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sarro17 English Grammar | LeamEnglsh | Briish Counc! | ing forms. Espafiol ’ We can use the -ing form of the verb: + asa noun: Hove swimming. Swimming is very good for your health. You can get fit by swimming regularly. -ing nouns are nearly always uncount nouns # as an adjective: The main problem today is rising prices. That programme was really boring. He saw a woman lying on the floor. Because the -ing noun or adjective is formed from a verb it can have any of the patterns which follow a verb, for example: «= object: like playing tennis. Can you imagine living on the moon? =... or an adverbial: You can earn a lot of money by working hard. There were several people waiting for the bus. «ora clause: Theard someone saying that. The -ing noun can be used: # as the subject of a verb: Learning English is not easy. # as the object of a verb: We enjoy learning English. Common verbs followed by an -ing object are: hitps:learenglish,brtisncouncl.orgles/engish-grammarverbsting-orms 18 sarro17 English Grammar | LeamEnglsh | Briish Counc! | ing forms. admit like hate start avoid suggest enjoy dislike begin finish «= as the object of a preposition Some people are not interested in learning English. The -ing adjective can come: « in front of a noun: Iread an interesting article in the newspaper today. We saw a really exciting match on Sunday. The commonest —ing adjectives used in front of the noun are amusing interesting worrying shocking | disappointing tiring annoying after a noun: Who is that man standing over there? The boy talking to Angela is her younger brother. « and especially after verbs like see, watch, hear, smelletc. | heard someone playing the piano. | can smell something burning, https://gami or ringHoriz hitps:learenglish.brtisncouncl.orgles/engish-grammarverbsting-orms 218 sarr2017 English Grammar | LearnEnglsh | British Counc | ing forms Verbs - ing forms Reorder the words to make correct sentences. 10 items remaining, 3 3 surprising” He ” made” arather 3 remark. <> Finish — Try Again Comments hitps:learenglish.brtisncouncl.orgles/engish-grammarverbsting-orms 318 sarr2017 A Keke relecon 2A 2017-170Spn sss (/ES/COMMENT/109456#COMMEN. A hitps:learnenglish,brtisneouncl.orgles/english-grammariverbsing English Grammar | LearnEnglsh | British Counc | ing forms replied on 21 April 2017 22:51 Burma craw ES/COMMENT/109421#COMMEN: ‘Aung BoBo 109421) Hello Kirk. Many thanks for your comment, | wrote first two sentences are only for example.You can, assume that Playing football is the best sport as you stated It is no matter My intention is playing football or football playing which one is better usage and why.Ifit is different.let me know why for difference between two words Playing football and Football playing. itis same,explain me the reason for being same. Best regards ‘Aung BoBo 109456) Hello Aung BoBo, The normal and correct word order is "playing football It might help to think of it this way: ‘playing! is lke a verb and football is the object of the verb, Although people would understand ‘football playing’, itis not correct. All the best, Kirk The LearnEnglish Team Aung BoBo replied on 21 April 2017 - 05:19 Burma vesuaunx (/ES/COMMENT/109388#COMMENT- 109388) Playing football is the best playing, Football playing is the best playing.What should | write playing football or 48 sarr2017 English Grammar | LearnEnglsh | British Counc | ing forms football playing?Let me know which one is used for what with grammartically, w Kirk replied on 21 Apri 2017 - 0938 Spain puma VES/COMMENT/109395#COMMENT- 109395 Hello Aung BoBo, "Playing football’ is the normal order. I'm afraid | don't completely understand your sentence, however - the word ‘playing’ at the end confuses me. Do you mean Playing football is the best sport? If you can explain ita bit, we can help you choose another word. All the best, kirk The LearnEnglish Team aA Khanh Vu cepted on 10 April 2017 15:42 Vietnam seas (/ES/COMMENT/109080#COMMENT: 109080) Hi, | have a sentence here “Talk to it, calling it by name, when it show up" | wonder why they used "calling" instead of "call" and what is that structure ? thank you very much hitps:learenglish.brtisncouncl.orgles/engish-grammarverbsting-orms 58 sarr2017 English Grammar | LearnEnglsh | British Counc | ing forms replied on 10 April, 2017 - 16:01 Spain peausuni (/ES/COMMENT/109082#COMMENT- Kirk 109082) Hello Khanh Vu, In this sentence, clause Chttps://learnenalish,britishcounciLora/en/ quick-grammar/participle-clauses) (the -ing form is a present participle here). It has an adverbial function here, since it describes how to talk to ‘it’ All the best, Kirk The LearnEnglish Team alling it by name' is a participle aA David Reis replied on 6 Apri, 2017 - 16:12 Peru venus /ES/COMMENT/108994#COMMENT-108994 In the sentence: ‘You will pass the exam by studying a lot and doing all the activities, What's the ing rule there? Is it possible to omit the "by"? Thanks in advance: (/ES/COMMENT/109023#COMMEN’ 109023) Hello David Reis, 'By' is necessary here if you want to say that studying is the method for passing the exam. You can remove by’, grammatically speaking, but the meaning is. different. If we have this sentence hitps:learenglish,brtisneouncl.orgles/english-grammariverbsting 68 sarr2017 English Grammar | LearnEnglsh | British Counc | ing forms You will pass the exam studying a lot and doing all the activities, then we are not saying that one action causes another but simply that they happen at the same time, This would be an example of a participle clause/phrase and vou can read more about these constructions here ( quick-grammar/participle-clauses, Best wishes, Peter The LearnEnglish Team Sees ajar sembodo replied on 6 Apri, 2017 - 08:42 Indonesia etavunx /ES/COMMENT/108912#COMMEN 108912) hello ihave a question, i have the sentence "scored for my family” is scored a noun, an adjective, or a verb? im so confused but hopefully you can help me to clear this sentence. thanks aA David Reis. replied on 8 Api, 2017-1552 ory sun (/ES/COMMENT/108993#COMMEN’ 108993; Scored is a verb in this case. It's in the past simple form. The noun is "a goal" which you omited . So you could say "| scored a goal for my family." hitps:eamengiish.brtisneounclorglesiengish-grammarverbsting-orms 718 English Grammar | LearnEnglsh | British Counc | ing forms sarr2017 Normally before a noun you have an article (the, a/an), For example. The score is 2 x 1. (the score is a oun) rms of Use Accessibilty Privacy and Cookies F information Mapa del sitio jently asked questions House rules s © British Council ‘The United Kingdom's international organisation for cultural relations and educational opportunities. A registered charity; 209131 (England and Wales) $C037733 (Scotland). IcP#: 10044692 hitps:learenglish.brtisncounci.orglesiengish-grammariverbsing forms

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