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Uk true crime

Episode 1

On Thursday January 14th, 2016 Sadie Holdie a 60 year old mother of two spend the day at work,
she arrive at time in the early afternoon and then settled off a locals tables, later that evening
after returning home alone there was a knock at the door, the scene unfolded they seemly randing
night show was a target to deffet to end Saidys life is anyone we see behind the curtain we begin
to discovered the transgression of someone closes to her was a trigger for this tragic event.

Sadie Catherin Holdie or Saidy Catherin cook as she was previously known was born to parents
olive and rolling cook in 1955 she was raise down housing state and never come out her town
fame for the new castle in the north of England, a father a lorry driver and mother a housewife
raise Saidy the 3rd to 7 children with strong work ethic she attended lilins grammar school follow
by bright politecnic and graduated with a degree in microbiology both chemistry, after university
she went to sitio work at jonshon, a jonshon and jonshon pharmaceutical company

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