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English V



Account #
Module VII Homework

1A Correct one mistake in four the sentences 1-6 Be careful! Two have no mistakes

1. Its a totally depressing movie about a young family that loses everything.
2. I get exciting at Christmas I love all the food and the decorations.
3. Jane is feeling very stressful because she has a job interview tomorrow.
4. She has been going to the sauna and now she feels totally relaxing.
5. They cant even think about cooking dinner because they re totally exhausted.
6. The baseball game was a little bit bored. Nothing happens for hours.

1B Complete 1-5 with the -ed or -ing form of the word in parentheses.

1. I have a three-month-old. Im amazed how much she cries!

2. That was the most terrifying flight I have ever been on!
3. When he finished the race, he was so tired that he collapsed.
4. Do you turn red easily when you are embarrassing?
5. She read my work and said it was surprising. Is that good or bad?

2A Make it PERSONAL Math 1-6 to a-f make second conditional sentences, In pairs, answer the
three questions.

1. If you saw a crime. (b)

2. If Ellen had long hair. (c)
3. If I found out my partner was cheating. (e)
4. If you could time travel. (a)
5. What would you do. (f)
6. If she didnt want to go out with you. (d)

2B Make full second conditional questions with the prompts in 1-5

1. What you do, if you miss flight?

2. How much you give away, if you win the lottery?
3. Would you read partners e-mail, if you think they be cheating?
4. Who you be if you can be any professional sportsperson?
5. Where you like to live, if you not live here?

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