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package PROBLEM_2;

import java.util.*;//Class Scanner

public class Program_2 {

public static void main(String[] args) {

// TODO Auto-generated method stub
//local declarations
int months;
double interest;
double monthlyInterest;
double loanAmount;

//create a scanner object

Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
//prompt the user to enter the Loan Amount
System.out.println("Loan amount ");
loanAmount = sc.nextDouble();

//Check the loan amount

while (loanAmount<0){
System.out.println("Enter postive loan amount");
loanAmount = sc.nextDouble();

//prompt the user to enter the number of months

System.out.println("Number of Months");
months= sc.nextInt();

//Check number of months

while (months<=0){
System.out.println("Enter postive amounts of
months = sc.nextInt();
//prompt the user to enter the Annual interest rate
System.out.println("Annual Interest rate");
interest = sc.nextDouble();

//Check Annual Interest Rate

while (interest <=0) {
System.out.println("Enter a postive interest rate");
interest = sc.nextDouble();

System.out.printf("Loan amount: %6.2f - Loan Period: %2d

months - Annual Interest Rate: %6.2f \n",loanAmount, months,
//turn the annual interest to monthly interest
monthlyInterest = (interest/100)/12;
double monthlypayment = loanAmount
*((monthlyInterest)/(1-Math.pow((1+monthlyInterest), (-1*months))));
double totalPayment = monthlypayment * months;
double totalInterest = totalPayment - loanAmount;
System.out.printf("Total Payment and Total Interest: %8.2f
%8.2f",totalPayment, totalInterest);

}//End of Main

}//End of Program_2

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