 9. That's not what I meant, Imeant.. Toi hhéng cb 9 dé, 5 ct t8é La. 10. What I'm suggesting is that human nature does not change. ¥ eida tot la ban tink con nguot se khong thay doi. a

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