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Science and Meditation *Dr.Kulvinder Singh Bagga K.R.1 College, Mathura **Mrr. Haresh Chaudhary Shri Ji Baba Saraswati Vidya Mandir , Mathura ‘Yoga is the science of life and the art of living. It is the common sense answer to overall physical and mental fitness. Basically Yoga is a system of physical and mental self improvement and final liberation, that people have been using for thousands of Years. Yoga arose in the age of the Vedas and Upanishads. Itis India's oldest scientific, perfect spiritual discipline. Yoga is a method of training the mind and developing its power of subtle perceptions so that man may discover for himself the spiritual truths on which religion, beliefs and moral values finally rest. Itis realization of our hidden powers. ‘Swami Shivananda said, "He who radiates good, divine thoughts does immense good unto himself and to the world also". Yoga is science of life, it offers us simple, easy remedies and techniques and methods of health and hygiene to assure physical and mental fitness with a minimum of time, effort and expense. The Eight Limbs are: 1. Yama :{ The five abstentions) Ahimsa-(non-violence), Satya (Truth, non-lying), Asteya (non-covetousness), Brahmacharya (non-sensuality, celibacy), and Aparigraha (non-possessiveness). 2. Niyama- (The five observances) Shaucha(purity), Santosha(contentment), Tapas (austerity), Svadhyaya (study of the Vedic scriptures to know about God and the soul), and Ishvara-Pranidhana (surrender to God) 3. Asana-Literally means "seat", and in Patanjali's Sutras refers to the seated position used for meditation. 4, Pranayama- (Suspending Breath): Prana, breath, ayama, to restrain or stop. Also interpreted as control of the life force. 5. Pratyahara- (Abstraction): Withdrawal of the sense organs from external objects. 6 Dharana- (Concentration): Fixing the attention on a single object. 7. Dhyana ("Meditation’): intense contemplation of the nature of the object of meditation. 8. Samadhi- ("Liberation"): merging consciousness with the object of meditation “Anywhere outside or inside the body- To fix the mind at any place or spot external or internal to the body is Dharana”. ‘Swami Vivekananda, a master of modern time said- “The greatest help in spiritual life is meditation. in meditation we divest ourselves of all material condition and feel our dive nature. We do not depend upon any external help in meditation”. When a person is not doing anything at all bodily, mentally ie. when all activities have ceased and one simply is, just being fully aware of his existence, that’s what meditation is. In other words, meditation is just to be, not doing anything ~no action, no thought, no emotion. One just is and sheer delights. This delight comes from nowhere or from everywhere and without any causative factors, because existence is made of the stuff called joy. tion in Physiology ‘The yogic regime comprised of yama,niyam,asana,pranayama,dharana,dhayanand Samadhi achieves through continues psychological and physiological practices, a state of emotionally stability and equate mind which are primarily prerequisites for meditation, It will realized that these practices began at the physiological level with proper control of reflexes postures and respiratory function. It then progress through technique of concentration to progressive of higher mental process leading to control the mind. Through proper conditioning by the yogic regimen, several autonomic involuntary function are brought under control. The entire yogic regimen thus seeks to consciously organize and master one’s entire self. ‘What meditation is not: 1. When you concentrate, you constantly project your attention towards a particular task or activity. In meditation, however, you do not project your attention towards a particular task or activities. You just remain aware of the moment without choosing anything to concentrate upon. Concentration is important for learning meditation. It will greatly help you (particularly in the initial phase) in learning mediation. However, it is not Meditation. Read this interesting article which elaborates this topic effectively 2. Itrelaxes you, makes you calm, gives a sense of serenity and rejuvenates you. Meditation also makes you relaxed. But Meditation is not Relaxation When you meditate... its natural outcome is relaxation. Meditation as investigated in renowned and recognized laboratories scientifically: Scientific investigations on individuals practicing meditation have demonstrated exactly opposite effects to those induce by stress, such as: 1. Reduce heart rate and respiratory rate. 2. Reduce blood pressure in the range. 3. Rhythmic and regular respiration. 4, Decreased blood lactate level Deep muscular relaxation as revealed by electromyography. 6. Reduce eye movement as revealed by Electrooculography 7. Vasodilatory effect as reveled by plethysmography. 8. Increased alpha activity, a sign of relaxation, as revealed by electroencephalogram 9. Increased skin resistance, a sign of intensity of result fullness, as revealed by galvanic skin resistance (GSR), Studies have shown that meditation (in particular, research on transcendental meditation a popular form of meditation practice in the west for the past thirty years), can bring about a healthy state of relaxation by causing a generalized reaction in multiple physiological and biochemical markers, such as increased EEG (electron encephalogram) alpha, a brain wave associated with relaxation, The image below shows the results from a baseline scan on the left (Le. at rest) and during a "peak" of meditation shown on the right. SPECT Images at Baseline and During Meditation eee Frontal la Vaca rt ©, SR Er Meditation Scientific Views and Effect of Meditation. 1 Meditation brings the brainwaves alpha rhythm, 2. Atalpha right brain is activated 3. Meditation is a technique to control ones brain activity. 4, Byrelaxing and visualizing the rough meditative procedure, one exercises control over one’s brains by way of Alpha waves. 5. Visualizing and or affirming at Alpha constitute programming for the brain. 6. Programming can annul or cancel unwanted experience/impression, increase sills, and trigger problem solving process. 7. Successful programming can cause the brain to function intuitively and psychically. 8 Meditation causes brain and body changes which re measurable by some modern scientific gadgets, viz electroencephalograph (EEG machine). Polygraph and Evoked potential monitoring equipment. 9. Meditation training helps people to become clairvoyants. A clairvoyant is a person with acute intuitive insight or perception, who is able to perceive ideas, facts or events outside of the ordinary range of human senses BENFIT OF 8-13 CPS (ALPHA): Alpha is replete with the following benefit, Alpha is a source of relief, a source of energy, a source of solutions, and a source of ideas. 4. One can obtain relief from as many discomfort and abnormality 2. Thinking at Alpha level correct one’s own deficiency in attitude, energy, health and pesky feeling. 3. Alpha level is one’s own control switch to remain in a state of harmony. 4, At Alpha one gets more peaceful and free from worrying thoughts. 5. Alpha automatically disconnects the cause of headache, which is Beta related. 6. Minutes’ spent in Alpha are not minute wasted. These are most valuable minutes of the day. 7. Alpha leveliis half-way to sleep. Deep sleep is Delta (1-4 cps). To go from an awake Beta state (20 cps) to a sleep state one has to pass through Alpha, 8. Alpha level insulates the mind from the stress factor redial Mvwaien hea pt AWS \n WA\oyv\r\\ \Wwyyvi\ \\ Be

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