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Content-Based Lesson Plan

Unit: Les Relations et Les Rfugis

Lesson #: 3 Author: Libby Mahoney

Grade: 11 Proficiency level: Novice Mid/high

ACTFL Standards met: 1.1 1.2 1.3 2.1 2.2 3.1 3.2 4.1 4.2 5.1 5.2

Content Standards met:

WG.5.1 Describe and classify reasons for human migration in terms of push or pull factors to determine the
changes and similarities in these factors over time

Lesson Objectives

What will learners be able to do with what they know by the end of this lesson?

Language Objectives

Do Know
can do statements knowledge they identify (you can list)

Students will be able to. Students will know...

Use the present tense to describe the The difference between an immigrant
difference between a refugee and an and a refugee
immigrant using regular and irregular Where refugees come from and what
present tense verbs. countries they go to

Content Objectives
Students will be able to identify where refugees come from in the world and where they go

Culture Objectives (if any)

Learning Strategies (if any)


Formative Assessments Mode of Communication

SW watch the 1jour1actu video and identify Interpretive

differences between immigrants and migrants

SW analyse the infographic on refugees to find interpretive

out where refugees are coming from and what
countries they are going to

Class discussion sw discuss thoughts on where interpersonal

refugees come from and where they go at the
beginning of the class and again at the end


Opening Learning Activity Hook: Discussion, I will ask students Cest quoi un rfugi? Do
viennent les rfugis? Est-ce que les rfugis sont seulement les gens qui fuient leur pays cause de
la violence?
Learning Activity 1. 1jour1actu video

Avant de regarder le clip lisez les phrases sur la feuille pour savoir quelle chose il faut couter. Indiquez
si chaque phrase dcrit un rfugi ou un migrant. Puis vous allez dcrire, dans vos propres mots, un
rfugi et un migrant.
Learning Activity 2. Refugee Infographic
format/infographie-un-monde-de-refugies - &gid=1&pid=1
En regardant linfographie sur les rfugis du monde rpondez aux questions sur les chiffres. Est-ce
que les rfugis viennent des pays que vous avez pens au dbut? O est-ce quils vont?
Learning Activity 3. Dual Entry Journal (now and later) students will answer questions about what
they think refugees might worry about when they leave their country, when they arrive in a new
country, how refugees might feel and who helps refugees. We will come back to this at a later date
and they will add to their thoughts after we have read different personal accounts and learned more
about the refugees around the world. Students will also do some self-assessing at the end of this
journal on their language ability based on what we will be doing in this unit. This will also be returned
to at a later date.
Closing Learning Activity
Class discussion on their journals and their initial thoughts on what theyve learned about refugees.
Est-ce que les refugees viennent des mme pays que vous pensiez avant? Que pensez-vous sont les
soucis les plus importants des rfugis?

*make your list of activities detailed enough that I could teach your lesson for you. Include
estimated times for each activity. Script out your teaching as much as possible.

Resources listed above

Whiteboard (to write notes from class discussion)

Cest quoi un rfugi?

Le Vocabulaire Utile

Fuir/senfuir to flee Foyer home Craindre to fear Asile asylum


1. Quelle est la diffrence entre un rfugi et un migrant?

Rfugi Migrant

Quelquun qui quitte son foyer volontairement pour une

autre place.

Quelquun qui fuit son pays dorigine.

Quelquun qui fuit son pays dorigine cause de ses ides

politiques ou la guerre.

Quelquun qui craint dtre perscut

Une personne qui veut trouver plus de succs conomique

dans un autre pays.

Une personne qui na pas de choix.

2. Dans tes propres mots dcris un rfugi

3. Dans tes propres mots dcris un migrant/un immigr

4. Do viennent les rfugis dans le monde ? (Qui fuit son pays ?)


5. O vont les rfugis dans le monde ? (Auxquels pays vont ces personnes ?)


6. Combien de rfugis sont en Turquie ?


7. Combien de rfugis sont en Iran?


8. Combien de rfugis sont de Syrie?


9. Aprs le Syrie quel pays a le plus de rfugis qui ont fui leur pays ?


10. Y a-t-il combien de personnes dplaces dans le monde ?


11. Selon linfographie, quest-ce qui se passe dans les tats soudanais ?

Que penses-tu ?

Au Dbut Plus Tard

1. Que penses-tu sont les soucis les plus grands des rfugis quand ils quittent leur pays ?

2. Que penses-tu sont les soucis les plus grands des rfugis quand ils arrivent dans un autre pays ?

3. Si tu tais un rfugi comment sentirais-tu ? Rpondez en utilisant les expressions avec avoir et faire !

4. Qui aide les rfugis ?

Directions : Cochez la description qui te dcrit le mieux. On va le faire deux fois, au dbut et la fin de lunit

Au Dbut Plus Tard

I can explain the difference between a refugee and an immigrant.

I can do this well I can do this somewhat This is a goal I can do this well I can do this somewhat This is a goal

I can name some of the main reasons why refugees seek resettlement in new countries.

I can do this well I can do this somewhat This is a goal I can do this well I can do this somewhat This is a goal

I can use the conditional to say how I would feel or what I would do.
I can do this well I can do this somewhat This is a goal I can do this well I can do this somewhat This is a goal

I can use the present and/or the conditional tense(s) to describe challenges to family and relationships that
refugees might face.
I can do this well I can do this somewhat This is a goal I can do this well I can do this somewhat This is a goal

I can use the present tense to explain some of the reasons behind the conflict in Syria.

I can do this well I can do this somewhat This is a goal I can do this well I can do this somewhat This is a goal

I can discuss reasons why the Acadians came to Louisiana.

I can do this well I can do this somewhat This is a goal I can do this well I can do this somewhat This is a goal

I can use the pass compos and imparfait to describe the main events of what happened in a news article.

I can do this well I can do this somewhat This is a goal I can do this well I can do this somewhat This is a goal

I can use interrogative words and phrases with the conditional to discuss what it would be like to be
a refugee.
I can do this well I can do this somewhat This is a goal I can do this well I can do this somewhat This is a goal

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