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Lyke Ravelry: Puk Vossen

Baby bonnet

every baby heeft een mutsje nodig als the geboren is. Met liefde gemaakt! Dit lieve
mutsje is gehaakt, je start met een cirkelmotief aan de achterkant. Daarna werk je
heen en weer in toeren.
Materiaal: 30 gram Camel Gobi 3 van Fonti (185m/50gr) of 30 gram 100% yak van
Colorways (180m/50gr) Haaknaald 3 mm


Chain six, slip stich to form ring.

Round 1: 3 chain (counts as first dc), 15 dc in the ring, slip stitch in the 3rd
chain from the beginning.
Round 2: 5 chain (counts as 1 dc and 2 chain stitches), (1 dc in the following dc,
2 chain), 15 times, slip stitch in the 3rd chain from the beginning.
Round 3: 6 chain (counts as 1 dc and 3 chain stitches), (1 dc in the following dc,
3 chain), 15 times, slip stitch in the 3rd chain from the beginning.

Round 4: 1 chain, 1 single crochet in same place, 3 single crochet in the first 3
chain space, (1 single crochet in the next one single crochet, 3 single crochet in
the following 3 chain space), 15 times, slip stitch in the first single crochet.
Round 5: 1 chain, 1 single crochet in every single crochet.
Round 6: 2 chain, 1 hdc in every single crochet.
Round 7: 3 chain, 1 dc in each hdc.
Round 8: 3 chain, (1 dc in the following dc, 2 dc in the following dc), repeat this
all the way around.

From now you can not work more in the round, but back and forth:
Toer 9 t/m 17: 3 chain, 72 dc, turn.

Loop edge:
Toer 18: 6 chain (counts as 1 dc en 3 chain), dc in the third dc from the
beginning, (3 chain, Skip 2 dc, dc) repeat to end row.
Toer 19: 1 chain, (1 single crochet, hdc, dc, hdc, single crochet) in each loop to
create a scalloped edge.

Toer 20: 2 sc in space, 2 single crochet in each dc.
Toer 21 t/m 23: 2 chain, half dc in every single crochet.

Close bows:

Rev. 24: Do not invert, but crochet 40 chain at the bottom, turn around and hook
halfdc in every individual. Hdc hook in the cap edge, and at the end again 40
chain, invert, and hdc in every individual. crochet 4 stitchn slip into the bottom
and cut the thread, pull it through the loop and finish the thread path.

Many hook fun!

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