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Republica Bolivariana de Venezuela Name __________________ _______

Ministerio del Poder Popular para la educacin

U.E.T.I. Manuel Placido Maneiro

Quinto: Ao

Materia : Ingles


Write sentences using the structures be used to

1)Margaret / play / the piano


2) She / go out / with her friends


3) Samuel / not clean / his room


4) Manuel and Peter / do / their homework


5) Mary / eat / healthy food


Rewrite the sentences using the Adverbs of Frequency in parenthesis.

1) She goes to the beach. ( seldom ) ___________________________________________

2) I cook my own food. ( never ) ___________________________________________

3) Samuel puts the trash out.( always) _________________________________________

4) I do the dishes. ( twice a day) ___________________________________

5) I clean my bedroom. ( rarely) ___________________________________

Use the verb in parenthesis to complete with the Present Perfect.

1) She ___________________ (to be ) at the meeting.

2) The boys ________________ (drink ) orange juice.

3) The lady ________________ (write ) the report.

4) Thomas ________________ ( eat ) the dessert.

5) The children ______________ ( read ) the story.

Change to Present Perfect Continuous.

1) You have bothered us since you came. _____________________________________

2) It has rained all day long. ____________________________________________

3) I cried for two hours. ________________________________________

4)She has worked for many years. __________________________________

5) He slept for more than two hours ________________________________

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