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The Great Indian


Swati Kumar
Chapter 1

t is said that there is never a girl born who ever

I grew older than eighteen at heart. The vibrancy,
excitement, free spirit and effervescence are timeless
qualities of youth and they never truly fade away. They
just sit somewhere in silence, waiting to be stirred
occasionally. The shroud that covers this free spirit is
woven by complex threads of society. But deep inside,
that eighteen year old is hiding, trying to come up every
now and then.
She inhaled the crisp October air, turned her face
towards the morning sun as she closed her eyes. She
loved the game of hide and seek that the sun and
clouds were playing this morning, and soaked herself in
the coolness brought by these early morning showers.
Now she could feel the soft sunlight on her face and
cool breeze brushing against her long hair. She took a
deep breath again, slowly opened her big kohl-lined
eyes and whispered softly to herself, Summer will end
soon enough, and childhood as well. A quote from her
favorite book, A Game of Thrones.
As she started to walk with light steps towards the
Chairmans office, admiring the greenery of the small
The Great Indian Dilemma

lawn next to the corridor, she felt the freshness of her

surroundings. Air was purified by the early-morning
post-monsoon shower and everything appeared freshly
bathed. She thought to herself that it will rain again,
and slowly looked up towards the sky to validate her
At twenty-seven, she was an independent girl a
doctor pursuing her MD in pediatrics. Her requirements
were few and her life revolved around the timings
of her shift, her favorite pastime books and few good
friends. She looked forward to these changing moods of
Mother Nature and always took few moments out to
admire the change. I am getting late, I must hurry
now. She thought, while adjusting her multicolored
bandhini scarf and tucking it inside her white coat.
Sarojini Naidu Medical College or SNMC, as it
was popularly called among her friends is one of the
oldest and premier schools of medicine in India. It is
located in Agra, a city famous for the Taj Mahal. Today,
the Head of the Department, Pediatrics, was supposed
to make an important announcement and there was a
wave of excitement among her colleagues regarding it.
She rushed to the office, checking her wristwatch when
her mobile phone buzzed.
Where are you, Aara? Gupta sir is here, her friend
Geetika whispered hurriedly.
I am just around the corner, Geetu. Dont worry I am
almost there, she said calmly and kept the phone back
in her pocket. How different Geetu is from me. She
smiled, thinking about her impulsive and energetic best
friend. As she bent forward to open the door of Dr
Guptas office, she immediately realized that she was late.

Chapter 1
A hush fell over the crowd of students and faculty as a
deep voice boomed across the hall, This is an invitation
for International Conference on Pediatric Infectious
Disease and all those who are interested can choose
their topic for presentation. Dr Gupta, Head of
Department of Pediatrics, was a tall, bald respectable
gentleman of fifty-six. He paused and looked at the
excited faces of everyone gathered.
Thank God, I made it on time. Aara thought to
herself, as she found a place in the corner and smiled at
Geetika standing far ahead.
When is it sir? asked one of her colleagues.
February, 2006. That is three months from now.
Professor Gupta replied patiently.
What is the selection criteria, sir?, someone asked.
Only four papers will be chosen for presentation, so
work hard. Professor Gupta explained in his short-
and-simple manner.
Who will sponsor the trip? Another question came
You will represent us and we will give you discount
on registration fee, air tickets and stay in a hostel.
Everything else is to be taken care by yourself. But
let me assure you, this is an excellent opportunity for
exposure. Professor Gupta waited for another question.
What is the duration of this conference, sir? And
what will be the highlights?
It is a three-day conference which includes child
healthcare workshops, symposiums, special keynote
sessions conducted by eminent and renowned speakers
who excel in the field of pediatrics. You can be there
a few days in advance if you wish to attend some
pre-conference meetings and lectures.
The Great Indian Dilemma

Professor Gupta paused for a moment and then

continued in his baritone.
The active participation of young student researchers
is also encouraged, as they are hosting various award
competitions and Young Researchers Forum at the
conference venue.
A ripple of excitement ran among those gathered and
they started to speak all at once.
Alright now, I gather that I have satisfactorily
answered all your questions. For any further queries,
your respective supervisors can be contacted. All the
best. With this, Professor Gupta took his leave as
young doctors started chatting among themselves.

Wow! This is some news. Geetika spoke excitedly
during lunch. But sadly, I will not be able to participate
as I am getting married soon.
Ahaan! So marriage will mean the end of career for
you! Aara winked as Geetika glared at her.
Okay, okay! She smiled affectionately at her friend,
as other friends sharing the table with them giggled at
Geetikas reaction.
On a serious note, only best four papers will be
selected. This means interested candidates really have to
work hard, Aara made an observation.
Then you all must start working on it right away.
Contact your supervisors before leaving for the day
and try to work out on a topic of your choice, advised
Sure, Geetu, this is what I am planning to do. They
will give us time till mid-December to submit our paper
for selection. Aara observed as others nodded in
agreement. There was a brief pause before she changed
Chapter 1
the topic, Will try to leave for Mariams wedding early
today. Missed all her other wedding functions. Are you
coming for the wedding tonight, Geetu?
Oh! Aara, the venue is too far and it will be difficult
to reach there from our hostel. So, no, I will not be
attending her wedding. Geetika sighed.
Distances are not much in Agra, Geetu. Please try to
come. Lets go now as both of us are running late. She
picked up her sling bag while saying so.
The announcement made by the HOD today was on
her mind and the idea had started to appeal to her.
There was an hour more to go before her shift ended
and she started to walk towards her ward thinking
about the announcement.
Submitting a paper will mean extra hard work,
Geetu, Aara observed.
Yes, but then if it gets selected, it will mean extra
reward as well Geetika smiled and stopped to wave at
her fianc Karan.
Karan, senior to them by two years, had just
completed his MD in Radiology and was working for
a hospital in the city. He looked handsome in blue
denims and a black tshirt. He was speaking to someone
on his phone.
Here you go! Aara smiled, gently nudging Geetika
in his direction.
Hi! Aara, come and join us Karan waved in her
direction while ending his call.
Later. In the meantime, you take care of my friend.
Aara giggled as she continued on her way to the ward.
She liked Karan and his down-to-earth mannerisms
and was happy for her friend Geetika, whose vibrant
and dynamic personality was complemented by his
calm and balanced attitude. She started to hum the
latest Bollywood hit on her way to the ward. Life, after
all, was beautiful.

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