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50% Discount on Water, Electric and Telephone Bills

for Private-Owned Charities


The amount paid for utilities by public or government-operated charities are 50% less
than the real amount charged upon them. A proposal is presented to include the utility bills of
privately-owned charities in the city. For the benefit of those under the custody of a private
charity and the owner of such, this is issue is relevant to both in terms of improving and
supporting the deeds and needs of said establishments. This paper gives a brief description of
some policy reform proposals on a city level regarding the 50% discount on utility bills for
privately-owned charities.


The transformations in political and social situations result in different ways. There is a
considerable development in the number of charitable institutions aiming to help victims of
different crimes or natural consequence. Nehemiah Foundation is a charitable institution
privately-owned which adopts little girls that had been sexually abused. As of today, there are 20
girls under their custody.

Since Nehemiah Foundation is a private institution, receiving no subsidiary from the

government, there is a great possibility in ceasing their good-hearted operation. The aim of this
proposal is to help private charities by way of reducing their utility bills to 50%. Utility bills are
the main problems most residents experience during end month. How much more those children
who depend on such institutions?


The objectives of this proposal are:

The inclusion of private-owned charities of some benefits enjoyed by public ones; and
Subsidizing private-owned charities in basic needs.
Key Issues

The need to help private charitable institutions is essential to continue their good deed
operations. Of course, we have to look into the legality of their operations and to the extent on
the help the government should give.

There is a valid classification between a public and private charitable institution.

However, there are also certain things, we believe, that should not be classified between them.
This includes the proposal to cut down 50% of the utility bills of private charitable institutions
such as Nehemiah, whose purpose is only to help and give shelter to sexually-abused little girls.
This is only fair and just because we believe that the government should not only subsidize
public charitable institutions but as well as WORTHY private ones.

Proposed Actions

Budget Allocation- A budget should be planned by the city government of Cagayan de

Oro in order to support or subsidize the 50% discount on utility bills.
Distinguish Worthy Private Charitable Institutions- The government should be able to
separate those private charities that needs to be assisted. Criteria must be met in order to
ensure a partial and fair segregation.

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