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Good evening teacher, good evening classmates.

Today, I will talk about The mermaid

In the world there are many stories, legends and unsolved mysteries, but today I will talk about an unsolved mystery
is "The Sirens"...

Sirens are creatures that half of your body is a beautiful woman and half a fish tail. They have a melodious voice that
attracts sailors. The origin of this mystery begins in Greek mythology, the Middle East, Ireland, Scotland and China.

There are many theories, but the most famous are...

- The wrath of the goddess Venus, this theory is about...

When Derceto offended Venus, the goddess of love, Venus made her fall in love with a shepherd. The love between
a woman and the pastor, was born a girl, Seminaris, but the punishment of the goddess was this love was over after
she was born. Derceto, shattered by grief, decided to go to sea and was there when the gods decided to turn it into
siren to prevent his death. From this there were sirens.

- Extraterrestrial intervention...

This theory says that the sirens do exist and they are the product of a genetic experiment of aliens, which is mixed
with our DNA or theirs and marine species.

- Hallucinations sailors

In my opinion hallucinations were only sailors, they could stay long in the sun, or perhaps have taken a lot of alcohol
and have confused some marine animals with these creatures,

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