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--------------------------------LENOVO THINKPAD X200 TABLET - BIOS


1.)Use a usb stick and do a format as FAT from windows.

(I use 1gb stick)

2.)Run WINCRIS.EXE select your formated usb stick Click the "Start" button whait
and a message come and say to "Remove your stick
and reconect" So remove the stick click "OK" to the window (do not close the
WINCRIS.EXE and dont click anything else) and reconect.
Afer choose "YES" in the windows say "Do you whant to format onother crisis disk?"
and click again the "Start" button.
(This is to make sure we update the CRISBOOT.BIN in usb boot sector. For me works
like that.)
(If WINCRIS.EXE doesnt run and give an error try to run it in compatibility mod)

3.)Remove your stick and reconect, copy in the stick the

and finaly your bios with name: bios.wph.

Bios.wph include in the zip is for Lenovo thinkpad x200

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