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Introducing Yourself

(Presentndose a los dems)

REINALDO: Hello. My name's Reinaldo. What's your name?

LEONARDO: My name is Leonardo.
REINALDO: Where are you from Leo?
LEONARDO: I'm from Hualqui. Where are you from?
REINALDO: I'm from New Zealand.
LEONARDO: Are you Chilean?
REINALDO: Yes, I am. Are you Chilean too?

Key Vocabulary (PALABRAS CLAVES)

My name is...
What's (is) your name ...
Where are you from?
I'm from... Are you (Chilean, Spanish, American, German, New Zealander, etc.)

Hello and Goodbye - Three Short Conversations

(tres conversaciones cortas)


FRAN: Hello, Leonardo. How are you?

LEONARDO: Fine, thanks. How are you?
FRAN: I'm fine, thank you.


LEONARDO: Goodbye, Janet. See you tomorrow!

JANET: Bye bye, Leonardo. Have a nice evening (que descanses).
LEONARDO: Thanks, you too!
JANET: Thanks.
Key Vocabulary

Hello... How are you?

I'm fine, - OK, - well, thank you
Goodbye, - bye bye
See you tomorrow (nos vemos maana)
Have a nice evening, - day

Teacher: Reinaldo Pinto Leiva

Student: Leonardo Colip

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