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Republica Bolivariana de Venezuela Name __________________ _______

Ministerio del Poder Popular para la educacin

U.E.T.I. Manuel Placido Maneiro

Cuarto: Ao

Materia : Ingles


Write the Question Tags.

1) Your father is wearing an elegant suit. _________________ ?

2) Mary isnt at school, _______________ ?

3) Manuel and peter arent at the office, ________________ ?

4) You are against drug addition, __________________?

5) The teacher speaks English, _______________ ?

Use the Object Pronouns to substitute the words in parenthesis.

1) He wanted _______________ ( I ) to fix his car.

2) They promise ______________ ( Carlos ) to pay the rent.

3) We allowed _______________ (the boys ) to go out yesterday.

4) You offered ________________ ( my aunt ) to take care of the children.

5) Sandra bought a present for ______________ ( Samuel).

Underline the correct verb.

1) She was ( invite , invited )to the party.

2) The books were ( sent , send ) to the library.

3) The house ( were , was ) destroyed by the fire.

4) The boys ( are , were ) invited to the party Sues mother.

5) Those apples arent ( grown , grew ) in California.

Change to Reported Speech.

1) Nancy : I am very tired .


2) The teacher : You have to pay attention.


3) The boys : We are doing a term test .


4) Carlos : I have a new car .


5) Sandra : My dress is red .


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