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Republica Bolivariana de Venezuela Name __________________ _______

Ministerio del Poder Popular para la educacin

U.E.T.I. Manuel Placido Maneiro

Segundo: Ao

Materia : Ingles


Complete with the following: ( what where when who )

1) ____________ are you from?

2) ____________ is her name?

3) ____________ is he?

4) ____________ is your birthday?

5) ____________ do you live?

Rewrite the sentences using the frequency in parenthesis.

1) My brother goes to the movies. ( occasionally )


2) My sister writes short stories. ( often )


3) My aunt eats junk food.( never )


4) I come to school on time.( always )


5) Nelly dances in her free time. (sometimes)

C hange the sentences to present continuous.

1) Marlon eats hot dog. _________________________________

2) Mary and I walk to school. _________________________________

3) The baby drinks milk. _________________________________

4) We watch the movie. __________________________________

Complete with the verb in parenthesis to form the Past Continuous

1) Peter __________________ ( play ) the guitar.

2) Martha _________________ ( do ) a moth exercise.

3) Andrew _________________ ( rest ) under the tree.

4) The girls _________________ ( drink ) apple juice.

Change the sentences to Past Simple.

1) The boy is in the classroom _________________________________

2) The cat drinks milk. _________________________________

3) I do my homework. _________________________________

4) My father builds a house. _________________________________

5) Tomas finds the address. _________________________________

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