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Jack Saba Japanese B1 Morning August 30, 2015

Japan Research Project

Japan is an island nation located next to the Koreas, China, and Russia. Japan has a mostly
temperate climate, though it can vary depending on where in the country, such as the Okinawa
prefectures tropical climate or Hokkaidos continental climate. Japan also receives a lot of
rainfall, especially in its coastal areas. This leads to a very vibrant environment with a wide
variety of plant and animal life that lives along its mountainous landscape.

As of 2016 Japan has a population of 126,323,715, making it the 11th most populous nation in
the world. Its population combined with its size makes it the 37th most population dense
country in the world, though its birth rate and population are declining at an abnormal rate.

Japan has a relatively conservative culture, with influence coming from various religions and
philosophies such as Buddhism, Confucianism, and Shinto, the islands native religion. While
religion plays an important part in the Japanese way of life its society is secular, with religion
being its cultural backbone. These customs fuse with western influence to creating a unique
fusion of modernity and tradition.

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